Read Books Novel

Cryptic Cravings

Jameson kindly drove me to the Sinclair Mill�Cturned-fabulously-macabre dance club. It seemed to take forever as the Creepy Man drove at a zombie's pace. After I finally arrived I was hanging outside the Crypt with Scarlet when I heard the sound of a motorcycle pull up to the factory.

"Maybe it's the police," I heard one clubster say. A purple-haired biker raced through the alley and parked his Harley. "I think that's Phoenix!" Scarlet said. "What's he doing here?" "I don't know," I said.

"This club isn't supposed to be open to outside vampires," she said as if taking offense to her special VIV - Very Important Vampire - status. She stormed after him, and I followed close behind, but by the time we reached the entrance he was already going inside.

"Line cutter!" I heard a few clubsters shout. "My best friend dates the owner!" Scarlet shouted back. Scarlet grabbed my arm and we quickly ducked inside so as not to make any more enemies than I normally had. I spotted a handsome guy with purple hair talking to Jagger by the dancing cages. We pushed through the crowd of dancers and snuck up behind them, eavesdropping on their conversation. "I saw the crop circle," Phoenix said. "So I came to check out your place." "Uh . . . we got rid of that. The plans for the club have changed," Jagger said. "This place looks cool!" Phoenix continued. "What are you serving?" "I really must tell you - " "This club might be better than the Coffin Club," Phoenix said, slapping Jagger on the back.

"You think so?" Jagger was overcome with the attention. He beamed like a star. "Romeo - get this man a Lethal Injection. It's the house special," he said. "So, how did you hear about us?" "Like I said before, a crop circle. I figured you were starting a new vampire club. But this town isn't known for vampires. So I thought I'd come and check it out."

"Well, there are a few here among us. But that's what I need to tell you about. I made a deal with my buddies," Jagger said. "This club will be slightly different from the Coffin Club." "What do you mean by 'different'?" It was as if Jagger was afraid to admit that the club would be mortals only. "You think this should be like the Coffin Club, with a Dungeon, too? My friends persuaded me . . . I was a fool to listen. You have to see what I have here.

Let me give you a tour." I followed behind so as not to be too conspicuous. When they passed the Covenant room door, Phoenix stopped. "What's this?" Phoenix asked. "Another club?" "That's not just another club - it is theclub. The Covenant," he said proudly. "More private than the Dungeon." Phoenix's eyes lit up. "So this is where the vampires are?" "Yes. They'll be here."

"So you have planned another vampire club? Something you can't share with your 'buddies' but you can with me, your old friend?"

"It's only for special members." "Vampires? Does anyone else know?" he pressed. "No, it's a secret. No one knows. I was waiting for a special occasion to open it." "Ah . . . the element of surprise," Phoenix said. "Exactly," Jagger said.

Phoenix scanned the crowd of mostly mortal dancers and put his hand on Jagger's shoulder. "Some surprises are best left undone."

"I'm not sure what you mean," Jagger said, confused. "Look around here, Jagger," Phoenix said. "This town, this club. It's full of mortals. No vampires live here. You could put us all in danger by inviting indiscreet vampires here," he charged.

"Well, a few vampires and their friends do live here." "It's not safe for you to run a vampire club in a town this small." "And it's not safe for you to come to my club and tell me how to run it." "You know what happened between us at the Coffin Club. It can happen here, too," Phoenix pressured. Jagger was really heated. His face flushed red like the fiery dyed tips of his white hair.

"You don't know the truth. That club isn't meant for you. Maybe in the beginning I thought it would be cool to have a second Coffin Club. But you know, I think this one will be unique, too. It's meant as a special club for my friends to celebrate their birthdays in. A surprise. One they'll never forget. You've come all this way, and you were lucky I let

you in. But this club and the one below are for mortals only," Jagger said, "unless you are one of my closest vampire friends, which I'm sorry to say you are not."

Jagger waited, poised for a fight. But when Phoenix smiled, Jagger's body relaxed. I couldn't believe it. I'd done so much sneaking in and asking questions, but it had taken only seconds for Phoenix to get more answers than I had in a month.

"Then I guess my work is done here," Phoenix said like a cowboy in a Western movie. But Jagger continued to soften. It was unlike him to send someone out of his club with a bad taste in their mouth.

"Second round is on the club as well," Jagger said. "It was good of you to come this far to check us out. Tell your mortal friends about it. And if I do ever open it to vampires, you'll be the first to know."

Phoenix made his way back to the bar, sipping his Lethal Injection. I wanted to go and hang out with my boyfriend's alter ego, but I knew I would look like I was flirting with someone other thanAlexander. Several girls sidled up to him and batted their eyelashes at him, doing their best impression of femmes fatales. It took all my

strength not to clobber them. I couldn't tell Scarlet who he really was, so instead we hung by the bar sipping sodas and discussing Phoenix and Jagger's encounter.

