Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(38)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Boyfriend suits me,” I interrupt, “Although, do we still have boyfriends and girlfriends in our thirties?” I smirk and look at Sam who turns to me in shock. I wrap my arm around her waist and squeeze gently, and thank Christ she buries herself in my side.

“Boyfriend,” she murmurs quietly as if she’s testing the label out. It’s f**king cute as hell.

“Sorry, this is Rico, my fiancé,” Helen says with a grin.

“Great to meet you. You’re a brave man taking this one on.”

“You’re telling me,” he says with a laugh, shaking my outstretched hand firmly and looking into my eyes. He’s a straight shooter this man, my kind of guy.

“Hello! I’m standing right here, Enrico. If you want any of this later on, you better tread carefully, mister.”

That just makes the rest of us laugh again.

I step aside, taking Sam with me as I gesture for Helen and Rico to come inside. “Come in. We’re still waiting for Zander and Kate, but that’s not to say we can’t start with a drink.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Helen states as she and Rico make their way up the stairs followed by Sam and me.

I lean down to whisper into Sam’s ear, “Your boyfriend would like you to relax, Sammy.” She whacks my arm playfully and steps away toward Helen who has made herself at home in the kitchen as she prepares drinks.

Rico and I are talking baseball when I hear the doorbell again. I turn to Sam and she waves her hand at me to say she’s got it. A few minutes later, the tall blond man and gorgeous red haired woman from the Police Foundation dinner emerge from the stairs after Sam.

I excuse myself from Rico and walk toward them. “Sean, this is my partner Zander and his fiancée Kate,” Sam says, introducing them.

Holding my hand out to Zander, he shakes it rather firmly. “Nice to finally meet you.”

“You too. Sam has told me a lot about you,” I say to Zander, looking over at Kate and smiling. Her brows narrow briefly before she looks away and sniggers, like there is a joke we’re all missing.

His eyes widen briefly before he starts shaking his head. “Now I don’t know whether to be worried or whether you’re lying. Because Richards here would only talk about me if she were bitching about me. Your woman is a ball buster if you don’t already know.”

“Roberts …” Sam growls beside me.

He puts his hands up in mock surrender. “Easy boss. I’m hoping Sean here is the one who’s been melting the ice lately.”

I look at him confused before it clicks. “That would be me. Happy to have been of service.”

Sam gasps at the two of us before turning to Kate. “He’s incorrigible. Would you like a drink?”

“Definitely. I have a feeling we’re going to need one,” she comments puzzlingly. That’s strange. I’m starting to wonder what I’m missing, but it clicks a little while later, during dinner when Sam asks Kate about her day.

“I had a fitting for my bridesmaid dress today. I can’t believe they’re getting married in the summer.”

“I bet you’re looking forward to it though. It’ll be like a trial run for your own,” Helen pipes up.

“Oh, yeah, but Zander and I haven’t even started planning our wedding. We need to get Mac and Daniel’s one out of the way first.”

Oh shit! The strange look becomes all too clear

Kate knows Mac, she’s gonna be her bridesmaid … that would make Kate the best friend …Mac’s best friend. Therefore, Kate would know about me and Mac. Ah f**k … now I know what Kate’s look was about. She’s made the connection already. I tense up when I think about Sam and what her reaction will be. We’ve had such a good day and now my past is making an unfortunate appearance at what should be an awesome night with new friends.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and send Mac a quick text.

Sean: Kate and Zander are at my house for dinner.

Mac: I know. Kate told me earlier.

Sean: Babydoll, you didn’t think to give me a heads up?

Mac: And spoil the fun …?

Sean: That man of yours should spank your ass.

Mac: Maybe I’ll ask him to, he’s good like that ? Have fun!

“Sean, is everything all right?” Sam asks from beside me.

“Uh … yeah.”

I look down the table to see Kate grabbing her phone off the table and I know I need to tell Sam. I tense up and reach over, grabbing Sam’s hand and putting it in my now clammy one just as Kate puts her phone down and turns to Zander.

“Sam, I think there is something you should know.”

She looks worried as she looks at me.


“Zander and I have a mutual friend …” I wait for a reaction, but she seems nonplussed, shrugging her shoulders.


I reach up and rub the back of my neck, feeling mildly uncomfortable to be doing this in front of company. “Uh, if I’m right, we were both involved with Kate’s friend Mac.”

She looks over at Zander, then back at me. “I’m confused. That’s not unheard of, although it is quite a coincidence.”

“Yeah, I only just made the connection. The thing is, Mac had three friends with benefits at the same time …” Then the penny drops. She splutters into her drink, taking a big gulp before putting the glass down on the table. She just stares at me, then turns her eyes to Zander. Kate looks over and bites her lip, like she knows what has just happened.

“Roberts,” Sam calls out. “It seems you and Sean have something, sorry someone in common.”

Zander stops talking to Helen and looks over, his eyes full of surprise as he looks at Sam, then me … then something clicks into place and he spits out his drink before flicking me a sympathetic look.

“Shit!” he says under his breath, shaking his head.

“I’m guessing you didn’t make the connection either?” Sam asks, her voice light and more casual than I expected.

“Ah, f**k,” he mutters, then looks at Kate who is beaming at him as she sniggers, which makes his lips slowly turn up.

My cheeks heat up, and for the first time in twenty years I almost feel embarrassed.

“What am I missing here?” Helen interjects, looking at all of us while Rico just leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head like he’s just sitting back and watching the show. Lucky bastard.
