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Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(49)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Yes,” she says hoarsely. I pull the ring out of the silk encasing and slip it on her ring finger. She drops to her knees and crushes her body against mine, our lips meeting feverishly as we attack each other with renewed passion. “I love you so much,” she mutters against my lips before I run my hand through her hair and pull her ponytail, exposing her neck to my mouth as I trail kisses down her throat.

“Fuck, I need to be inside you right f**king now,” I growl. I lay her down on the rug in front of me, surrounded by the light streaming in the window from the Chicago skyline. I rip down her leggings and underwear, throwing them out of the way before hovering over her body and kissing her mouth, sliding my tongue against hers as I roll my hips against hers. She moans loudly which just fires me up even more.

She reaches down and fumbles with my belt, undoing it and my jeans before pulling them down just enough for my rock hard c**k to spring out. I open my eyes and watch her as she spreads her legs for me, her eyes full of heat as I thrust inside of her, planting myself to the hilt, relishing the feeling of being inside my fiancée, the love of my life.

Bucking her hips against mine, I slide all the way out before pushing back hard inside of her again, her moans echoing through the room. Her hands snake around to grab my ass, her fingernails digging into the bare skin. We take our time as I worship her body in every way I can. Knowing that she is mine for the rest of my life has calmed me. I take my time to kiss her, the languid strokes of my c**k amping up our bodies until we climax together, her body tightening around mine, milking me for all I’m worth as we slowly come back down to earth.

“I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in Chicago,” I announce with a grin as I stroke her hair away from her face, getting lost in those jade green eyes of hers.

“That makes me the luckiest girl then doesn’t it, fiancé,” she replies gently.

“I kind of have one more surprise for you, Sammy.”

She furrows her brows, her hands resting on my face as she struggles to pull her eyes away from the gorgeous antique ring on her finger. “More than this?”

“What would you say if I said that I want to marry you today?”

Her body goes rigid beneath me, her voice shaky when she can speak again. “How? We’d need a license first, and then there is the one day waiting period.”

I love that she knows this, but lucky for me I’ve already thought about all of that. I grin down at her, our bodies still intimately joined as my hips slowly move backward and forward, my c**k starting to harden again.

I lean my head down and run my tongue along her bottom lip. “We can have the ceremony here today, then go down to the courthouse Monday morning. I’ve already made an appointment for us. Then we go back on Tuesday and get married in front of the Justice of the Peace, making it all legal.”

I pull back and watch her eyes go hazy again. “But today, in front of our friends, I am going to pledge my love and my life to you. For richer or poorer.” Kiss. “In sickness and in health.” Kiss. “till death do us part …”

I kiss her hard, devouring her mouth and robbing her mind of coherent thought as I pour everything I have into that one kiss. By the time I lift my head, she is nodding through tears again.

“Fuck, I love you, Sean Miller.”

“I know,” I say with a shit eating grin on my face. “I take it that’s a yes?” I ask with a quirked brow.

“It’s a hell yes! But wait, I don’t have a dress or anything.”

I chuckle, my body rocking against hers which earns a whimper from Sam. “All taken care of. But first …”

I thrust my hips against hers, my c**k rubbing against her G-spot, sending a shudder through her body. Once again we lose ourselves in the moment as I take her on the floor of our living room, not stopping until she’s writhing beneath me, giving herself to me intimately, a physical acceptance of my proposal.

And let’s be honest, it’s kind of expected that I’d take my wife-to-be just hours before our wedding. It’s just my way.


Helen fusses over me as I smooth my hands down the white satin wedding dress. Helen explained to me that Sean came over to her place a few weeks ago and explained his plan. That he would be proposing to me in the morning, and by 2 p.m. we’d be married on his rooftop in a civil ceremony, to be followed up by a legal ceremony at the courthouse on the first available day afterwards.

Helen was in charge of choosing our flowers and our outfits. Sean knew that Helen would be the next best person other than myself to choose the perfect wedding dress and he was not wrong. The dress is a bias-cut, satin slip gown with a low draped back, a sweeping V neckline and gorgeous, embellished, lace sequins adorning both shoulders. The smooth satin feels exquisite against my skin with my barely there lace thong the only underwear possible under the dress. My hair is a wave of loose golden curls flowing down my bare back, pulled off my face by a matching lace sequined hairpiece, and to complete the look Helen has done my makeup soft and natural.

I feel like a princess.

A girly, feminine, sexy princess who is about to go marry her dominant prince charming. The one man who has always been her all.

“Oh shit.”

“What Sam? Shit, did I forget something?” she asks, her face suddenly full of concern.

“What about Mom? I guess she’s upstairs. I swear to god if she causes ANY grief today, I’ll lose my shit.”

Helen looks at me, suddenly looking tense, almost awkward. “Ah … yeah, about that …”


“I made an executive decision. She doesn’t deserve to be here today. Not for you Sammy. You can be pissed at me, I probably deserve it but I didn’t want anything to ruin your wedding day. Legal or otherwise.” She looks at the ground, probably the only time in our thirteen year friendship that Helen has been meek and unsure of herself.

Fuck I love this woman.

“You are the BESTEST friend I could have ever asked for.”

“What?” Her eyes snap up to mine. “You’re not mad?”

“Fuck no! She would probably block the aisle just to stop me from getting to Sean. Screw that! Nothing is stopping me today. Absolutely nothing.” I step forward and give her a huge hug which she returns before pulling back.

I grab Helen’s hand and look at her watch. 1.55 p.m.

Shit. I’m just minutes away from one of the most memorable moments in a woman’s life. I feel the flutter of butterflies in my stomach, but for once, I’m not worried. I’m not even nervous. I’m excited. I look over at Helen and smile brightly at her.
