Read Books Novel

Cryptic Cravings

When I turned down the alley to the mill, I saw an image even I couldn't have ever envisioned in Dullsville. A long line snaked around the corner of the factory and led up to the Crypt. Every student in Dullsville High was standing, texting, and gossiping in line, waiting for a chance, like me, to dance in a club. I was lucky to be in Sebastian's and Luna's company so we could walk past the sea of would-be clubsters and make our way to the entrance.

A sign in blood-red letters marked the entrance: CHECK ALL CELL PHONES, CAMERAS, AND MP3 PLAYERS. PHOTOGRAPHS PROHIBITED . A bouncer was checking all electronic devices.

When we entered, Sebastian and Luna disappeared into the Crypt while I stood spellbound. Alexander stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders. A lot had changed since I'd last been to the factory. The scene was truly magical.

Dullsville finally had a place, besides the Mansion, where I truly belonged.

Gray arched columns made the once-flat ceiling appear curved. Lightning flashed against the windows, and thunder rumbled over the music as if there were a nasty storm outside the club. The center stage was magnificent. It was in the shape of a large coffin. Headstone doorways had handles resembling skeleton bones. Votives and LED torch lighting hung on the walls like a creepy tomb. The bar, too, was shaped like a giant coffin. Bottles covered in fake cobwebs were on wooden racks. The dance area was illuminated by candelabra chandeliers flickering LED lights. Two metal cages with twisted wrought iron were in the corners for dancing clubsters. Neon exit signs hung above all outgoing doors. An open coffin rested next to an erect one with signs inviting customers to step inside. For a small price, a photographer dressed as a caretaker took pictures.

The conservative students raved about the new club. Any club party with loud music was the chance to let loose and be away from nagging parents.

"Wow!" I said. "This is what I've always dreamed of." I found Scarlet and Onyx already dancing.

While Alexander and Sebastian tried to find Jagger, I jumped onto the dance floor and rocked with my vampire friends.

I noticed Luna, off in the corner, waiting for Sebastian to return. She was a misfit, even in her brother's club. Aloof and unfettered, she just observed the goings-on around her. Scarlet and I ran over to her and dragged her onto the dance floor with us. It was as if she was relieved, finally having some friends of her own to hang out with. It wasn't long before her pink hair was tossing back and forth as we all danced to the morbid music.

Exhausted, I took a break. It was then I caught sight of the curious door - only tonight it was adorned like a grave marker and had a skeleton-bone handle.

"Do you know where Jagger is?" I asked Scarlet when we headed off to the bar. "I want to try that door again and I don't want him to see me."

"What?" She tried to shout over the music. "That tombstone door. We still don't know what it leads to. This could all be a ruse for something nefarious underground."

"You can check it out," she said, uninterested. "I want to dance. I think I see Trevor." She slipped into the crowd while Luna and Onyx continued to dance.

I made my way through wall-to-wall clubsters until I reached the grave marker door. There was so much going on, I was sure no one would notice me trying to sneak in.

I had put the key in and turned the lock when someone grabbed my hand. "Time to dance," Trevor said. Before I could shake free I was back on the dance floor, staring at Trevor Mitchell. Where were Alexander, Sebastian, and Jagger to protect me? I stood motionless, with my arms folded. "You can move better than that," he said. He put his hands on my waist and shook my hips back and forth. "Get off!" I said. "The dance doesn't start until you do!" he said. Then I thought, What difference does it make? I was as close to Trevor as I was to anyone else on the dance floor.

I let the song take over me and I danced my heart out. All at once I was lost, dancing with Trevor. His green eyes burned through me as if we were the only two on the dance floor. He put his hand around my waist and drew me to him, so close our bodies touched. I could feel his rock-hard stomach against mine. He stared at me intently and a

smile crept across his face. I was in his clutches. I knew any moment Trevor was going to kiss me. Suddenly Alexander was standing next to Trevor. There was no denying Alexander was ready to take him off the dance floor - physically.

"It's okay," I said. I pulled Alexander close. "That dance is over now. The rest are saved for you." Trevor watched me as I snuggled with Alexander. I checked back and Trevor was dancing with a group of girls, as if I didn't exist anymore.

The following morning I stumbled into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. My mom caught sight of my ring. "That's gorgeous. Where did you get it?" "Alexander gave it to me." "Sweetheart - that's real." "I know. Can you believe this? I don't deserve something this beautiful." "Maybe you're too young to get a gift like that," she said with a crinkle in her brow. "I just turned seventeen! And Alexander's eighteen. Too young?" "I didn't mean it like that." "I'm sorry I snapped." "Did he ask you anything when he gave it to you?"

"Like getting down on one knee?" I asked, slightly horrified at her overreaction to my good news. "No, he didn't. Why does everyone have to take this as more than it is?"

