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Devil's Charm

Closing her eyes, she headed back to bed, resting her head on the pillow. Within minutes sleep finally claimed her.


The club had turned into a f**king orgy. Devil watched the room seeing all of his men in different states of undress as women attended to their every need. Vincent sat at the bar with him nursing a beer.

“Missed you on the road,” Devil said. Vincent had been one of their crew for a long time. When he’d fallen for a little redhead with lips that looked like they could pleasure a man, Vincent had bowed out of the road. He was still a member of the Chaos Bleeds, but he looked after the strip club rather than ride. It worked out well, as Devil hated to bring outsiders into club life.

“I missed the road, but I know I’d miss Phoebe more. She’s my world, man.”

“You sound like a whipped pu**y.” Sipping at his beer, Devil glanced toward the girls’ changing rooms. The bitch he’d wanted for the night was long gone. She’d taken off while he dealt with Ripper and Spider’s problem. His two boys had been fighting over a woman. Looking toward them Devil got angry. Why fight over a woman and then f**king share her anyway? It made no sense to him.

“I am. No one compares to her at all.”

“How does she find you running a strip club? Does she check your dick out for lipstick marks?”

“She knows I wouldn’t screw anything here. They’re here to earn money, and half of them are probably STD riddled.” Vincent shook his head. “I don’t know how it happened, but I’m a one woman man now. I know, pu**y, right?”

“Nah, I saw some of The Skulls. They’re the same. Looked happy and I’m happy for you.” Devil slapped his friend on the back.

“How long you sticking around for this time?” Vincent asked.

“Worried we’ll upset your woman?”

“Nah, Phoebe doesn’t have a problem with you guys. You’re family, and she’s big on family.”

“The boys are looking to settle down. We can do our runs and shit, but crashing in dives has lost its appeal.” Devil took another sip of his beer. “We’re looking to have a little thing going like Tiny. He’s got a f**king dream up and running. No one gives him shit, beside the obvious problems of the club. I was thinking we could do something here. Build a club and earn money.”

“You’d have to get rid of the pimps or strike up a deal. Some of the men love their women earning money,” Vincent said.

“Any trouble here?”

“Only when one of them tried to take my girls. I don’t like unwilling, and believe me when I say I’ve got a couple of girls unwilling to trade stripping for whoring.” Vincent threw the empty bottle into the trash can.

“Like who?” Devil asked.

“Jenny, she’s the short one. Sweet, husband comes in every night to see her shows. They’ve got a thing going, and I think they’re only here to spice up their love life.” Vincent chuckled. “He’s the one who stayed ‘round the back. Always taking care of his woman.”

“Sounds like a club man.”

“Probably. He only wants Jenny though.”

“The other?” Devil asked, hoping Lexie’s name came up. Shit, he really needed to look for Kayla’s sister. She could be his only hope of finding his son.

“Lexie is the other. She’s single from what I know. Came in six months ago needing a job. Insecure though. She only wanted a waitressing job. Thought she was too fat to be a dancer,” Vincent said.

“Fucking bitches. I really don’t know what goes on in their heads.” Devil couldn’t be bothered with women talking about dieting and shit. Once they started talking shit, he shoved his dick in their mouth to shut them up.

“Yeah, she’s a good earner. The little boy she’s looking after is cute, too. She came in with him.”

Devil froze. Okay, the name was a f**king coincidence but not that f**king much.

“What the hell you talking about?” Devil asked.

“What’s the matter?”

“Start from the beginning. What f**king kid?”

Vincent frowned. “She turned up six months ago carrying a baby. A little boy, newborn. Her sister had showed up and dumped him. Left Lexie to provide for him and that’s when she came to me for a job. She sounded pretty desperate.”

“You’ve got to be f**king kidding me.” Devil stood up heading toward the office. After his recent phone call with Tiny, he wasn’t in the mood to start shit. Hearing about Snitch being back from the f**king dead hadn’t put him in a good mood. There was no way he’d been kissing the woman he was looking for. Miracles did not fall into his f**king lap so easily.

“Devil, hold it, what’s going on?” Vincent asked.

He opened the filing cabinet where Vincent kept the files of all of their employees. The strip club was aboveboard and f**king legal. No one could slam them with anything. Finding her file, he looked at the man who had her this whole time.

“On the road I knocked up a woman by the name of Kayla Howard. You know her?” Devil asked.

“No, I’ve never heard of her.”

“Her half-sister is known as Lexie Howard. They have different f**king dads but the same mom.” He pulled out the information that Tiny had gotten for him off Whizz. The girl in the picture didn’t look anything like the woman he had seen tonight.

“Everything matches up. The baby, the time frame, everything,” Devil said.

“Are you telling me, Lexie, my stripper, is who you’ve come looking for?” On the road Devil hadn’t phoned with any update or anything for Vincent. He’d simply told the other man he was on his way to see him. “She’s a good girl, Devil.”

“Her sister is the one I’ve got a f**king problem with. Where does Lexie live?” he asked, looking through her work.

Vincent took the paperwork from him. “Promise me you’re not going to hurt this girl. She’s working hard for that boy. He’s yours, isn’t he?”

“The boy, yeah, he’s mine. I’m going to do a f**king paternity test to find out first. Knowing Kayla he could be fathered by anyone.”

Devil saw her date of birth put her at twenty-one years old. Kayla was over five years older than she was.

“Tell me I’m not about to put this girl in danger?” Vincent asked.

“I’ve not got a problem with the girl. She’s not a blonde then.” He thought about her hair, which reminded him so much of Angel. Part of him was pleased she didn’t have blonde hair.
