Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(36)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I chuckle as I pick up my papers again to continue reading. “You bet your ass I will.”


I shrug on my standard issue, blue CPD shirt over my black, lace, demi bra and panties, quickly checking my watch to make sure I’m still early for my shift. Our early morning shower ten minutes ago had been a vigorous one, starting with Sean lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his shoulders as he feasted between my legs, making me cry out his name—which echoed throughout the condo – before he dropped me back down onto my feet, hooking his arm under one knee and driving into me, making me come apart again before he took his fill. The problem was, I didn’t get to do what I wanted to do to him.

Walking into Sean’s bathroom, my breath catches as I see the man in question standing in front of the bathroom sink, leaning forward with a hand on the edge bracing himself as he runs his old school, double-edged razor along his rough jaw. Dressed in nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist he looks every inch the sexy man I know he is. Rivulets of water reflect in the light, and I try to find the restraint to stay away from him.

But where Sean is concerned, restraint is not possible.

I catch his eye in the mirror as I slowly walk up behind him. His green eyes darken as he reads the lust-filled expression on my face. Raising a brow, he silently questions my intent before turning to face me.

“Sammy, what—”

I reach up and place a finger on his lips to silence him before leaning down and licking the irresistible drop of water off his pec. I look back up at him and gently drag my finger down his body, making a trail as I drop to my knees in front of him. “You’re killing me here …”

“Not yet, but give me a minute and I’m sure to come close.” I slowly pull the towel away from his waist, giving him a wry smile as I come face to face with my most favorite hard body part. My tongue darts out and licks the tip of his c**k before I roll the head in my mouth and move down to take his whole length in my mouth. The clean, sandalwood taste of his soap fills my senses as I lose myself in him, sucking and rolling my tongue up and down his satin skinned length.

“Fuck!” he spits out as he drops the razor into the sink, but the loud clatter against the porcelain muted in my ears as he groans loudly the moment his c**k hits the back of my throat, just the way he likes. I feel his hands glide across my shoulders, one tangling in my hair as he tries to regain the control he craves, his other hand cupping my jaw gently as he rubs his thumb up and down my cheek reverently.

I continue to lick and suck his shaft, tracing the large vein running the length of him with the pointed tip of my tongue, earning a jerk of his c**k against my mouth as I encircle the tip.

Suddenly he steps back, his hands disappearing. I look up to see him bending sideways, trying to reach his black silk robe. Curious as to what he is up to, knowing that my man’s mind works in amazing and calculating ways, I see him pull the silk tie from the robe. The mischievous gleam in his eyes as he looks down at me sends a shiver straight through me. If ever I thought I was in control, I now know that it was all a ruse. Sean was also in control, always waiting to take the next step when he was ready.

He leans down over me, bending at his hips as he runs his hands down my arms until he reaches my hands, gently maneuvering them behind my back. When I feel the silk tie caress my wrists then firmly but comfortably bind them together. My heart starts racing at the realization that now Sean can do whatever he wants with me. And I trust him to do whatever he wants with me, to me … in me.

He runs his thumb gently under the silk to ensure it’s safe before running his hands back up my arms, over my collarbone, until he’s standing back up to his full height in front of me. His hands cup my jaw and I move forward as he guides his now pulsating c**k back into my eager mouth.

“Sammy,” he groans as he moves one hand to the back of my head, gently guiding the rhythm. My heart soars as I let him use me, increasing his thrusts until he takes over and f**ks my mouth in earnest.

“Fuck I’m going to come in your mouth and you’re gonna take it all, Sammy.”

“Mmm hmm,” I groan my response, my body humming with pleasure as I increase my speed, willing him to fulfill his promise.

He growls loudly and I swallow every last pulse into my mouth, savoring the unique taste that is all Sean.

When I pull back, he lifts me up to my feet, reaching behind my back to free my wrists. Without giving me a second to recover, he tips my head back with my ponytail and kisses me, hard and fast, thrusting his tongue into my mouth in an obvious show of appreciation. His own exceptional show.

Ending the kiss with a soft bite on my bottom lip, he moves me backward and stares deep into my eyes with a sated, satisfied expression. “A f**king fantastic goodbye.” His face lights up with a radiant grin, and I realize that ever since I went to his office and abandoned all the resistance I had when it came to him, I’ve felt happier, content. And as for Sean, I’ve never seen him so relaxed and carefree … well, as carefree as such an intense, passionate, and measured man like Sean can be.

He takes the time to look me up and down, his eyes blazing with heat when he meets my gaze once more. “Uniform policy change I don’t know about?” he asks mockingly with a delicious smirk on his face, bringing out his sole lickable dimple on the right hand side of his mouth.

“Maybe,” I say with a wink. “I do need to finish getting dressed and get going.” I lean up and place a gentle kiss on his lips before spinning on my heels and walking out of the bathroom, but not before I get a short sharp smack on my half exposed ass that almost makes me want to run back to him and call off my shift.

I said almost.

Chapter 18: “Drunk in Love”


A few weeks later, we’ve finally secured a night when we’re all available, so I’ve been busy in the kitchen most of the afternoon, making sure all of the food is ready for tonight’s dinner party. It’s the only thing I could do to keep my nerves in check. My best friends and my partner meeting Sean and spending a few hours with us has me anxious as hell.

First, there is Helen and Rico. Helen knows my history with Sean because she was there living it right along with me. From the first time I met him when he infuriated and intrigued me, to my swooning debrief after our amazing first date, through all the highs, and then the horrible low when I broke it off. She’s been my drinking buddy, my sounding board, my shoulder to cry on.

She’s been there through thick and thin.
