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Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(50)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Babe,” she says, her eyes going soft. “If you don’t cut that shit out I’m going to start crying again and then I’ll ruin my makeup, and nobody wants to see that. So quit it!” she says with a smile just as there is a knock on the bedroom door.

She rushes to the door just as it starts to open. “Oh no, you don’t, Mr. Mill … oh. Hey, baby,” she coos, kissing Rico as he walks past her. He comes up to me, stopping a few feet away and scanning me from head to toe. “Você está linda,” he says softly, calling me beautiful, and I know he’s itching to hug me.

“Don’t you start, Rico, or else I’ll start crying, then Helen will start crying, and we’ll all be a right mess!”

He chuckles, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a long, white jewelry box. “Well, I think you might cry anyway, Sammy. This is a wedding gift from Sean. He told me to tell you ‘it was always meant to be you’ and that you’d understand the significance.

I bite my lip, trying to control my emotions. Rico hands over the box and my hand trembles as I open it up to see the most exquisite, white-gold diamond and sapphire necklace I have ever seen. I run my fingers over the pendant, a large, bright-blue sapphire which matches Sean’s eyes perfectly, encased in a circle of small diamonds, then surrounded by a circle of small sapphires again.

Rico steps forward and removes the necklace from my hand, looking at me questioningly before I nod my head, still trying to hold back the unshed tears that have filled my eyes. I turn around and carefully lift my hair off my shoulders as he places the pendant around my neck and secures the clasp. Lowering my hair, I walk over to the mirror and stare in awe at the sparkling jewel that has completed my wedding attire perfectly. Now all I want to do is run upstairs and tackle hug my future husband. That’s allowed, right?

Rico clears his throat to get my attention. “Sam, Sean has asked me to give you away today. Would you let me have the honor?”

I smile before rushing over to him and hugging him. “Of course, Rico. It’s perfect. My two best friends walking me down the aisle to the man I love.”

“Oh, God, that’s done it. Now I’m going to look like a drowned raccoon. Thanks a lot, babe!” Helen pipes up behind us, her voice cracking.

Five minutes later, Helen’s makeup is restored to its previous pristine condition and Rico opens the door, leading us down the corridor and up the stairs to the rooftop.

As we pause at the top of the stairs, I hear the murmured voices of people talking, then a sudden silence just before the music starts playing. Helen gives me a long stare full of unspoken words of support and love, before kissing my cheek and whispering, “Twenty-five percent of people don’t have sex on their wedding night. Buck the trend,” in my ear. I burst out laughing as she winks at me, then spins around and disappears from view as she walks down the aisle.

I take a deep breath and feel Rico gently squeeze my hand reassuringly as the wedding march starts to play.

“This is it, baby girl. Time to marry your man.”

And that is all the words I need to hear as Rico and I step forward around the corner and I lock eyes with my beautiful man dressed in the most stunning tux I have ever seen.

I’m marrying the man I love, the only man I’ve ever loved. The only man who has seen the real me and who has taught me to embrace it.

The only man who has ever been it for me.


The music starts and my eyes are riveted to the open rooftop door, waiting for the first glimpse of the woman who will become my wife.

Helen has already walked down the aisle and beamed at me, her gorgeous, forest-green dress skimming the floor as she walks to the side of the celebrant and turns to face the crowd.

Then my heart literally stops beating in my chest as I see a wave of white satin flash through the door.

“Wow,” I hear Ryan murmur beside me but I dare not look away, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. I’m too mesmerized by the vision walking toward me. She looks stunning … no, she looks exquisite, delectable, beautiful. My feet itch to meet her halfway down the aisle just to make sure she gets here faster.

I’ve battled her, I’ve pushed, provoked and fought for her, and I know in this moment I’ll continue to fight for her until my dying day. I’ll love and protect her, shield and support her, and wake up every morning knowing that I’m the luckiest son of a bitch to have her.

My Sammy.

My Blissful Surrender.

The End
