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Dirty Secret

Dirty Secret (The Burke Brothers #1)(61)
Author: Emma Hart

“And where do you think you’re going to get a tour bus in nine days?”

“It might have to be a smaller RV,” he acquiesces. “But still. I want you there, Sof. And Mila, too.”

He pushes some hair from my face, then trails his thumbs down to my eyes. He pulls a baby wipe from the packet on the cushion next to us and wipes under my eyes, then softly scrubs off all my mascara. Another, and he wipes all traces of makeup from my face.

“I want my girls with me. Always,” he says roughly. “I want to hear Mila’s giggles and see her smile, and I want to watch her learn new things.” His hands slide up my back. “I want to hold you whenever I want, and kiss you whenever the mood strikes me, and dammit, Sof, I want to fuck you until neither of us can speak whenever we’re alone. I just fucking want you, girl. All the time.”

I lower my lips to his. “Then have me. Now. That’s all I’m promising. Now, until you leave.”

“It’s not good enough.”

“It’s all I can give you. You can’t expect me to make a decision that will send us into turmoil for several months in a split second.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to take you now.”

He curls his fingers around the back of my neck and his other hand slides me fully into him. His lips are hot and tender, the harshness of his kiss softened by that fact. The hand at my butt slides down my thigh and up inside my dress. His thumb teases the skin along my inner thigh, and I drop my hands to the buttons on his shirt.

I undo them all and spread it open across his broad chest. He sits forward and I slide it over his shoulders, my fingers brushing across the tattoo at the top of his arm, the pattern of it long ago committed to memory.

He smiles into the kiss for a split second, then tugs at my dress. I hold my arms up as he rips it over my head and tosses it away. My body is on fire, but it’s a slow burn, one that simmers steadily through my veins.

Conner flattens his hands against my back as I lift my hips to unbutton and tug down his jeans. He lifts his hips, letting me shove them down to his knees, then pulls mine down to collide with him.

His hard cock rubs against my core, pleasurable and painful, teasing and titillating. Sparks fly through me at the contact, and I can’t help the gyration of my hips. I want to feel more, just more.

Conner undoes my bra and that finds its way to the floor, too, his hands cup my breasts. His tongue flicks over my nipples, making me gasp, making them pebble beneath his touch. It’s unnecessary because I want him. Unnecessary because I need him so incredibly much that I’m close to begging.

Then he slides his boxers down, lifts my hips, and slides my panties down. I stand and kick them off awkwardly. When I sit back on him, he reaches between us, nestling himself against me. I push down on him, feeling my muscles clench around his perfect hardness.

His hand cups the back of my head and mine curve around his neck. His other hand flattens at the bottom of my back, moving as I do. I rock my hips on him, my breath catching, my body heating.

His lips, on mine, consume me, take me to another place. His hands, holding me steady, control me, remind me of where I belong. His cock, inside me, owns me, branding me as his.

Every whimper from my lips tells him I’m his. Every light groan from his mouth tells me he’s mine. Every kiss, every touch, every hip rock, every thrust, they cement our words and hold us together. They take us higher and higher, make us hotter and hotter, until we spiral out of control.

The slow, simmering burn becomes a fast boil, and I tip over the edge, heat flooding my body, pleasure pulsating. Heart pounding, muscle clenching, breath shuddering, I fall into him.

Holding me down and cursing my name into my ear, Conner falls, too, holding me so tightly to him I feel his climax everywhere. I feel his fingers digging into my skin, marking me as his, making sure I know it.

“Shit,” he whispers into my ear with a quiet laugh.

“It’s a good thing I know to take that as a compliment,” I mutter, amused. I pull back and look into his eyes, then drop my mouth to his. “Will you stay?” I ask against his lips.

“Try and make me go. I dare you.” He smirks.

I smile and climb off him. He groans and pulls me back.

“No,” he says. “Can’t I just stay inside you forever? It’s nice there.”

“Nice?” I stand up indignantly. “It’s nice?”

“That’s the wrong word.” He stands up, laughing. “It’s fucking incredible there.”

“That’s more like it.” I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head against his chest. His heart pounds beneath my cheek, frantically, and I smile. His skin is hot and a little sticky.

“Bed.” He kisses the side of my head and releases me. He grabs the baby wipes and hands them to me with a smirk.

I wipe myself and skip through to the kitchen. I can feel Conner’s eyes on me as I go, and he grabs me by the trash can and swats my ass. I grin and dart away from him, up the stairs.

He follows me and I giggle, poking my tongue out at him at the top of the stairs. He catches me just as I run through the doorway of my bedroom and throws me on my bed. I squeal as I hit the mattress.

“The hell is it with you and throwin’ me around?”

He grins sexily and tugs the sheets back, climbing into bed next to me. “It’s what you get for runnin’ away from me, princess.”

He pulls me into him. I rest my head against his chest and slip my knee between his. His fingers comb through my hair and he takes a deep breath. His exhale vibrates through me, and he holds me tighter, the warmth of his embrace comforting after the roller coaster of an evening.

“Sofie?” he whispers.


“You feel like Sofie again.”

I smile against his skin. “I told you. This is where I’m Sofie-Sofie the most.”

“I like you being Sofie-Sofie. I like you being mom-Sofie, too, but I really like Sofie-Sofie.”

“Stop saying my name.” I laugh.

“Okay.” He laughs, too, and kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes in the darkness, holding on to Conner tightly, his words from earlier spinning around in my mind. I choose to ignore them, though, and kiss his chest.



“I love you,” I whisper. “Kind of a lot, okay?”

“Oh, Sof.” His lips rest against my forehead. “I love you, too. A lot, a lot.”

The sound of gentle snores fills the room as I open my eyes. I look at Conner, still sleeping, and smile at him.
