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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(72)
Author: Christine Feehan

"That’s why he works so hard to learn everything he can about the vampire and how to fight him," Mikhail continued. "It’s hard to convince him it wasn’t his fault."

"How sad," Tatijana said. "He’s just a little boy. He shouldn’t have to contend with monsters at his age."

"Unfortunately," Mikhail said, "None of us have a choice. This is our world. It would do no good for Travis and the rest of the children to be kept in the dark about the existence of vampires. They come under attack every time we do. When they’re older, we’ll give them a choice to convert, but for now, it’s better to train them how to fight."

"I agree," Tatijana admitted, "but it’s still sad."

Savannah smiled up at her. "Don’t be sad tonight. Those children are happy and are very loved. We help raise them as a community and they know they can come to any of us if they’re in trouble or upset about anything."

"They’re beautiful," Tatijana said. "How’s Sara’s pregnancy coming along this time?"

"So far, she’s hanging in there. We’re hoping she makes it to full term, although Gregori says it’s doubtful. Nevertheless, he says the baby is strong and has a good chance of survival. She’s taking it one rising at a time," Raven added.

"Are the children excited about the baby?" Fen asked.

Mikhail nodded. "We’re a society that believes every single child born is a gift and they believe that as well. So far even Jase hasn’t shown any anxiety, just excitement."

Fen noticed how all the Carpathians, men and women alike stopped by the storytelling circle, dropping a hand on a child’s shoulder or affectionately ruffling their hair. The gestures brought back long forgotten memories of his own childhood and the fire circles with the elders telling the stories and the warriors and lifemates assuring the young children by those silent gestures that they were safe and surrounded by those who loved them.

Time might have marched on. Centuries had gone by and tremendous strides had been made in technology. Huge changes had taken place in the world. Still, he found it comforting that his people held certain things close to their hearts. The trappings around them may have changed, but the love for their children remained.

Raven and Mikhail were called away by another couple and Savannah laughingly rushed to go to the aid of her lifemate as the twins, the prince’s son and nephew all tried to topple him so they could use him as a jungle gym.

"Tatijana." Natalya rushed up to them. "I’m sorry I’m so late. We were trying to locate Razvan and Ivory. I know they’d want to see you." She looked around her, disappointment showing for a moment in her eyes. "Branislava didn’t come with you?"

"She may come a little later," Tatijana said. "I’d love to see your brother and his lifemate," she added to take the attention away from her sister. "I’ve missed Razvan, and there’s so much we have to talk about."

Natalya glanced around at the crowd laughing and talking together. Many conversations were taking place in small groups. "Would it bother you if I asked you a couple of questions about Xavier and Razvan? It would mean a lot to me."

Fen reached for Tatijana’s hand, feeling the sudden distress in her mind. Outwardly she looked perfectly serene. Even her smile was welcoming and gracious.

"What would you like to know?"

Natalya pressed her lips together tightly. "Razvan and I were always so close. He didn’t want Xavier to know that I was the one capable of spells, so he took my place and saved me. Did you know that?"

Tatijana nodded. "Yes. It was his choice, Natalya. He discovered early on how evil Xavier was and more than anything else he wanted you safe."

Natalya shook her head, her eyes downcast. "We spent so much of our time in each other’s mind. I knew him. I knew how he thought and yet . . ." She trailed off.

Vikirnoff, who had been talking to his brother Nicolae, turned around abruptly and instantly was at her side as if sensing her distress. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into the shelter of his body.

"What is it?" Tatijana asked gently. "I’m your sister-kin. There is nothing you can tell me that would make me love you less."

"Were you aware Xavier was the one possessing Razvan’s body against his will and forcing him to do such terrible things, or did you think my brother did them?" Natalya took a deep breath. "I mean, they were such hideous crimes. All those women giving birth to children Xavier wanted to use just for their blood. And if they didn’t measure up to his standards he threw them away. Like poor little Skyler being sold to that awful man she thought was her father."

"We were there in the caves and observed firsthand Razvan taking blood from his own child, and of course, he stabbed Bronnie so she couldn’t escape the ice cave. But we knew it was Xavier using his grandson as a puppet in his never-ending quest for immortality and power."

"I wouldn’t believe the things I heard about him, or even saw with my own eyes for so long, but in the end, I stopped believing in him," Natalya said, sorrow in her eyes. "When he needed me most, I wasn’t there."

"Natalya." Tatijana took both of her hands. "You must know Razvan would never hold such a thing against you. He loves you very much. How could he not? The thought that you were free and happy somewhere in the world kept him going all those years. We spoke of it often in the beginning, when he hadn’t been so worn down. Before Xavier murdered the little mage, Lara’s mother, in front of him and left Razvan chained there with her body. After that, Razvan rarely communicated with us."

"Xavier was so hideous, so evil," Natalya said with a small shudder. "I have a hard time with the idea that he’s actually my grandfather."

Tatijana touched Fen’s mind, almost as if she needed reassurance. Those little moments, when his warrior woman was vulnerable tugged at his heartstrings.

"Xavier is my father," Tatijana said. "He tried to destroy an entire species. He created children using his own son, just for their blood. He tortured and killed well over a thousand individuals of several species, including my mother and brother for his experiments. The list of his heinous crimes could go on for hours, but I refuse to feel shame or guilt for the terrible things he did. I was tortured and imprisoned by him just like his other victims. Bronnie, Razvan and I survived by relying on one another and through Razvan, you, Natalya. In a way, you saved us all. That’s what you need to always keep in your heart."

Fen was more proud of her in that moment than when she’d fought off the rogue pack so fearlessly. The moment she’d reached out to him telepathically, he had merged his mind with hers, and he felt her response to Xavier’s name. Just his name. She had slammed the door on the memories welling up, but his name made her feel ill.
