Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(48)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“You’re enjoying this sweetheart. You’re dripping for me. Your body is glowing for me.” She whimpers with need as I run my fingers around her clit with feather light precision, teasing and taunting her in the most intimate way.

“Seannnnn,” she whispers my name and f**k if I don’t feel it right down in my cock.

“You’ll take more Sammy. I want you on the edge when I sink inside you. When your walls clamp down around me.” I trail my index finger firmly over her clit before running it along her slit and right back over the curve of her reddened ass.

Bringing back my hand one more time, I flatten my hand and deliver another blow, more stinging than those before. She screams out my name and I suddenly need to touch her. I lean over her back, the heat radiating off her skin searing my legs as my hard dick nestles into her ass crack. I kiss her shoulder in a gentle, open-mouthed kiss that causes her body to tremble with need.

“I need you as bad as you need me. Tell me how much you want me, Sammy. How desperate you are to have my c**k …”

“Please, Sean. I can’t stand it. I need you with me.” The desperation in her voice unmans me and I lose any resolve I still had left to draw this out any longer.

“Fuck it,” I mutter through gritted teeth as I pull my hips back, lining my c**k up with her entrance and surging forward, then plunging deep inside her, the slap of our skin the most satisfying sound in the world apart from my name being chanted by the beautiful woman beneath me like the most reverent benediction.

I pull back and thrust back inside, repeating over and over until my fingers bite into her hips and Sam’s head is thrashing side to side on the chair as her climax strangles my cock. We cry out together, crashing over the crest with an intensity only ever experienced with each other.

Slowly stroking my c**k inside her, I collapse against her back, struggling to catch my breath as I come back down to earth.

Best f**king birthday ever.

Best f**king woman in the world.

And she’s all mine.

Epilogue – “Be My Forever”

I pace backward and forward along the living room floor. Stopping briefly to check my watch before resuming my nervous gait. I roll my thumbs over the top of one another, my clammy hands clasped in front of me. My stomach tightens and turns as my mind wonders at all the possible outcomes.

I hear the click of the front door and the thud of Sam’s gym bag as it hits the bottom landing. Fuck, this is it. The moment in a man’s life when he lays it all on the line, balls and all, offering them up to the woman he loves. Entrusting her with his heart and soul for the rest of their lives.

Shit, is it too soon? Will she think I’ve lost my mind and laugh at me? I roll my shoulders and walk over to the window, my view over the park calming me down slightly as I hear her footsteps up the stairs get louder as she nears the top.

I check my watch again. 10 a.m. Helen will be arriving at noon. I can’t rush this, although I can’t wait to ask.

Look at me now, the big bad Dom humbled by his potty mouthed sexy as hell sub girlfriend. I’ve never done this before. Never wanted to do this before. Never even f**king considered it, and now I feel like a nervous wreck.

I wring my hands together and close my eyes, taking a slow deep breath to try and calm myself.

For the past week, this day has been all I could think about. Will she or won’t she? Can I pull this off? Have we had enough time together this time around to make a real go of this?

Lost in my anxiety, I feel Sam’s warm hands wrap around my chest, her br**sts pillowed against my back as she rests her cheek on my shoulder.

“Good morning,” she murmurs as my hands cover hers and hold her to me.

“Morning, sweetheart. How was your workout?”

“Good, although I can think of many more enjoyable ways to build up a sweat. Most of them involving you …”

I chuckle at her forwardness. It’s taken awhile for us to get to this point. I love that she owns her sexuality and doesn’t hide behind it. I love that she yields to me willingly and trusts me to give her exactly what she wants and needs.

I love that outside of that, she’s strong-willed and confrontational, that she meets me toe to toe when she wants to and knows that I respect the hell out of her for it. On the flip side, I love that she’s caring and thoughtful, always willing to help out her friends and colleagues. I love that when push came to shove, she put herself and her job on the line to clear my name and help Ryan get out of the shit he put himself in. I love that she waited for me to get over myself and accept that I’m not alone anymore.

“I love you,” I say softly. When her breath hitches, I know she’s heard me.

I remove my hands and turn in her arms, meeting her eyes head on when I do. They’re wide and filled with tears. She places her hands over my heart, her fingers fisting in my shirt as she continues to stare up at me. I cup her jaw and bend down, kissing her lips softly before moving back.

“I love you, Sammy. I may have taken a f**k load of time to tell you, but I knew the moment I saw you again. I knew the moment I saw you standing on your doorstep before dinner. I knew when I saw you enter the ballroom for the foundation dinner. I knew when you knocked on my office door and gave yourself to me again even though you were shit scared that you’d get hurt. And I knew the moment you put your job on the line to save my ass …”

“Sean, I—”

“Sammy, I’ve loved you for eleven years. Not once have I stopped. I always remember the way my mother looked at my father. They were so in love, they weren’t showy or in your face about it, but it was evident for everyone to see. They lived and they loved, then they died together. I want to live my life with you, I want to live the rest of my life in love with you. I want to love you so much that you look at me with adoration and trust, with love …”

I step away from her, reaching in my pocket and pulling out the black velvet box that has been burning a hole in my pocket for the past hour. With trembling fingers, I open it and reveal my mother’s sapphire and diamond channel set engagement ring. I bend down on one knee and look up at her, her bright green eyes now glistening as tears roll down her face.

Reaching out for her left hand, I grasp it tightly as I swallow down the lump in my throat, my own eyes growing damp. “Samantha Christine Richards, will you grow old with me? Will you be the mother of my children and make me the happiest, sappiest man on the planet? Will you marry me?”

She bites her lip and pauses, the silence deafening as my world stops spinning waiting for the one word I want to hear. The word I need to hear.
