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Devil's Charm

She struggled in his arms. He lifted her up with ease, putting her on top of the vanity unit Vincent supplied for the girls to get dressed. She gasped, and he tilted her head back to look at him. “Everyone has a price. What’s yours?” He claimed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

Within minutes she melted against him. The hands that had been pushing him away, gripped him tightly, wanting him. His dick wanted inside her so f**king bad.

Pressing against her hard, Devil wanted all of her clothes off and to sink into her sweetness. Cupping one of her tits he teased the nipple loving the feel of it budded against his palm. She was going to be so f**king hot to claim. He wanted his dick inside her, and he’d even forgo the condom to feel her na**d cunt.

“Boss, we need you out here. Ripper is causing some f**king problems,” Curse said, grabbing his attention.

Devil pulled away from her, staring into her eyes. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

Leaving Lexie behind Devil went to deal with one of his men. His thoughts were not on the job at hand only the woman he wanted to f**k.

Chapter Two

What the hell was that all about? Lexie quickly removed her wig, grabbed her bag, and headed outside. Jenny was stood with her husband, giggling as she exited the back of the club.

“I was wondering where you got to. I’ll see you in a few days, okay?” Jenny asked.

Nodding, she said goodbye to her friends and headed out into the night. It was late, and she needed to get home to collect her son—Simon. She found herself more and more forgetting that Simon wasn’t hers. They’d been together six months so far, but it had started to feel like a lifetime. Every dance and performance she did was one step closer to making a better life for them. She paid the rent and got enough food to feed them both. After buying the necessities for him she tried to earn enough to give him toys and clothes. She even wanted to move out of the crummy apartment to somewhere nice. Listening to couples f**k and fight was not the kind of life she wanted Simon to grow up in.

There was so much she wanted to give him, and yet she struggled day after day to provide for him. Pulling the band out of her hair, she let her hair fall free. After wearing a wig she loved to feel the fresh air. Grabbing the pepper spray out of her bag, she kept on walking feeling a little protected even though it was stupid. Any man could easily overpower her if he chose.

Keeping her head bowed she got to her apartment building with ease. Several women, whores, were working on the streets waiting for a paying customer. She hated this lifestyle. Some of them gave her a nod as she passed. Lexie never judged them for earning money, and several liked her as she took care of their kids when they really needed it.

“Rough night, Lex?” Carol asked. She’d been a whore all of her life, and at thirty something she’d seen it all. Lexie took care of her kids during the night sometimes when money was tight for her.

“Yeah, you could say that. You?”

“Slow. Not many men looking for love tonight.”

Smiling, Lexie nodded. “Take care.”

“You’re way too f**king sweet to be around here.” Carol shook her head looking sad.

Lexie got that a lot, but none of these women knew how she’d grown up. This kind of stuff was what she was used to. It made her laugh sometimes that she was more used to people selling their bodies than helping her out at the grocery store.

“See you tomorrow,” Lexie said, heading up.

Simon was with Jessica on the floor above her. When Lexie knocked on the door, Jessica answered at the third knock. “Hey, I was wondering if you were coming back.”

“Sorry. Is he okay?” Lexie entered the apartment to see Simon asleep on the sofa.

“Yeah, he’s been perfect. A good little boy you got there.”

“Thank you.” Grabbing some notes from her pocket she handed them over. “I really appreciate you looking after him.”

“No problem. Same again next week?”

“Yeah.” Picking Simon up, she walked down to her own apartment unlocking the door and entering. He didn’t wake up, which she was pleased about. After the last couple of days she really needed her beauty sleep. She was dead on her feet, and she knew Vincent would fire her ass if she looked less than appealing tomorrow night. Locking the door, she dropped her bag by the wall and walked into her bedroom.

She’d bought a second hand cot and scrubbed it raw before she put him into it. The mattress was new. Laying him down, she watched him sleep for several seconds before heading for the shower.

Within twenty minutes she was tucked up in bed listening to the noises all around her. The couple on her right was screwing again. She listened to the bed hitting the wall, their groans combining together as they neared release.

They quieted down, and she wondered if that would be all for the night. Some of the men seemed to catch their breaths and be back humping away within minutes. She listened to the noise outside as cars pulled up and drove away. Lexie hoped Carol was okay. Out of all the women Carol was one of the nicest.

In a matter of minutes she heard the couple on the right at it again. She wanted to scream at them that quality was better than quantity.

Listening to them going at it reminded Lexie of her own lost virginity. In fact all the times she slept with her boyfriend she couldn’t recall any kind of pleasure at all. He’d climb on, thrust a few times, and his face would go weird before it was all over. Not once had she felt any kind of desire or need. Tonight I did.

Rolling over, she closed her eyes hoping for sleep to claim her. Instead she saw a man with graying hair at the temples with really intense dark brown eyes. Devil, what kind of name was that? It had to be a road name or something made up. No one named their kid Devil.

His hands had felt so good on her body. The way he picked her up and placed her on the vanity table would stay with her forever. She had felt a pull deep inside at his possessiveness. Was it possessive?

Would she have f**ked him? If they’d not been interrupted Lexie knew she wouldn’t have been able to fight him at all. There was something magnetic about him. His gaze saw far more than he let on.

Get over yourself. No man sees anything but his dick.

She turned over to look at Simon. He was the only thing she needed to be thinking about. Other men could go and f**k themselves. She didn’t need anyone or anything. Climbing out of the bed she walked over to the window to look out at the night sky. It was dark and all the stars were shining brightly. At that moment she really hoped wishes could be true. She’d wish for a much better life for Simon.
