Bound by Night (Page 65)

They would definitely need a bathroom now, Elena thought as she returned to her own bedroom. There was no way she was going to bathe a new baby in that wooden tub!

Anxious to begin remodeling the nursery, she dressed quickly in a sweater and a pair of jeans, grabbed the keys to the Porsche, and drove into the city.

She wandered through the furniture store, looking at cribs and high chairs and bassinets. There were so many styles to choose from, how was she ever to decide?

She had better luck in the paint store. She found exactly the shade of yellow she wanted, bought two gallons of Summer Sunlight paint, a quart of white for the door, brushes, masking tape, paint thinner and a roller, and headed for home.

Drake was waiting for her in the main hall when she arrived.

She smiled when she saw him. “Hi, I’ve been—”

“I know where you have been.”

She frowned, puzzled by his harsh tone. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

He crossed the room, his movement so quick it was little more than a blur. “Elena, you must be careful.”

The warning in his tone made her heart skip a beat. “Why? Is something wrong?”

“No.” His hand smoothed her hair. “Forgive me. I am overreacting.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, confused by his attitude. “I didn’t mean to worry you, but why are you so upset?”

He smiled at her. “Worrying too much,” he said lightly. “I have never been this close to being a father before. I cannot help feeling anxious when you are away. So, what did you buy in the city?”

“Paint, for the nursery. I left it in the car.”

“I will get it later.” He ran his hands up and down her arms, as if to assure himself that she was all right. “I spoke to a contractor on the phone today. He and his men will be here tomorrow to install the bathroom.”

“That’s great!”

“I have requested they install the bathroom between our room and the one next to it so it will be accessible from both rooms. They are also adding a closet in the nursery.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“Is there anything else you want?”

“A kiss?”

A slow smile spread across his face as he drew her into his arms. “I do not need a contractor for that,” he replied, and lowered his head to hers.

Elena had never truly appreciated the benefits of being wealthy until she saw how quickly money could get things done. She had seen some evidence of it when the castle was wired for electricity. Due to the age and size of the castle, it had taken a considerable amount of time. But that was then and this was now. She had expected it to take many weeks, perhaps several months, to build a bathroom and a closet where none had existed before. But money could buy miracles and manpower, and the renovations were accomplished in less than a month.

Elena stood in the middle of the floor, turning slowly as she admired her new bathroom. The floor was gold-veined white marble. There was a white oval tub with a Jacuzzi, a square shower big enough for two, a toilet that flushed automatically, recessed lighting, and two sinks set in a granite countertop. She had not yet decided on a color for the walls.

Since the rooms were so large, the contractor had suggested adding a walk-in closet for the master bedroom. It was, Elena thought, big enough to be a room of its own. Drake moved their old wardrobe into one of the other bedrooms.

The new bathroom, walk-in closet, and smaller closet in the baby’s room made the nursery a little smaller, but Elena had assured Drake that wouldn’t be a problem. When their daughter grew older, she could simply move into one of the other, larger bedrooms.

Elena thought of little else besides the baby. How strange, to think that she carried a living being inside her. She could hardly wait to hold her daughter in her arms. What would their child look like? Would she have her father’s blue eyes or her mother’s brown ones?

Drake drove her into the city the evening after the renovations were complete. He agreed with her choice of the white crib and the rest of the furniture and arranged to have it delivered at the end of the week.

“You’re going to spoil me, you know,” Elena remarked on the drive home.

“That has always been my intention,” he replied, squeezing her hand. “Whatever you want, whatever you need, you have only to ask.”

Elena spent the next day painting the nursery and thinking she had never been happier than she was now. The man she loved slept in the next room. They were having a baby. A girl, she thought, smiling. Life was good. No, it was better than good. It was perfect.

She had just finished painting the window seat when Drake appeared in the doorway.

“You have been busy,” he remarked, glancing around the room.

“Do you like it?”

He nodded. “Yes, but should you be painting in your condition?”

“I’m pregnant, silly, not sick. Besides, it’s nice to have something to do to pass the time while you rest. I was thinking of painting the bathroom the same shade of yellow as the nursery,” she mused aloud. “Or maybe a light blue. What do you think?”

“Whatever you decide is fine with me.”

“I think, in deference to your masculinity, I’ll paint it blue.”

“Thank you,” he said, chuckling. “What would you say to a walk down by the lake?”

“The same thing I always say,” she replied with a saucy grin. “Yes!”

The lake was beautiful, as always. Stars winked on the black blanket of the sky like the twinkling lights on a Christmas tree.

Kneeling on the shore, Elena dipped her hand into the water, and quickly jerked it out. “I was hoping to go for a swim, but it’s too cold.”

“Is it?”

“Feel for yourself.”

He shook his head. “I believe you, but if you want to swim, then swim we shall.”

Elena heaved a sigh as he quickly undressed. Being a vampire, she supposed he was immune to the cold.

“Are you coming, wife?”

“No. It’s like melted ice in there.”

“Will you not trust me, my sweet?”

With a sigh, Elena pulled her sweater over her head, stepped out of her shoes, socks, and jeans, removed her underwear, walked into the lake. And shrieked when the chilly water swirled around her ankles. When she would have retreated, Drake captured her hand in his and gently tugged her toward him.

Surprisingly, as she waded out closer toward him, the water grew warmer. “Why is it warmer out here?” she asked suspiciously. “You didn’t pee in the pool, did you?”