If she was this freaked out about a ring, I couldn't imagine what she'd say if I told her I wanted to turn into a vampire - for real.

"Maybe we should talk," my mom said. "About the birds and bees? I think we've been over that." "No, about your future. College. Getting out of town. Alexander." "What, now you don't approve of him?" "Of course I do. I think he's been amazing for you. I just hope you'll go to college."

"You met dad at college. It's not my fault that I met my true love in high school. Besides, can't I just enjoy my birthday present?"

"I just want you to make sure you are as focused on school as much as you are on relationships." "Well, you know I have never been focused on school." We both had a small chuckle. "If Alexander decides to study in Romania, I'm up for it," I assured her.

"It shouldn't be about what Alexander wants. That's what I'm trying to talk to you about." "Have I ever done anything in my life I didn't want to do?" I asked candidly. "Uh . . . no. I wish you had - it would have made my life a lot easier." "Have I ever succumbed to peer pressure?" I asked. "No. You are the antithesis of that." "Then why can't you trust me?" "Because I know what love does. It makes you think things - that the world is more romantic than it is." "Is that so bad? You have Dad, this house, and Billy and me." "You are right, but - "

"I've been pretty miserable most of my life. For almost a year now, I've really enjoyed this town. I have a great boyfriend and I've met a lot of people that I connect with. I haven't gotten into trouble and my grades have been pretty good."

"I was always hoping you'd be able to graduate and find a passion beyond . . ." "Vampires?" "Yes."

"I'll go to college, Mom. I want to be an editor for a fashion mag. You think Alexander would go out with me if I were just a slacker? He has standards, too."

"I know. Alexander is an amazing guy." "I want to show you something," I said. She followed me to my bedroom and I took out the bracelet buried in my drawer from Trevor.

"This could be my future," I said. "Where did you get this?"

"Trevor Mitchell." "Trevor? That is unexpected."

"I know . . . so when you worry about my future, you can think about this one, too," I said. "We could be having the same conversation about a different person. And do you know what it would be? A future with a gorgeous guy who thinks about himself more than anyone else. And guess what? While I'm watching him pursue his soccer dream, he'd be sneaking off with a leggy blonde cheerleader."

My mom sat on my bed, handling the bracelet. "I knew I'd found Mr. Right when I met your father. My mother wanted me to wait, too, and date different guys in college. And if I had, I wouldn't have been happy. I wouldn't have been in love. And I wouldn't have had you."

I heard my dad coming up the stairs. "Paul," she called to him. "Look what Alexander gave Raven." My mom proudly held out my hand to him.

"Moving a little fast, aren't we?" he asked. "Shouldn't Alexander be talking to me first - or should I be talking to him?"

"No one needs to talk to anyone," she said, softening the blow. "It was a special present Alexander gave Raven. And I think we should be happy for her and leave it at that."

My dad examined the ring. "Wow - is that real?" I nodded. "The boy has good taste. Although I already knew that," he said with a wink.

That evening I met Alexander just after sunset at the Mansion. With only a day until the joint birthday party at the Crypt, I didn't want anything to get in the way of it - including unwanted vampires. I was dressed and ready to go to the club, but when I met Alexander in his room, he wasn't ready. He was rummaging around in his closet.

Alexander had other plans. "Phoenix needs to come to the Crypt tonight," he said. "I'll have Jameson drop you off at the club."

"Tonight?" I asked, goose bumps shuddering down my spine. The thought of seeing Phoenix again - especially when I knew he was reallyAlexander - thrilled me. And his being on a secret mission made him that much sexier to me.

"Nothing major happened last night - no unknown vampires popping in - or at least none that we knew about," he said. "But it's not like the Maxwells to cave so easily. The Covenant door still remaining locked means Jagger is planning to use it for something. We can't wait any longer."

"I agree," I said. The more I fell in love with the Crypt, the harder it would be for me to lose it if unknown vampires started coming. "We have to have proof that vampires aren't being invited," I said, "and Phoenix has the power to do that." I watched as Alexander continued to scour through his closet.

"Phoenix can save this club, too," I said. "If it wasn't for him taking over the Coffin Club and, at the last moment, giving the reigns over to the clubsters, Jagger wouldn't even have that club. He's almost like a superhero." "All right," Alexander said, pulling out a pair of black leather pants and a motorcycle jacket and tossing them on the bed. "It's time for you to go. I'll see you at the club."

Glaring at his sexy outfit strewn on his coffin, I almost had a change of heart. "This isn't easy, you know. I'd rather be with you - as Alexander, Phoenix, or whomever - than alone in that nightclub." "Get out of here," he said playfully as he put on a tight white T-shirt. I did my best to tear myself away from my handsome boyfriend. "And don't forget that British accent," I called back to him as I left his room. "It goes right through my heart!"