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Bossman's Baby Scandal

Bossman’s Baby Scandal (Kings of the Boardroom #1)(28)
Author: Catherine Mann

With nimble fingers, she swept aside his tuxedo jacket. “At four and half months, it’s really not an issue yet. The books and my doctor all say to get inventive with positions down the road. Perhaps we should start practicing ahead of time?”

“You’re putting some mighty powerful images in my mind.” Of her now…of her later. Would they still be together then? He had a chance to sway her and he intended to make the most of it, because he was quickly learning that just a taste of Lauren was nowhere near enough. “How is it that you can turn me inside out with just that sexy voice of yours?”

“Words can be an aphrodisiac, too. I have some fantasies I’d like to share.”

With one hand, he reached past her and whipped the curtains closed. “Listening to you talk about anything beats the hell out of oysters any day of the week.”

Sighing her agreement, she nipped his bottom lip. He tugged the zipper down her spine, the expensive gown parting, sliding free to reveal…

His mouth went dry.

Lauren stood in a strapless lace bra and tiny matching bikini panties that sketched just below the gentle curve of her stomach. Metallic gold threads glinted in the off-white lace, drawing his eyes to alluring curves and creamy skin. He touched, stroked, couldn’t think of anything more gorgeous than Lauren swelling with his child. The woman was a walking fertility goddess. He went so hard he thought she could very well bring him to his knees.

Her eyes heavy lidded with undisguised excitement, she plucked pins from her hair and shook the sleek updo free in a tumble over her shoulders. “One of us is vastly overdressed. Ditch the clothes, wonderboy. I have definitely been fantasizing about having you pose for me naked.”

“Pose?” His hand hesitated on his buttons.

“I took art classes in drawing the male body while in college, you know.”

He frowned. “I’m not so sure I like the idea of nude guys hanging out with you.”

She trailed a nail down his chest. “Then get naked.”

“Happy to accommodate.” His eyes locked on hers, he shrugged out of his shirt, toed off his shoes and socks. Urgency pulsed through him, but taking his time meant he got to stare at her all the longer. They’d gone at each other so fast in her office, there hadn’t been a chance for him to memorize the look of her.

Although the feel of being buried deep inside her silken walls was seared in his mind.

He kicked aside his pants and boxers, and extended a hand for her. She clasped his hand in one of hers and with her other, scratched a manicured nail down his chest. His heartbeat surged in response.

He tugged her toward him and she leaned against his chest, giving him easy access to unhook her bra and sweep it away. Satin and lace glided over his hands before sailing to the floor.

She arched against him, flattening her generous br**sts to his chest with a moan of pleasure. “I don’t think I can wait any longer. Can we go slow the second time?”

“My pleasure.” Because a second encounter meant she wasn’t going to boot his ass out right away afterward.

He backed her against the wall, grateful for the blank space, not that he would have given a damn if they’d knocked a Monet to the floor. She kissed him, bit him, scored her finger down his back as she shared ideas for the two of them together—white-hot fantasies—that let him know loud and clear she burned for this as much as he did. He swept away her panties, allowing himself a leisurely second to feel her warmth still lingering on the scrap of fabric. Amazing, but no substitute for the real thing, which happened to be right here in his arms.

Lauren hooked a leg on his hip and he didn’t need any further invitation to explore. He found her slick and ready. He dipped his head to her br**sts, drawing a taut nipple between his teeth carefully. The sound of her sigh, the way she tightened in his mouth, sent a charge through him until he throbbed against her stomach.

She cupped him, stroked him, her intent clear.

“Now? Here? You’re sure?” Even clearly seeing the passion in her eyes, the same wild want he’d found four months ago, he needed to hear her say it, to confirm she wanted frantic sex against a wall as much as he did.

Her grip tightened ever so slightly. “If you don’t take the edge off, I’m going to explode without you in about ninety seconds.”

He throbbed in her hand. “Ninety seconds?”

“Eighty-nine.” She circled her thumb over him.

He hitched her other leg up until she locked her ankles around his waist. He cupped her behind and lifted, positioning…She braced her hands on his shoulders and lowered, taking him inside her again…the way he remembered, except better, because nothing could have felt this amazing.

Her head fell to rest on his shoulder.

“Everything all right?” he said against her hair, holding himself in check, barely. The room around them faded as his world narrowed to the silky warm clamp of her body.

“Seventy-one seconds,” she gasped, “and counting.” Her chest rising and falling rapidly, she rocked her hips. He didn’t need any more encouragement than that.

He thrust while she wriggled to get closer. She whispered urgent pleas, her voice growing breathier, her skin flushing, and yes, he was watching every nuance of her face. They might be rushing, but he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to see her, a gift he’d lost out on their first time.

Now, he savored the graceful arch of her neck as she threw her head back. The perspiration dotting her brow, her eyes shutting tighter with each increasingly loud moan. The way she bit down on her lip until the cry of completion burst free in an awesome expression of just how high he’d taken her. Lauren’s heels pressed deeper into his back, vise-gripping them together. Her voice ricocheted into the high ceilings, their coming together noisy and uninhibited in a way they hadn’t been able to indulge in at her office.

Who’d have thought his reserved wife would be a screamer? And the knowledge that he’d been the one to bring those sweet cries from her mouth sent him slamming over the edge in explosive release.

His forehead resting against the wall, he slumped against her, her legs still wrapped around him. Sweat sealed them skin to skin, linking them together. But for how long?

Because in just ninety seconds, he’d realized he couldn’t ever let her go.

God, she needed to run.Lauren straddled Jason’s lap as they sat on the wooden seat in the spa shower. Spray pelting her back, she kissed water from his shoulder while he throbbed inside her.
