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Dark Storm

Dark Storm (Dark #23)(93)
Author: Christine Feehan

It will be all right.

That’s easy enough for you to say. It isn’t looking at you.

He suppressed a smile. Stop looking at it.

It has big teeth.

Of course it does. It is meant to kill you. I’m certain the claws are of equal size. They were in striking distance now.

She thumped him hard on his back. Do you think you’ll ever get the concept of watering down the danger level?

I don’t understand what that means. He was genuinely puzzled. She was half serious, half joking, but he didn’t like the idea that he might be failing her on some level. How did one "water down"-whatever that was-danger? Any creature a vampire used to do his bidding was extremely dangerous, especially one that wanted to kill his lifemate.

Of course you don’t.

There was a hint of laughter in her voice. Arabejila had a gift allowing a Carpathian male who had lost all color and emotion to feel some faint sensation, but the times he managed to feel something, the reaction had been so faint and distant, he’d never been entirely certain whether or not the sentiment had been merely a long-ago memory, or if he’d really experienced feeling. Certainly not humor. Arabejila had always had a sense of humor, but he hadn’t always understood her laughter.

Now, with Riley, humor had become fun. He liked teasing her. And he liked that she teased him. He was coming to understand humor, and hers always showed itself at unexpected times.

It’s getting ready to attack.

Dax could tell Riordan’s voice in her head startled Riley, but the only sign was the way she bunched the back of his shirt tighter in her fist and pressed her forehead against his back, making herself smaller. All the while, she stayed in step with him.

When I say, let go and crouch low.

He was in her head and heard her silent protest, but she nodded several times indicating she heard him. She was afraid. Really afraid. He was used to Arabejila, who always followed his orders without question. Like him, she didn’t fear death. Both had lost all hope of a lifemate, and knew death was now a matter of honor. Now, he had everything to live for, but fear was something he wasn’t familiar with.

I would not allow you to come to harm, Riley. It was a simple truth. He couldn’t allow such a thing. She was his lifemate, his world, light to his darkness and there was no possible way he would let anything hurt her. Arabejila understood that …

If you compare me to that woman one more time, I’m going to hit you over the head with a very large object. I’m not Arabejila, and I’m not wild about the comparisons.

He swore her teeth snapped together just shy of his skin. She might have torn his shirt.

I think the dragon would be a good thing right now. Maybe you ought to call him out. He’s big and he’s got teeth, too.

She was royally angry at him, but again, he didn’t really understand why. Lifemates were much more difficult than he’d ever considered. And the dragon? She wanted the Old One to protect her? He felt a faint stirring of an emotion he couldn’t quite catch or identify.

All the while he tried to puzzle out her illogical reasoning, he kept most of his attention centered on the rodent. Small flames had begun to burn in the beady, glowing eyes. Muscles bunched as it gathered itself in wait for its prey to get close enough.

Now. He gave the command as the watcher leapt from the branches, bursting into the open, hurtling itself through the air straight at Riley.

She dropped low, releasing his shirt as scales slipped over his skin, that hard armor protecting him, and he swung at the creature with a hammerlike fist. He connected with the long snout, smashing through razor-sharp barred teeth, and driving the fangs back down the rodent’s throat.

The rodent flew backward, right into Riordan’s hands. He caught the watcher around the neck and held tight, staring into the flame-filled eyes. Deep inside those red flames burned black hatred. Riordan only caught the briefest of glimpses in the midst of the swirling, leaping towers of fire raging inside the eyes of the beast.

He’s shadowed, Dax, you were right.

The creature snarled and ripped at Riordan.

Now, but watch for the sliver to try to save itself.

Before the shadowed rodent could sink its claws into Riordan’s skin, the hunter hurled it into the air. Dax summoned dragon fire, opened his mouth and breathed a torrent of flames to engulf the watcher, burning it fast. The smell was terrible, noxious, even poisonous. The snarling turned to a terrible scream. Riley put her hands over her ears and held her breath.

Both hunters didn’t take their eyes off the burning rodent as it fell to the ground. Shockingly, it got to its feet and staggered toward Riley. Dax sent another sweeping torrent of flames at the creature, the force so strong the watcher rolled over and over away from Riley. Burning fast, squealing, the rodent opened its mouth and coughed out a small sliver of darkness, a mere shadow. The shadow fell to the ground and began burrowing deep. Without the shadow of Mitro keeping it alive, the hapless creature burned hot and bright, turning to nothing but ash.

"Stop it, Riley," Dax commanded the moment the sliver landed on the ground. "Don’t let it use the soil to get away. Drive it back to the surface."

She plunged her hands into the soil without hesitation, although her fear was tangible. He didn’t need their mind bond to feel it. Her murmured chant was low but strong and firm without hesitation. Mother Earth answered her child.

At once the ground rippled, rolled and then shuddered. Dirt burst into the air, a geyser spewing high as the sliver of evil was rejected. The wind shifted away from the Carpathians. Dax and Riordan both leapt through the spray of soil, eyes trained on the single dark shadow as it was taken in the direction of the trees.

Once more Dax called the fire, inhaling deeply, drawing on the reserve in his belly, and sending the stream of flames directly into that sliver of darkness. Screams of rage and pain rent the air. Dogs howled throughout the neighborhood, the alarm spreading throughout the city. Car alarms went off. Sirens sounded. Windows shattered in some homes and businesses. The promise of retaliation-of vengeance-came as the unholy noise faded away.

Riley knelt with her hands over her ears, head down. Riordan checked to make certain both the sliver of evil and the creature were dead.

"It’s over," Dax said, hurrying to Riley’s side. He reached down and lifted her to her feet, pulling her into the shelter of his body.

Riley leaned into him for a brief moment, taking the comfort he offered. He wrapped his arm around her, nearly crushing her to him, inhaling, drawing her deep into his lungs. Her scent wiped out the repulsive, offensive stench permeating the air around them.

"What was that?" She rested her head on his chest, betraying nerves by the nervous little strokes of one hand over his heart.
