Read Books Novel

Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(73)
Author: Christine Feehan


Merged so deep with her, Fen heard Branislava’s voice when she reached out to her sister. Clearly Tatijana’s distress and that glimpse of a horrific childhood and the ensuing years had been enough to cause alarm in Branislava.

You have need of me?

At once Tatijana soothed her sister. No. No. I’m sorry I disturbed you. I was talking of difficult times with Natalya. But it is fun here and nice to see the children. The prince has a son, Gregori has twin daughters and Jacques has a beautiful little boy as well. Sara and Falcon have seven amazing children. The world seems a different place with children in it, Bronnie.

He didn’t manage to wipe out our people, did he, Tatijana?

No, my sister, he did not. All those times you fought to slow his experiments down, all the times you ruined them and he had to start over, were for good. You risked your life and in the end it paid off.

There was pride in Tatijana’s voice, and Fen caught glimpses of her past, vignettes of memories where she laid, heart beating fast, fist jammed in her mouth to keep herself from making any noise while her sister crawled to Xavier’s laboratory and sabotaged his latest work. Tatijana had been terrified Xavier would kill Branislava or enact one of his terrible punishments.

She’s amazing, he whispered to Tatijana. Her courage is terrifying.

Tatijana beamed at him. She was always the brave one. She defied Xavier at every turn and when he threatened me, she always got between us. I was always a little more timid when I was young. I learned to take a stand and fight for the things that are important from her.

"Thank you so much, Tatijana, for saying those things to me," Natalya said. "I can’t seem to forgive myself for losing faith in my brother."

"You know I was the one who convinced you Razvan was evil," Vikirnoff said. "You never would have thought it, even for a moment."

"You were just protecting me," Natalya said. "You didn’t know him. How could you think anything else? But I’m his sister, and he sacrificed so much for me. For all of us."

Tatijana shook her head. "The future lies in front of us. We have each other now. Razvan escaped and found his lifemate. He feels happy to me whenever I touch him, even from a distance. I’m very happy with my lifemate as you are with yours, Natalya. Razvan is incapable of holding grudges. He’s seen so much and been through so much there is little that can ever be done to him that would ever shock or hurt him. He would want you to be happy, Natalya. Think of it like that. If you think you owe him, then be happy. That’s all that ever mattered to him."

"I think that’s an excellent idea," Fen said. He took Tatijana’s arm and drew her a little away from the others, out toward the center of the cave, right in the middle of the crowd. "And now if you don’t mind, I have something important to say to my lifemate."

Chapter 15

There was something mischievous about the way Fen pulled Tatijana into the center of the crowd that warned her he was up to something. He had both laughter and something else in his expression, something that totally melted her heart. When Fen looked at her like that-so playful and carefree, Tatijana was lost. How could she not be? The lines in his face eased. There was merriment in his eyes when he looked at her. There was peace in his heart. And love in his mind.

He had seen so many horrific things over the centuries. He had fought endless battles that had resulted in mortal wounds. She was the one who had brought light and hope and peace to him. She brought joy and laughter. Companionship and most importantly belonging. She couldn’t help but fall deeper in love when he was looking at her like that.

When they reached the middle of the room, he stepped away from her and gave her an old-world, very courtly bow.

He looked the perfect gentleman and she couldn’t help dropping a small curtsey back to him. His smile told her it had been the right thing to do. The cavern hushed. Even the children. From somewhere behind her, music began to play.

You caught a forest scent by fate’s strange chance,

and found me-though you had not sought romance.

He sang the words to her, his voice shocking her with its perfect pitch and a sexy rasp to it that sent a chill down her spine. He held out his hand to her, continuing in song.

Still I sing; lady, may I have this dance?

Tatijana felt tears burning behind her eyes. Music grew louder, taking on a rhythmic beat. She didn’t know where it came from, and she couldn’t look away from Fen to see who he’d enlisted to help him make this night special for her. She placed her hand in his. He took it gently and brought her in close to him. She actually was shaking as she put her other hand on his shoulder.

Music swelled in the cavern as he began to move with his fluid grace until she felt as if she was floating. His mouth moved against her ear. "This is for you alone, my lady," he whispered. "I wrote it for you."

He began to sing again while they moved in perfect synchronization, their bodies close while her heart found and followed the rhythm of his.

I roamed the lonely centuries in the dark,

This Fenris wolf near famished for the light.

Then you appeared-a sudden brilliant spark,

My miracle who banishes my night.

Tatijana laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of floating and the way his body felt so warm and hard against hers as they moved together. His arms were strong, holding her safe in a world where she knew madness and monsters often lurked.

You, too, knew loneliness while trapped in ice.

Set free, you swore you’d not be bound again.

Then may you never feel my arms a vise!

And may you willingly enter my den!

Above their heads, stars swirled around the high ceiling of the cavern and the torches dimmed, giving the illusion that they were dancing beneath the sky itself. Tatijana held herself closer to him. The night felt magical, a wondrous surreal moment as they drifted together, their bodies close while she felt love for him rising, swamping her.

Your eyes . . . they shift in color like your hair.

They gleam like emeralds,

Fascinate with light.

You dance as though with wings upon the air.

You match our greatest warriors in fight.

Tatijana knew the words of his song to her were heartfelt. How could she not? She was in his mind, feeling what he was feeling. He made no attempt to hide his love, respect and admiration from her-or anyone else. She felt beautiful, loved and as if she was the only woman in the world.

My dragon flame, you set my heart aglow!

Above all else, these ancient words hold true . . .

My Tatijana, these words hold true:

You are my lifemate.

I belong to you.
