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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(41)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Ugh. He was reading her mind.

"Just one time in, and then if you still say no, I’m gone, okay?"

This was ridiculous. They were bargaining for penetration rights."Just one. Then you owe me big time."

"Deal."He kissed her forehead, her temple,her lips softly.

Mouth over hers, Seamus pushed into her, and everything sort of clung and pinched and stung, then suddenly he was fully embedded in her and the pressure was gone. It was snug, but slick, pleasant, his pelvis bumping an interesting spot.

Not nearly as bad as before.Cara relaxed a little. Her shoulders had been almost up to her ears from tension and discomfort. She was about to open her mouth and mention that she’d done her part and he could use the nearest exit, when he pulled back on his own.And pushed into her again, his tongue mimicking the movement in her mouth.

Hey, now. This wasn’t bad at all. He did it again and then again, slow and easy. Um, actually, this was kind of nice, the way her body sort of wrapped around him. He was past his one-thrust allowance, but she wasn’t sure she minded.

Seamus gave a tight, low groan. "Cara oh, yes, baby, this feels good."

That was a sexy sound. She was havingthat kind of effect on Seamus, and that was hot. She touched his firm butt. He had a great one, all tight and hard and manly. It seemed like a good time to really get a grip on it.

It made themcollide together a little harder, sending a jolt of desire through her. Okay, now shewas understanding how and why this worked. A gasp slipped out as a delicious shiver rippled up and over her. That little thing he was doing, faster now, this made sense, this was hot.

"This is good."

"Told you.You need to listen to me more often. I’m always right."

As long as he was wasn’t being smug about it. Pinching his butt to show what she thought of his words, she wrapped her legs around his thighs and rocked up to greet him. They both grunted in delight at the impact.

"You’re not right about the curtains," she managed to say between gasps, groans, and thrusts.

Seamus wrapped an arm around her and tumbled them in a one-eighty, so that he wound up on his back and Cara was splayed out on his chest, amazed that he was still inside her. Intrigued by the possibilities, she wiggled a little to adjust her position.

He said, "I am definitely right about the ugly curtains. And I’m right when I say you’re going to enjoy being on top."

"I disagree about the curtains." She gripped the bed on either side of Seamus and let her hair fall over his chest. Experimenting, she swiveled her hips and marveled at how there was no pressure, just an incredible tingling arousal. "But I have to admit you’re definitely right about this."

Not really knowing what she was doing, she just starting moving, adjusting as needed, trying different rhythms, angles, and motions, startled at how just a tiny shift could move her from nice to eye rolling. Seamus lay still and let her work it all out, though he couldn’t seem to resist pinching and licking her ni**les and interjecting words of encouragement.

"That’s it, baby, take what you want."

She had found a damn good position, one that allowed her br**sts to brush against his chest, and her body to grind together with his, hitting a perfect spot. Cara closed her eyes, dropped her head down alongside his shoulder, and picked up the pace, driven to pump harder, more frantically.

"Yes, Cara, go, you’re doing it, you’re so f**king hot." Sea- mus’svoice was rough, excited, and she felt his thoughts cloud over her and in her again, wrapping his desire around her own and spurring her on.

"Should I stop?" she said, hoping like hell he didn’t say yes, but figuring it was polite to ask. "I think I’m going to come."

"Don’t stop. Hell no. Come on me, Cara."

He didn’t have to tell her twice. She wasn’t sure she could stop any longer, anyway. Snapping up her head, she rocked down on him, and exploded. The orgasm snapped up through her, forcing her back to arch, and her teeth to clamp down on her lip in a violent clench.

Her amazement, her exhilaration, her thoughts, all poured out, spilling like honey and running quickly down over Seamus.He groaned at the intensity of her emotion, her delight as she rode out her orgasm, thighs spread over him, body fitted down onto him like a hot, wet glove.

Shit hello …damn Seamus all rolled through her thoughts, like random words her brain grabbed on to, her body singing with physical stimulation. It wasarousing, a little slap to his already racing libido, and Seamus started to thrust up inside her, drawing a startled gasp from Cara.

Love him love Seamusfell out of her head right into his and Seamus paused for a split second, wondering if he had heard that right. She loved him? That wasn’t possible. But he loved her, he knew, fiercely and desperately. Cara groaned, like she had heard him.

I love youcame loud and clear, like she’d whispered it right into his ear.

Seamus swallowed hard, then grabbed Cara and flipped her onto her back. As he thrust, her legs fell farther apart, her arms slack against the sheets, her eyes half closed, expression rapturous. She was his, his,his .His woman, his vampire, his lover, his fledgling. He wanted all of her, hard and fast, he wanted her to understand who and what he was toher, that no man, mortal or immortal, was ever going to touch her flesh the way he could.

Reaching down, he cupped her cheek, using his elbow for stability as he pushed into her again and again. With his thumb, he traced her smooth skin, her pert rosy lips. Her tongue came out and wet his skin before she bit him. Just sank her fangs on the backside of the fingernail and drew blood. It was so unexpected, so erotic, that Seamus lost his rhythm for a second.

But when she sucked, making little sounds of approval, he went at her with renewed energy, wanting in her deeper, everywhere. He bent over and plunged his own fangs into her creamy shoulder, pinning her still when she jerked in surprise. He drew hard, quickly, pulling back with a mouthful of her hot blood rushing all over his tongue.

She looked up at him with dilated eyes, thick black pupils glassy and unfocused."Oh, Seamus. More, more! Harder."

He could do that. Shifting up higher on his knees, he went harder, rushing on, spiraling out of control in a way that felt better than good, more than ecstasy. It was consuming, all there was, just Cara and justhim buried deep inside her. She ran her lips over his bicep,then slipped her teeth into him. She sucked frantically with lots of sound and jarring movement as his thrusts bounced her around.

The tug of blood pulled at his body, his legs, his groin,his lungs, blending him with her completely and totally. He clamped on to her neck, and he heard in his head, felt through her emotions, her scream of utter ecstasy. Rolling them, locked together, they grappled and gripped and pulled and sucked while Cara had a second orgasm, then a third nipping at the heels of the second, her mind a delicious jumble of nothing but frantic delight, urges for more.
