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Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(37)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Then there is my Brazilian brother from another mother, Rico. He knew Helen and I were a package deal, and since I was friends with them both separately before I played matchmaker, he automatically fell into the role of offering me a male perspective in my life. And by God, have I needed that. He warned me to be careful with Tanner, told me that all the signs were there that Tanner wanted more, but I thought I had it in hand. Well, that backfired didn’t it? I haven’t heard from Tanner since that night in the club when he stormed off.

And Zander … well, he’s Zander. He’s like my other half at work. We’ve been working together for long enough now that we can anticipate each other’s moves, reactions, and share the same instincts. It makes for a great partnership. And after the frequent ‘Ice Queen’ jokes, I wanted to show him that there is another side to me, the ‘out of work’ Sam. Although, for some reason he looked shocked, then burst out laughing when I invited him and Kate to Sean’s place for tonight’s dinner. He wouldn’t explain but kept randomly chuckling for the rest of the shift.

I’m just finishing a peanut butter soufflé tartlet for dessert when I feel Sean’s arms wrap around my waist from behind, pulling me back into him. He kisses the skin at the top of my spine before moving his mouth to my neck. “You doing okay?” he murmurs softly.

“Mmmm,” I moan. His lips leave my skin tingling as he kisses the spot just below my ear, sending a shiver through my body, something his chuckle tells me he didn’t miss.

“You need some stress relief again?” he says with a smile I feel against my skin.

“Well, I do need a shower …” My voice trails off into a moan as he sucks my ear lobe into his mouth.

“Feeling dirty, Sammy?” His teeth graze the skin as his arm around my waist tightens and his very evident arousal pushes against my jeans.

“Very.” My voice is shaky. The effect this man can still have on me with a few words is insane. It’s like he has a sex thesaurus in his head, with the ability to recall sexy one liners at a moment’s notice.

“It might be a long shower. Very long. You up for that, Mr. Miller?”

“Cheeky wench.” He playfully slaps my ass. “I’m up anytime you need me to be. But for that, you can get undressed right here right now.”

I spin around with wide eyes at his sudden commanding tone, the one that makes me wet and ready almost instantly. He meets my gaze with a piercing stare, a ‘don’t test me’ look that makes me quiver in anticipation. “And if I choose not to?” I raise an eyebrow at him, a silent but not well thought through challenge.

He smirks dangerously. “Now, Sammy.”

I slowly pull my tank over my head, making sure to draw it out. The growl I hear from Sean is gratifying and well worth the punishment I know I have coming my way. Deciding to up the ante since I’m already in ‘trouble’, I throw my top in his face and run up the stairs to Sean’s bathroom giggling when I hear him striding behind me.

“You can run but you can’t hide, sweetheart.”

For the record, he caught me, he had me, he made me scream his name three times straight before he finally bent me over the bathroom cabinet and plunged inside me, bringing on orgasms number four and five.

And yes, it was so damn worth it.


Sam has been much more relaxed after our mid-afternoon liaison. I was starting to get worried that she was having second thoughts about the dinner party. I’m not stupid; I know that socializing with her friends again is a big step for her. She’s taken everything else in her stride since we’ve been us again that I knew something would trip her up, but so far she’s continued to surprise me at every turn.

Last week, I even persuaded her to come to the club with me one night to check on things. With Ryan back on board and Amy taking the reins a bit more at my request, I haven’t needed to be there as much. Well, with Sam in my life I haven’t needed to be there at all. Of course she stayed at my side the whole time, and even agreed to venture into my private VIP room for a look. Unfortunately for me it was only a look. I’d have loved to have her splayed across my lap, her ass red under my palm before making her come all over my c**k in my red leather chair. I didn’t miss the biting of her lip and her quickening breaths as she took in the room and the mood shift in the air. I chuckled when she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there before I tried anything.

Now it’s nearing 7 p.m. and time for our guests to arrive. We invited Ryan, but he said he had other plans. He’s been a bit evasive over the past week, but I’m hoping it’s just a combination of being busy with the bar and therapy while giving Sam and I space to reconnect. Especially since there has been a lot of reconnecting going on.

I hear the doorbell ring, then watch as Sam rushes down from the bedroom looking flustered. I grab her arm as she tries to rush past me. “Sweetheart, take it easy. It’s going to be fine.”

“I … I don’t do this. I don’t host dinner parties. I’m the single friend who turns up and acts comfortable as a third or fifth wheel, and always with a glass in my hand.” She looks at me with those bright-green eyes of hers that always do me in and I instantly feel protective.

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about being any kind of wheel now. You have me, and I have you. And besides,” I reach behind me and grab a tall vodka tonic, “I already thought ahead.” She sees the drink in my hand and smiles widely. “God I lov … like your forward thinking.”

I stop breathing for a moment, wishing like hell she would have finished that sentence differently, but instead she quickly takes a big mouthful before putting her glass on the kitchen counter.

“Right, let’s go greet our guests, shall we?” I hold my hand out to her and we walk downstairs to the front door together.

“Oh my lord! Girl, you did not tell me he lived in a shrine!” Helen says as I open the door. She hasn’t changed too much over the years. She’s still loud and outspoken as she always was, and it’s still as endearing as it was back when I first met her.

I chuckle as I step forward and kiss her cheek. “Helen, great to see you again.”

“You too, Sean. It’s been too long.” She pulls me in for a hug, standing on her toes so that her mouth is by my ear. “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.”

She steps back and joins hands with the man who is watching on with interest. “Babe, this is Sean. Sam’s boyfriend?” She looks questioningly at Sam who glares at her in horror.
