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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(16)
Author: Erin McCarthy

That made her rollher eyes. "Oh, right. Like Ethan, a married man, would just scoop up my vibrator."

"Maybe he didn’t know what it was," Seamus said, but he was lying. Cara could tell by the way his eyes darted off her and onto Fritz.

"How old is Ethan?"

"Nine hundred and something."

Jesus. That almost sidetracked Cara. But she managed to give Seamus another glare. "Then he knows what it is, give me a break. And just admit it. You put it in here to piss me off."

"I did not put it in there," he said, his voice rising in anger. "But if it had been me, I wouldn’t have packed it to piss you off. I would have packed it because it’s damn hot to picture you using it on yourself."

Cara was sorry she’d brought it up. Because now they were staring at each other, both angry, both breathing hard, Seamus looking hot and bothered, Cara feeling hot and bothered. She would not picture lying on Seamus’s bed, moaning in pleasure, legs spread, Seamus standing at the bottom of the bed watching her, his eyes dark, erection thick.

"Cara I can see your thoughts," Seamus said, his words trailing off into a groan.

"Shit! Stop doing that." She buried her face in her hands and rubbed hard, like that would erase the mental image of her going to town with Seamus as an audience. The burn in her stomach grew stronger. "Well, just so you know, I had it out because I was cleaning my dresser drawers, reorganizing. I don’tneed it."

"Okay," he said, but he didn’t look like he believed her. "It’s none of mybusiness, you don’t have to explain yourself to me."

"Exactly."She shoved the vibrator in an outside pocket on the suitcase so she wouldn’t have to look at it. When she saw it alongside Seamus, it made her want to rethink her whole no-men philosophy.Being with him seemed so much more appealing than a date with a jelly vibe. And that was very dangerous thinking.

"And even if I was attracted to you and did want to watch you satisfying yourself—not that I’m saying I am—it wouldn’t be a good idea to act on that feeling."

"Right."She thought. Cara rubbed her stomach. That burning was getting worse. It felt like an ulcer was forming and spreading right as she was sitting there.

"Hungry?" he asked, standing up. Seamus clapped his hands and both Fritz and Button bounded toward the bedroom door and out into the living room. He closed the door shut behind them.

"I don’t know." Was that hunger? It felt more like pain.Growing more vivid and agonizing with each passing second.

Seamus lifted his wrist to his mouth and slashed his skin open with his teeth. Immediately Cara smelled the blood, warm and vital, and her stomach cramped convulsively. "Yes, I think I’m hungry."Ravenous.

"We’ll let you feed, then we’ll discuss what you need to know about being a vampire."

"So that I can go home."Her eyes locked onto the beads of blood flowing from Seamus’s wrist, trickling across his skin like a robust red wine. It looked delicious. It smelled even better. Cara licked her lips and swallowed hard, fighting the urge to leap up and cover it with her mouth.

"Yes, so you can home. I don’t want to keep you here either, Cara. You are a distraction for me." Seamus sat back down on the bed and flexed his fist several times. "Come sit with me."

He didn’t have to ask her twice, especially now that the blood was flowing freely, all down to his elbow, and pooling in a delicious little puddle above his palm.

She walked toward him. "Why am I a distraction to you?"

Seamus took her hand and turned her around so she was facing away from him. "Sit right here, in front of me, inside my legs."

Nostrils flaring, Cara did what he asked, settlingherself between his thighs on the edge of the bed, staring at the closet. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, her body excited and alive and desperate all at once.

"You’re a distraction because I am attracted to you. I have a personal policy of staying the hell away from women, and each minute I’m with you, you test that resolve."And as if to prove that point, he ran his lips along her temple, slipping his left hand around her waist, gently stroking.

"I have a personal policy to stay away from men." Cara turned toward his wrist. "And you’re testing my resolve, too." Seamus put his bloody flesh on her lips and Cara licked through the fluid.

"Then we should definitely concentrate on getting you ready to go home," he said, even as his fingers trailed down between her thighs and stroked across the front of her jeans.

"Absolutely."The blood still tasted disgusting to her, but her body needed it, in a way that made the taste irrelevant. She sucked and swallowed, closing her eyes in pleasure. "Oh," she moaned. "That feels better."

"Good," Seamus whispered into her ear. He popped the button on her jeans while she drank from him, and his hand slipped between her panties and jeans to cup her, his touch hot and firm.

Damn, that was good. She never thought to stop his touch, to push him away. She wanted the sensation of his stroking her, welcomed his touch, the way it added to the pleasure of the blood, the hot need pulsing and spiraling higher and higher.

Cara drank harder, testing her new fangs by puncturing Sea- mus’sflesh herself. He gave a groan of surprised pleasure. Cara leaned back, her backside bumping against his erection. She started a rocking rhythm, bumping back to hit his body, thrusting forward to put pressure from his hand on her. She gripped his arm with her fingers and sucked harder still, drinking faster, her excitement rising like helium, inflating her from the inside.

Seamus yanked her panties aside and slid his finger across her wet heat. They both moaned. He started thrusting forward when she would bump back, so they were colliding together violently, mimicking sex,sending shivers of arousal throughout her body.

"You like to feed from me, don’t you?" he asked, dipping his finger down into her, then pulling it back, slippery and elusive as it teased around her clitoris.

She nodded, not wanting to take her mouth off his flesh. Wiggling to try and force his finger where she wanted it, she felt herself careening closer and closer to explosion. He was barely doing anything, but every inch of her was zinging with pleasure, tense with desire, and the quest for violent satisfaction.

Stroking in her faster and faster, thrusting against her, Seamus buried his lips along the back of her neck, pushing her hair out of the way with his mouth. When he bit her, teeth sinking into her flesh unexpectedly, sharp and powerful, Cara broke her own hold on his wrist long enough to suck in a shocked breath.
