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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(40)
Author: Erin McCarthy

He had touched Cara several times now when she had been feeding from him—he already knew the way her moist inner flesh felt, and how she arched her back when she came. He had had several sleepless days that could be attributed to experiencing that. But he hadn’t tasted her until now, hadn’t had her hands on his bare chest before,hadn’t experienced her interest in his pleasure, too.

It was better than he ever could have imagined. She scratched at his skin, harder when he pulled faster, fiercer on her nipple, and her drive drove him on, until her chest was slick from his mouth, her ni**les peaked, her moans agonized and high.

"Take my pants off," she begged.

That was the beauty of being a vampire. He had them off before she was even finished speaking.

Cara blinked up at him."Show-off."

"You haven’t seen anything yet."

A sly little smile crossed her face. "I can’t wait."

Neither could Seamus. He moved his hands over her abdomen, between her thighs, parting them. Cara spread her legs willingly for him, which made his tongue thicken and his desire boil hotter still. He bent down and put his mouth on her moistness.And tasted.

Cara had thought she was turned on, thought she was close to the edge, since Seamus had been kissing, petting, and sucking on her mouth and br**sts for a solid twenty minutes, but when he put his tongue between her thighs, she broke the bed.

Literally.She jerked back so hard in ecstasy, the headboard cracked where her shoulders and head made impact.

"Oh, shit," she said, more stunned than hurt.

"Are you okay?" he managed to ask between licks, clearly with no intention of stopping.

Thank you.

"Yes, I’m fine. Seamus " Cara squirmed, trying to turn sideways so she could lie down and enjoy the full effect. Not that half the effect was bad—amazing, actually—but full would be better. But she was having a hard time concentrating on what she was doing because every two seconds he slid up, then trailed back down in a delicious, torturous, warm, wet motion.

Two hundred years of celibacy hadn’t negatively affected his technique.

Wow. As she gripped the duvet cover, eyes rolling back in her head as she tried not to explode just yet, Cara realized she was picking up on Seamus’s thoughts.

It wasn’t complete sentences or a message sent directly to her, it was more just random words and impressions.His desire, his sexual want, his urgency and taut muscles.

Delicious hot f**king gorgeous all floated over to her from him. Heat, throbbing, pulsing want that spiked each time his tongue connected with her flesh. That he was turned on turning her on made her moan louder, which made him grip her thighs tighter in a sexy, arousing circle.

Seamus drew his mouth back suddenly and she gave a cry of frustration, knowing that she was about two seconds away from having an orgasm. "Don’t stop!" she begged. "Seamus, please."

Don’t come yet, he said in her head, thumb sliding over her swollen clitoris. Then he opened up his thoughts fully to her.

It was like a tidal wave of emotion, desire, pleasure, crashing over her, into her, above her. Cara sucked in a breath, overwhelmed. She lifted her hand, for what she wasn’t sure, but Seamus took it, laced his fingers with hers.

Their thoughts mingled, their pleasure collided as he took her mouth in a hard, passionate kiss. It was amazing, stunning, to feel him everywhere, inside and out of her. She felt his appreciation for her curves at the same time she projected back her interest in his hard, male body. Running her fingers over his chest, she kept going until she reached his erection, letting him hear, feel, see, know that she was ready for him. He wanted to be inside her, thrusting, that feeling, urge, loud and drumming into her skull.

Stroking his warm flesh, she hoped he could hear that she wanted him, too, that she was ready, that their connection was so whole and total and exhilarating, that she had to experience what the rest was like. What it would feel like with him buried deep inside her.

"Are you sure?" he asked out loud, pulling back to study her face.

Cara traced his jaw with her finger, loving the way he felt, chiseled and rough, and waited for the panic to engulf her, the vice to close around her emotions, making her feel trapped and helpless.

But none of those feelings were anywhere in her. What she felt, besides the total mind-melding arousal, was freedom. To feel and do whatever she wanted, no worry for the future, no pressure to be something she wasn’t. Just freedom to be with a man she cared about for now in a sexy, uncontrollable way.

"Yes, I’m sure."

His fingers were stroking, stroking, stroking, pushing in deeper each time while he waited for her response, and Cara moved restlessly beneath him, eager to have what she’d denied herself for years. "Do you have a condom?"

"No." He moved in between her legs, his erection pressing against her, hard and demanding.

Fifteen years of safe sex mantras had her pushing on his chest."Stop. You need a condom."

"For what?"Seamus asked, nuzzling along her ear, while his fingers pried apart her oh, whoa.

He was just resting there, big and wet and intriguing, leaving her feeling empty and unsatisfied. Wanting what came next.Wanting more. What had she been saying? "For protection," she managed, her entire body tingling in anticipation.

"You can’t get pregnant and you can’t catch anything from me. You’re a vampire."

"Right."Cara lifted her hips just alittle, distracted by the way he was just hanging around down there. He needed to do something. "I’m an immortal vampire."On the edge of an orgasm.

"My vampire," Seamus said as he pushed at her, hard.

Cara winced as a sharp pain tore through her. " Ow. Ow . Ow . Get out, get out."

" Shh. Just relax. I’m only half in. It will feel better when I’m all there."

What the hell kind of logic was that? Here, if your ear hurts, stick that cotton swab in even farther. Hot stove burning your hand? Just leave it there longer.

Cara tried to back up. "There is no way. It hurts too much." She felt intense pressure, and a damn uncomfortable burning sensation. Game over. She wanted out.

Seamus pinned her with his weight. "Don’t move, Cara. Let me finish. Trust me."You have to trust me , he added in her head.

Oh, now he was going to make her feel guilty. Like if she shoved him off, he was going to be hurt. Well, she was hurting right now, with his big vampire you-know-what impaling her. "I trust you. But I’ve changed my mind. I don’t see the point if we can just have o**l s*x."

She’d give him a blowjob if he would just get out.

"Appealing as that sounds, I’d rather do it this way," he said.
