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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(17)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Then she came in a rip-roaring orgasm that would have sent her shooting to the floor if his hand wasn’t holding her in place, his teeth firmly buried inside her neck.

The shocking spasms rocked out from the center of her body, drenching her in ecstasy as Seamus pushed inside her with a finger, and pulled out of her with his fangs. She swallowed the blood in her mouth, accidentally biting her lip in her excitement.

"Oh, my."Wiping at her lips, Cara rocked one last time against Seamus. "I thought you said that doesn’t happen every time."

"It doesn’t."

"Oh." She thought about that for a second, her body reacting to the blood, her energy kicking up, her limbs tingling. Shoving her hair back, she closed her eyes against the light-headedness the orgasm had given her. Her brain was scattered, but when she pulled it together, she realized something. "So "

"That means we have a problem."

His erection snugly between her cheeks, hand still down her pants, Cara knew he was right. If she did this every time she drank blood around Seamus, she could forget about her independence. She’d morph into his love slave, begging him for more while offering to do his laundry. She would pout when he was late, feel jealousy when he glanced at other women, and would constantly worry about her weight. In short, she would become her mother, the way she’d been with Cara’s jerk of a father.

No thanks.

"You have to let me leave," she said, trying to stand up. His hand in her pants kept her firmly in his lap.

"You have to learn how to be a vampire first."

"Then start teaching." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of her panties. What was he waiting for, a private escort out of there? "I mean, about other things than this."

Seamus thought if anyone was going to be the teacher in this relationship, it should be Cara. She was the most sensual woman he’d ever met. She danced naked—damn well, he might add—she had a vibrator that matched her decor, and she twice now had embraced the eroticism that feeding could inspire and had had an orgasm.

Neither time had she apologized or looked all that embarrassed. In fact, at the moment, as she stood up, she had a sly little smile of satisfaction on her face, despite her no-nonsense words.

She wanted to leave. He got it. But was there any reason they couldn’t fully explore the attraction between them while he taught her all things vampire? And she taught him all things hot and sexy? That was what he had wanted when he’d gone to speak to her in the first place.An explosive affair.A rediscovery of sexual pleasure with a woman who appreciated an orgasm for the sake of an orgasm.

Not commitment, no ties, just some amazingly hot sex to get him through another two hundred years.

It was sounding better and better and he wanted another nip at her flesh.

Cara yanked open the bedroom door. All three dogs tumbled into the room. The cats followed a second later at a more leisurely, blase pace.

Satan dashed over toSeamus, his tiny legs a blur as he ran right up to him, gave a little leap in the air, and started barking violently. Seamus looked down at him. "What?" He and the Chihuahua weren’t coming to terms with each other yet.

"Does he need to go out?" Cara asked, down on her knees petting a dog and a cat at the same time.

"I have no idea." It’s not like the dog was crossing his legs or anything. How the hell was Seamus supposed to know? "We’re going to have to hire a dog walker for during the day when you’re sleeping. Day life isn’t an easy feat for a young vampire. Especially since you’re used to the night shift anyway." And he really didn’t want any doggie accidents in his apartment. The carpet had just been cleaned.

Cara didn’t say anything, but her lips pursed. A second later, she said, "Why can’t I just walk them at night? They can sleep during the day with me."

Seamus sighed. "You could do that, but is it fair to the dogs to never go outside during the day?"

Her face went pale. She looked like she’d been slapped.

"Cara " He didn’t know what the hell to say. Reality was a bitch.

"Get out."

"What?" Her face was buried in Fritz’s fur, but he was almost certain she’d told him to leave.

"Get out! I want to change."

She looked dangerously close to tears, so Seamus didn’t even hesitate. She wanted him gone, he was out of there. A woman in tears was the last thing he knew how to deal with.

Not sure whether to shut the door or not, he left it open, but Cara slammed it the second he cleared the doorframe.

"Don’t worry, I don’t need my heels," he murmured.

"I heard that!" Caracalled, her voice shaky.

Okay. Seamus would just take himself off down the hall, thanks. His dining room had a table, but he used it and the sideboard as a home office since he didn’t need it for meals. He popped open his laptop, checked the schedule for the week, and cleared out his e-mail. They had only five weeks until the election.

The numbers from the latest poll danced in front of his eyes. Ethan and his opponent, Donatelli , were almost neck and neck.

Donatelliwas winning with young vampires, and those who were called Impures , born to rogue vampires and mortal women, like Brittany Baldizzi had been. Donatelli supported finding these mortals with vampire blood and turning them. Ethan opposed the practice, feeling it was a dangerous policy of population explosion.The more vampires, greater the risk of exposure. There was also some question of whether or not Impures had full consent in their turning.

Seamus rubbed his temples. Ethan had one last major trip scheduled to New York . They had just spent the summer on the campaign trail, traveling fromSaint Petersburg to Berlin and on toParis . They’d done a flyby down inSouth America before heading back to the States. They were doing everything they could to win another term.

But Seamus was worried.Very worried. And instead of planning strategy or ferreting out Brittany ‘s father, he had turned a stripper. It was like spitting on vampire policy. He clicked on his Excel spreadsheet for Ethan’s appearances for the remainder of the month. He was doing another debate, a fund-raiser dinner, and a speech at the United Bloodworkers Union. It didn’t feel like enough.

Cara could jeopardize the campaign. If she did something inappropriate, they’d be in trouble. Hell, her mere existence was going to cause a lot of eyebrows to shoot up. Seamus was known to toe the line, always. They would take Cara and turn her into an issue, make her a statement of the Carrick policy’s weaknesses.

If Ethan lost the election over this, Seamus would never forgive himself.

Which meant Cara was not going to be able to leave Seamus’s side until the election was over. She wasn’t going to be able to even leave the casino.