"What kind of surprise do you think Jagger has planned down there?" "Maybe a big birthday cake." "I love cake," Scarlet said. "Or maybe he'll turn you into a vampire." "I think that's Alexander's job." Just then Phoenix turned around. Hearing the name Alexander was natural to him. I winked at him, and suddenly Luna was standing before him. "My brother told me about you," she said. "Would you like another drink?" "No, thanks," Phoenix answered in his British accent. "This one's plenty." "How about we split one?" Luna tried to entice him. I walked up to Luna, who had now linked her arm with my boyfriend's.

"Where is Sebastian?" I said loudly. "I thought you two were inseparable. I remember you telling me all about your wedding. When is it, again?"

She shook her head. "There's no wedding," she retorted. "I mean, not now." "That's okay. I was just leaving," Phoenix said. "So soon?" Luna asked. "I have some friends to meet at the Coffin Club," he said. "Will you be back?" Luna asked, flashing her pink lashes. "I might. With pretty girls like this one," he said, putting his hand to my chin, "it will be hard to keep me away." Luna shot me a deadly gaze.

Phoenix put his drink on the bar and left the club through a maze of gawking girls. He could have had any girl in the Crypt; he was that magnetic. And I was one of those girls who was hypnotized. I wasn't sure when I'd ever see Phoenix again. At the last moment, I couldn't help but follow him out of the club. I knew he was not going to be

returning anytime soon. My heart was racing as fast as my feet. He was climbing on the bike when I caught up to him. "Funny," I said. "Now that I know who you really are, I like you even better." "Me, or Phoenix?" he asked. "Both." "Maybe now I can get that kiss that I didn't the last time?" he asked in his sexy British accent. Phoenix stood up. His purple bangs hung over his forehead and gently brushed his eyes. "It's okay. No one's looking," he reassured me. Phoenix drew me into him. "And don't worry, I won't tell." I could feel his leather-clad legs against my naked knees.

He leaned in and gave me a long, deep kiss. It was so riveting I thought I'd lost all my wits. For a moment, I wasn't sure if I was kissing Phoenix or Alexander.

When we pulled apart I saw a figure lurking in the shadows. Then I noticed blonde dreadlocks. "Oh no!" I covered my mouth in shock. "I better go." Phoenix revved up the motorcycle while I took off for the Crypt. Sebastian gave me a death stare. His shoulders were tense and his face was fierce. "Let me explain - " I started. "I can't believe you - after all Alexander's done for you? And you do this to him?" "It's not - " "With some guy you've just met?" "I already know him. It's not like you think. You don't even know what you're talking about." "So you've been seeing him before - and that's your excuse?" "I didn't mean - "

"So help me!" Sebastian was so hurt. I wanted desperately to tell him who Phoenix was, but if I did, the whole plan would be ruined.

"It's not what you think," I pleaded with him. "What's there to think? You were making out with another guy and you're supposed to be in love with my best friend!"

"Please, Sebastian. Don't - you've misunderstood everything." "No, I've only misunderstood one thing - you." He stepped past me and disappeared into the Crypt. I felt as awful as if I had cheated on Alexander. Maybe the image was just as bad, if no one knew the truth.

I would have told Sebastian, but if he had loose lips, Alexander's cover as Phoenix would be blown. Even the events at the Coffin Club, where it was actually Alexander who prevailed at getting the vampire club to be civil, would now be known. And the worst part was that Jagger would feel betrayed and double-crossed and the truce would be broken.

That was something we couldn't afford. I headed back into the Crypt. I tried to dance my feelings off on the dance floor. But when I saw Alexander's back sitting at the bar, next to Sebastian, I hurried over.

Sebastian didn't even turn around. I scooted next to Alexander. "Sebastian hates me," I whispered in his ear. "He has lost all respect for me." "He should. You were kissing someone else!" he said softly. "Please, Alexander. It's not funny. We should tell him." "But what if he spills it to Luna? I don't think we can take the chance." "So this is how it will be?" I asked. "He'll go on thinking I'm cheating on you?" "For the time being." "I feel like Trevor," I mumbled, "but with a conscience." "So, did you miss me?" Alexander said loud enough for Sebastian to hear. "What did you do until I arrived?" Sebastian finally turned toward me. "Yes, Raven, what did you do?" "I waited patiently for you to come," I said, giving Alexander a squeeze. "Yes, that's exactly what she did," Sebastian said. "Waited by herself. All alone." "Well, I was going to ask you to keep an eye on her, but you don't need to do that with Raven," he teased. "I think you might want to start keeping an eye on her," Sebastian warned. "She isn't as patient as she looks."