Compromising Kessen (Page 40)

Compromising Kessen (The Vandenbrook #1)(40)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Well, I—” She cleared her throat. “Nevertheless, I need to get dressed, and you shouldn’t be in here. All I need to do is scream, and Nick and Duncan will implant paintballs into your already damaged back. We wouldn’t want an accident now, would we?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” he challenged.

She cleared her throat again and opened her mouth.

Christian slapped his hand across it and whispered into her ear, “Scream, and I’m pulling your towel off right now; I don’t care who sees.”

Her eyes molded into tiny slits.

“Good girl. Now get dressed. We have a big day ahead of us.” He strolled out of the room, leaving a bit more confident than when he arrived.

He had the upper hand; he just needed to keep it that way.

Christian left Kessen’s room and carefully maneuvered himself so his foot would smack the top of Duncan’s head. It worked splendidly. Duncan cursed as Christian removed the boot, and before anyone knew what was going on, Christian had shot the gun in the direction of Nick’s chest. He only meant to graze him, but unfortunately his thoughts had been elsewhere, same as his aim.

It ended up knocking Nick in the arm, sending a stream of expletives into the air that Christian silently hoped nobody else could hear.

“What’d you do that for?” Nick yelled.

Christian laughed. “Duncan, I can’t believe you would shoot a sleeping man!”

Duncan just stared between the two, flabbergasted as to what just happened. He was still rubbing his head when Nick lifted his paintball gun.

“Not in the house!”

Duncan’s speech was cut off by a howling of gigantic proportions. Nick’s shot was spot-on. And Christian figured by the looks of it Duncan would be walking funny for about a week; hopefully the bruising to his kneecap wouldn’t be substantial. But then again, both of them had interrupted his sweet interlude with Kessen the night before.

And one of them had had the audacity to call him a raw-boned high schooler, as if they hadn’t ever had an impure thought in their lives.

He chuckled and skipped down the stairs before either of them could figure out what just took place. His laughing was put to a bitter end, though, when he plopped into his chair and his spine made contact with the back.

A scream of pain that was anything but masculine escaped his lips just as Kessen graced the table with her presence.

“Constipated?” she asked sweetly as she took a cup of coffee.

He felt hot tears welling up in his throat as he paused to catch a breath. Who knew paintball bruises could be so painful?

“No, just thinking about kissing you.”

“Aw, how sweet. You’re so desperate for my touch you scream. I’m honored.” She winked as Christian thought about several different ways to cause her physical harm without being found guilty in a court of law.

In desperation, he threw a muffin at her face, hoping it would at least shut her up while he wallowed in more pain. She ducked, and the muffin hit the wall.

“Food fight at eight a.m.?” Duncan limped into the dining room.

Nick walked in with an ice pack on his arm and pushed past Duncan, causing him to nearly trip. Kessen quickly got up to help him to his seat.

“Oh, Kessen. Thanks. It’s kind of you to help me.” Duncan smiled sweetly at Kessen, and then kissed her on the cheek.

“Are you hurt badly, Duncan?”

He nodded and made eye contact with Christian.

“It hurts here.” He pointed to a spot on his leg.

Kessen bent down to look at where he was pointing.

Christian’s thoughts turned murderous as Duncan’s face took on a whole new form of smugness. “Yes. Right there, Kessen,” he said, as if he were on the verge of crying. Kessen leaned down and kissed Duncan’s knee.

Christian cursed, and Nick was still refusing to make eye contact with anyone. In his defense, he did have a bruised head and arm from Christian, even though he assumed it had been Duncan.

“Does this feel better?” Kessen asked as she lifted Duncan’s leg and rested it on a chair.

“Much. Thank you!”

“Let me see.” She lifted up his pant leg then grabbed some ice from the nearby cart. She applied some of it to his knee and put a towel over it.

“Your touch is all the healing I need,” Duncan said huskily as he grabbed Kessen’s hand and kissed it. In Christian’s opinion, he basically mauled it. Was that tongue?

He pushed back his chair just as Duncan dropped her hand and began eating. Christian looked around for something sharper than a knife, but not before Kessen came to his side of the table and removed all pointy objects. “I think it best to keep these away from you in your current state of imbalance.”

“She means you’re a fool.” Nick piped up.

Duncan laughed, and Kessen patted Christian on the head as if to say, “Good boy. Now eat your food.”

Christian sat down and scowled.

“By the way, everything’s in order,” Nick said to no one in particular.

“Good,” Duncan answered.

“Oh, so we are talking now?”

Duncan threw a grape in his direction. “Yes. I have a suspicion Christian was somehow involved in the latest attacks.”

“Agreed,” Nick said, nodding his head. “Today we have badminton set up, as well as a hike around the grounds, and trivia questions in the evening. Any questions?”

“When did we sign up for the senior citizen cruise?” Christian ridiculed.

“Well, you are losing your hair,” Duncan said, not answering his question.

“Am not!” he shouted, and then looked to Kessen for help. The little traitor shrugged and sipped her coffee. Christian suddenly felt the need to look into a mirror and make sure nobody had shaved his head in the middle of the night.

Not able to handle the averted eyes any longer, Christian jumped from his chair and found the nearest mirror. He heard high fives and laughter in the background.

“Told you he would fall for it!” Duncan snickered.

Every hair was in perfect place. Christian hated to admit he was worried they had removed his favorite physical attribute. It had always been a great fear he would one day lose his hair and teeth. Only Duncan knew that.

He should guard his secrets a little better.

Walking back to the table, he took a detour and slapped Duncan behind the head, then took his seat.

“I expected that, therefore fully braced for impact,” Duncan said sternly.

Nick nodded his head, giving the impression that he was saying “Good man, good man.”