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Bossman's Baby Scandal

Bossman’s Baby Scandal (Kings of the Boardroom #1)(27)
Author: Catherine Mann

She couldn’t run from the truth any longer. Her passion for Jason hadn’t even begun to be tapped out. Denying it—denying herself—only made the ache grow stronger as pressure built.

She understood all about hormonal rushes from pregnancy, and maybe that added an edge, but still she knew it was something beyond just the raging hormones. She certainly hadn’t tried to jump any of the other men who crossed her path, and heaven knew there were plenty of hot, high-powered men in this room.

But she only wanted Jason.

Starting tonight, she would try a new approach. Indulging every fantasy she’d ever entertained about her brand-new husband.


T he MC dinner had been a success. Jason had everything he’d wanted.

So why was he so damn irritable?Stuffing his hands in his tuxedo pockets after locking up the house for the night, he stared at his sexy wife on the other side of their living room, fairly certain she was the cause of his frustration. The ride home had been off somehow. He’d pointed out scenic spots of interest along the way, trying to show her the upside of living here, but she stayed silent for the most part, staring at him with an intensity he found unsettling, since he didn’t have a clue what she was thinking.

Lauren stood in the bay window, moonlight streaming through and glinting off the metallic beads on the bodice of her evening gown. She was both stunning and elegant at once. She was perfect in every regard. So much so, she made him see just how well their lives could fit together.

This hands-off idea of his was growing old fast. He wanted it all—wanted her—now. Her dress showcased her generous br**sts until his hands shook from restrained desire. Gathered high on her waist, the loose folds hid any evidence of the baby, satin fabric pooling around her feet in low heels. Her hair was smoothed into a sleek twist with one long strand grazing her cheek like the stroke of the backs of his fingers along her jaw.

Male eyes had followed her all night long, damn near making him crazy with the need to remind them she was with him. She carried his baby. But he wouldn’t behave like some kind of possessive ass.

Besides, he was too proud of her. He’d almost forgotten what a savvy businesswoman she was. She’d won over not only Prentice, but had worked the room, charming people and making contacts that would help her, as well as him. What a surprise to find her serene confidence turned him on just as much as her lush curves.

He stopped behind her, cupping her bare shoulders, determined to help her see how well their worlds were in synch. “You were amazing tonight. You absolutely had Prentice eating out of the palm of your hand.”

She looked back, the lone strand of hair caressing her face the way he longed to do. “He seems a nice enough man, nicer than I expected, actually, after how rigid he seems in his criteria for how other people should live their lives.”

“He certainly took to you.” Jason slid his arms around her, encouraged that she didn’t protest or stiffen. He linked his fingers over her stomach. The baby rolled lightly, then settled. “His wife did, too, for that matter.”

“She seems like such a sad lady.” Lauren leaned back against him, the sweet scent of her shampoo seeping deeper inside him. “I can’t help wondering if the high-powered lifestyle suits her as much as it does him.”

“How about you? Do you enjoy that kind of gig?” An important part of his life that could cause a real problem. The MC work-grind-and-party circuit had certainly tanked Flynn Maddox’s marriage.

“Are you kidding? You’ve known me for a year. I thrive on that sort of wheeling and dealing.” She shifted to fit more firmly against him, her bottom nestling intimately until there was no damn way she could miss his throbbing response.

“You certainly keep your cool under pressure.” His blood pressure, however, was skyrocketing over just the feel of her brushing back against him. Right now he just wanted to sink into the moment. With her.

She glanced at him. “What are you thinking?”

Might as well be honest. “Just can’t look away from you. You’re absolutely gorgeous.”

“Stop. You don’t have to flatter me.” Her hands slid over his on her stomach. “I know my waist disappeared a couple of weeks ago.”

“I wasn’t the only one who noticed you.” Primitive possessiveness pumped through him all over again. “You’re sexy as hell. That pregnancy-glow stuff is for real.” His wayward thumbs brushed the undersides of her br**sts. “All week long I’ve been aching to touch you.”

She laughed lightly, turning in his arms to face him, giving him a clear view of creamy cle**age. “Ah, so it’s all about the extra cup size.”

“An extra cup?” Hell, call him Cro-Magnon, but he absolutely couldn’t tear his eyes off her chest, couldn’t stop the thoughts of how much he wanted to peel her clothes from her and see every inch he’d missed during their hurried, half-clothed, one-time coupling. “Do you know what I’d give to see you out of that dress? God, Lauren, I heard what you said about no sex, but I’m about to die from wanting you. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off you.”

She toyed with his tie, her fingers soft and enticing against his neck. “Maybe I’ve revised my thinking on the no-sex notion.”

Her words slammed through him. He’d been hoping to make progress with Lauren, but could the dinner have shown her the same practical synchronicity of their lives that he’d observed?

Regardless, he certainly wasn’t going to question the awesome opportunity of having her warm and willing in his arms.

Jason brushed a kiss along her ear, nuzzling aside the loose strand of hair. “Maybe revising your no-sex policy?”

She turned to meet his mouth, her body fluid against him, her arms sliding up around his neck. Her pupils widened with desire, urging him on. “Definitely revising.”

Growling his relief, he kissed her, finally and fully, finding her open and ready and boldly seeking. It had been too long, too many nights waking up hard and unfulfilled from dreaming about her.

Lauren clutched at his shoulders, her hands strong and insistent, like a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Her fingers crawled up his collar and furrowed into his hair, urging him closer. Not close enough, since they still wore too damn many clothes.

He cupped her bottom, bringing her flush against him—which reminded him of his need for restraint. “What’s the best way to make this happen that’s safe for you and the baby?”
