Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(47)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Walking around her, I put the baton down on the small table beside my beloved red leather chair which I’ll be considering moving to my condo since I’m going to be giving up this room to another paying client. But that can be the good news I tell Sam about after we’ve finished enjoying my birthday present.

Hooking the handcuffs to my belt, I saunter toward her, locking eyes in the mirror over her shoulder as I advance on her now trembling body. “Sean,” she whimpers and my hands go straight to her hips, my palms rubbing against her skin in slow circles as I brush her ponytail aside with my nose, gently pressing my lips to the nape of her neck. I feel a tremor run through her body, and I smile as I run my mouth across her skin, peppering a line of kisses to the spot just below her ear, meeting her heated, almost desperate eyes in the mirror.

“Fucking beautiful, sweetheart. Best birthday in years because I’m here with you.” I run my hands inward, my gaze dropping to my fingers as they glide their way along her pelvis, delving into the juncture between her thighs. She drops her head back onto my shoulder, a moan echoing around the room as I brush my thumbs against her slick pu**y. I pull back as I bare my teeth and bite the soft skin along her collarbone.

“Fuck!” she spits out, her voice barely a whimper. My hands slide up over her stomach until they’re cupping her br**sts, the heavy weight beyond temptation as I roll my thumbs over her hard ni**les, squeezing just enough to see her eyes drift closed as waves of pleasure roll through her body.

I run my hands down to her wrists, encircling them with my fingers, and slowly pull them in front of her, holding them in place with one of my hands while the other unhooks the cuffs from my belt and captures first one wrist, then the other until both of her hands are locked in place against her stomach and I can easily run a finger around the inside of each cuff.

“Turn around, Sammy,” I ask and she complies beautifully. The way in which she gives herself over to me is still such a heady experience and a gift I honor every single time.

Her eyes are glazed as they lift up to mine, her head muddled, her equilibrium off balance as she acclimatizes herself to the scene we’re playing. “It’s time for your first punishment.”


I run a finger along her hairline, then across her cheek until I catch her lower lip and pull it down. “First and last, sweetheart. I want to feel your skin under my palm, I want to hear the anticipation catch your breath as you wonder where my hand will strike next.” Her eyes flare with lust and I know she’s totally on board with this ‘punishment’. We both know that it’s no more of a punishment than it is a prelude to the mind blowing pleasure to follow soon after.

“I need you to stand over there and bend over the side of my chair, then you’re going to stretch your arms out in front of you, gripping the other side until I tell you otherwise.” She closes her eyes and groans, not shying away from her body’s almost automatic reaction to my heated words.

Unable to resist even the smallest of tastes, I grab her ponytail and pull it back sharply, slamming my mouth down on hers and thrusting my tongue deep inside. A growl reverberates between us as I taste and take from her, her lush body melting against mine in gratifying supplication.

As I pull away, satisfaction surges through me as her eyes slowly open, softly gazing up at me as I offer a sly grin. “Now, Sammy.”

She saunters over to the chair, the soft sway of her naked hips a seductive taste of the pleasures to come for both of us.

Once she’s followed my instructions to the letter, I walk up behind her, pressing my straining c**k against her bent hips. I strip off my shirt silently, building the anticipation. When I lean my bare chest over her back, lightly resting against her, her breathing becomes labored until she is panting beneath me, her ass writhing against my dick. I place my hands on top of hers, slowly trailing her now extended police baton along her skin, leaving a swath of goose bumps in its wake as the cold metal drags over her shoulders. Running the tip down her spine, she trembles with need as I inch closer to her ass. Rolling it over the swell of her ass, I tap it a few times expectantly, not missing the erotic moan that caresses her lips. I continue down the back of her right leg, pressing into the dip of her knee until it circles her ankle and travels up the inside of her legs, slowing to an impossible pause at the apex of her thighs, sliding through the slick wetness gathering there before continuing its descent down the other leg.

My own breathing quickens as I bend down to the floor, spreading her feet wide as I lay the twenty-one inch baton between them. “You’re not to move your legs back together, Sammy. I want you to hold this baton between your feet and no matter what I do or what your body instinctively wants you to do, you will not close your legs to me. Do you understand, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” she whispers hoarsely, the desperation in her voice like music to my ears. She’s right there with me, desperate for more, aching for my touch, my mouth, my hands, my cock.

Needing her more than my next breath, I kneel behind her and move my hands back up her body, firmly and with purpose as my fingers edge closer to her wet core. I move my head between her legs, suddenly burying my tongue deep inside her sopping wet pu**y, the scream that escapes her mouth spurring me on as I spear her repeatedly before running my mouth lower and sucking my lips hard over her hard clit, tapping it with the flat of my tongue until she cries out my name, her climax taking her by surprise as aftershocks wrack her body around me.

Standing back up to my full height behind her, I run my hands back over her ass, rubbing wide circles over her now sensitized skin. “Sean, I … I don’t know if I can handle more.”

Pulling my hands away, I quickly undo my slacks, pulling them down along with my boxers and kicking them off to the side with my feet. “You can and you will. For me, for my birthday. I want to see your ass glow red under my hand before I sink my c**k deep inside your pu**y. I want you to beg for me, begging for me to make you come.”

“I need you now, Sean. More than anything in this world,” she whines as I resume the slow circles over her ass cheeks.

“Patience, sweetheart, you know that I love delayed gratification. Ten years I waited for you. Ten years I waited for this.” I lift my hand up and bring it down quickly and firmly, slapping my palm against the pale soft skin of her ass, her scream of shock and pleasure ringing in my ears as I rub over my red hand print soothingly.

“More,” she moans, tilting her hips toward mine. I bite my lip to stifle a groan before spanking her on each cheek in quick succession, running my index finger down the seam of her ass and dipping between her legs and coming back soaking wet.
