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Dark Storm

Dark Storm (Dark #23)(92)
Author: Christine Feehan

"Take us there, to one of these houses where you felt a presence," Dax ordered. "Tonight. We have no time to lose." He didn’t give the others time to refuse, turning on his heel, holding out his hand to Riley and gliding toward the door.

There was relief in leaving the inside of the house. He could see how the Carpathians had designed it to suit them, but they were used to the modern world and civilization. He was not. The air didn’t feel the same. Nothing felt the same to him inside four walls. Riley’s presence helped, but he preferred the outdoors and the mountains.

Riordan hesitated. "Juliette?"

"I’ll stay with Gary and Jubal. We can watch over Jasmine. With safeguards, if the vampire has targeted her, his puppets won’t be able to get in here if you don’t return before the sun comes up. We’ll be safe as long as we’re inside."

Riordan nodded and then followed Dax out. Both hunters inhaled deeply, scenting the air, seeking information. Riley crouched low as both worked on the safeguards for the house, sinking her hands into the soil. Dax linked with her to gain knowledge the earth might provide to them.

There was always that first little resistance to his push into her mind. She hadn’t quite figured out how to be open mind-to-mind at all times, but she couldn’t resist the way he poured warmth into her once he touched her. His half of their soul cried out for hers, and hers answered. There was no more being alone, every shadow gone, and each time they shared minds, they both found it difficult to break apart.

His blood surged hotly the moment they shared their intimate connection. He waited until the first rush passed and watched his heart, that he didn’t change the rhythm of hers. Deep in her veins, a pulse thrummed, keeping time to her heartbeat. She seemed to be concentrating on what should have been her own pulse.

He stepped closer to her, dropped his hand on the back of her neck, and moved deeper into her mind. She was following something she understood, but he hadn’t quite grasped yet. He stayed still, waiting. He was a hunter and he had learned patience. Whatever was eluding him surely would come to him, there was no doubt in his mind.

There it was. A tiny irregular beat inside her pulse. He listened intently.

It’s not right, Riley said. This is strange. Something is very wrong here. Feel the way my blood moves in my veins. It’s very faint, but there is something pulling me toward the edge of the cliffs, over to the left. I think he was there …

She broke off, shaking her head, and turned to look around her. A small grove of trees was off to the left, branches swaying slightly.

I would know if he was here.

You’re right. It wasn’t him, but his blood was here. A distance so as not to disturb the occupants, but someone or something is watching.

Dax pushed a brushing of air that would feel like a touch on Riordan’s shoulder to warn him. He switched to the common Carpathian mind link. We are not alone.

The watcher was no doubt following the movement of Riordan’s hands as he set the safeguards over his home in the city, rendering those inside vulnerable.

You are certain of this? Riordan didn’t stop the motion of his hands, but he set the weaves in odd patterns.

Riley is certain of it, and that’s good enough for me. I catch a faint trail, but it isn’t Mitro. Riley says his blood is here, Dax informed the other Carpathian.

He had taken both Jubal’s and Gary’s memories, but he had not done so with Riordan. Memories were sacred to each Carpathian male. Sometimes honor was kept only with memories. He felt handicapped by his lack of knowledge of what had transpired in the history of his people. Gary had the most knowledge, but he was human and didn’t have the data required for centuries of fighting vampires or what information the hunters had on them or the tricks they used.

Riley trembled beneath his fingers, and Dax started a slow massage. Just continue what you’re doing, sivamet. We will find it, this watcher. Can you track the blood without the watcher?

Her mind moved against his and once again he experienced that strange weakness in the vicinity of his heart. She didn’t protest, or fall apart, but kept her hands deep in the soil, her head down as if listening intently.

Yes, I think there have been others, back in the same grove of trees. More than one, but a few days ago. The trail is very faint, but if I listen to my blood, the call is there.

Dax continued massaging her neck with one hand, the other down at his side, hand open, subtly moving, shifting the wind just slightly, bringing it rushing up from the ravine, swirling around the grove of trees and gusting straight to him.

Second tree from the left. High up in the branches. A rodent. Mitro’s using him the way the mages used familiars, he informed Riordan.

I’ve got him now, Riordan acknowledged, dropping his hands as if he had finished and thought his home safe.

You’ll have to come with us, Dax whispered softly into Riley’s mind. If you don’t, he’ll know we’re onto him. He had to keep reminding himself she wasn’t Carpathian, but she didn’t flinch, although she didn’t attempt to hide her silent reluctance.

She took the hand he extended to her and got up, taking her time dusting off her jeans. He knew she was giving herself time to compose and steel herself for whatever was to come.

"I’m ready," she said aloud, flashing a smile to him and then to Riordan. "Let’s go. I’ll do the shopping. Those boys are starving, and I doubt the two of you know much about grocery shopping." She even managed a small laugh at her own joke.

He tangled his fingers with hers, amazed at her playful tone, not overly loud; in fact, he wasn’t certain the watcher could hear her, but it didn’t matter. She acted perfectly natural. He quickened his pace without seemingly doing so. Riley fell a step behind, but he appeared not to notice, leaning toward Riordan to say something in a low voice as they walked down the winding path to get to the vehicle parked in the left-side garage nearest that small grove of trees. She tucked in behind him in that way he was coming to love, her hand slipping into his back pocket as she matched his pace, using his body as a shield.

It’s tracking your lifemate, Riordan warned. It isn’t looking at either of us, just her.

Dax was careful not to look at the creature directly, but he’d already seen the beady eyes glowing bright through the foliage and the stare was directed solely at Riley. Mitro believes she is someone else and he fears her. He rejected his lifemate Arabejila and he intended to kill her, but he couldn’t force himself to finish the job. She is the one person he can’t kill, so he’ll send every minion he has to do the job for him, Dax explained.

That thing is looking at me, Riley hissed in his mind.

She sounded scared. Her hand transferred from his back pocket to the small of his back. She bunched his shirt tightly in her fist.
