Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton

Miracle was thinking she’d finally fallen in love, for the first time and maybe the last, with someone who may or may not be around for very long. Hardy was thinking he’d found someone that made his past and his future not matter quite so much, someone who gave him a present that eclipsed everything else. But there was a chance he might lose her.

Later, when he kissed her goodnight, it was a kiss full of promise, a kiss that said he’d be around forever, however long forever ended up being.


The following weeks, they were inseparable. Hardy picked Miracle up and took her to school every morning and dropped her home each afternoon before football practice. Then, after he’d showered, he would go by and spend the evening with her.

They studied and did homework some. They listened to music and watched television some. But mostly they laughed and talked. Hardy found someone in Miracle who understood him, who truly seemed to care about the things he had to say and what he wanted out of life. When he told her of his dreams, she would lay her head on his shoulder and dream right along with him, as if she could actually see them living their life out together.

And Hardy did the same for Miracle. She would tell him of the many things on her “bucket list” and they would plan on making each one a reality. The only thing Hardy hated about it was that sometimes she made her death sound too imminent. Any time before they were a hundred and wrinkled, with ten grandkids was way too soon as far as he was concerned. But he never complained, never said anything about it. He figured it might be some sort of coping mechanism for her and he was afraid to tamper with it, no matter how much it bothered him.

There were a few things on her list he was particularly curious about, things she avoided telling him about, things that made her blush. Of course, his imagination would run wild when she’d stumble and stammer over them. He wanted to press her, but thought it best if she told him in her own time, no matter how much it tortured him in the interim.

It was a Friday again and Hardy was walking Miracle to her locker. Her hand was engulfed in his and both their backpacks were slung over his shoulder. He didn’t care who saw or where they were, he’d long since discovered that he was happiest when he was touching her, even in some small way like holding her hand as they walked. And so he did. And she didn’t complain.

“I’ve got a surprise for you. Can I borrow you for a while after lunch?”

“A surprise? Of course you can borrow me after lunch,” Miracle agreed with a grin.

“Perfect. Meet me at my car?”

Miracle smiled. “I’ll be there. I’ll be the one in…” She paused to look down at what she was wearing, as if she’d forgotten how she’d dressed. “Purple. I’ll be the one in purple.”

Hardy laughed as Miracle grinned up at him. If she thought of him half as much as he thought of her, he figured it was likely she did forget what she’d dressed in that morning. Hardy was sometimes surprised he remembered anything that didn’t have something to do with Miracle. She’d quickly become his entire world and he could only hope she felt the same way. He suspected that she did.

Her green eyes flashed with humor and that little something special that appeared only when she looked at him. As always, it warmed him and thrilled him and made him want to protect and devour her all at the same time. But right then, at that moment, it also made him want to kiss her.

So he did.

Gently, spontaneously, Hardy dipped his head and pressed his lips to Miracle’s. They were soft and pliant. Ready, as if she’d wanted it as much as he had. It was the first time he’d kissed her in public, in school, but he just couldn’t help himself. When she leaned in toward him, he realized she couldn’t either.

Her lips parted the tiniest bit and Hardy slid his tongue along the gap for a quick taste. Only it wasn’t enough. The sweet interior of her mouth, still minty from her toothpaste, drew him in like a bee to honey and before he knew it, the kiss had deepened. His free hand was at her waist holding her to him and her hands were in his hair.

“Get a room, Bradford,” Hardy heard a familiar voice say. It shook him from his thrall and he leaned back, sheepish.

Miracle looked up at him with dazed eyes, as affected by their kiss as he’d been. They stared at each other for several seconds before smiling. It was far too easy to get carried away. Their fire was instantaneous. And all-consuming.

Finally, Hardy looked up to see Robert and Charlie walking down the hall. They stopped and Robert gave him two thumbs up while Charlie pumped his hips and spanked the air. Hardy rolled his eyes and they both chuckled and walked off.

“Sorry ‘bout that,” he said to Miracle. “I got carried away.”

“No problem,” she said, holding back a grin. “Feel free to get…carried away as often as you like.” And then she blushed.

Hardy laughed. Miracle was at once shy and introspective, yet spicy and full of life. She never ceased to surprise him. She was an enchanting and intoxicating cocktail.

When Hardy turned to leave, he was brought up short by Cheyenne standing at the end of the hall with two of her cheerleading cohorts. She was staring at him and the look on her face was murderous. He didn’t have to ask why. She’d called him a dozen times since the weekend at the lake. She’d been under the impression there was a chance they’d get back together. He was pretty sure she didn’t think so now.

He gave her a quick smile and headed to his locker, walking past her and her friends without a word. She wasn’t going to ruin his good mood. No one was. He was with Miracle. The rest didn’t matter.


Hardy was always anxious for third and sixth periods because he shared them with Miracle. During the week she’d sat in another seat just to avoid him, someone else had claimed Miracle’s seat next to him, a girl Hardy knew had harbored a crush on him since seventh grade.

Now, Miracle sitting across the room was a special brand of torture, although they made a bit of a game of it. They would steal glances at one another throughout the period, smiling knowingly and winking teasingly. Hardy must’ve thought a thousand times about walking over to Miracle, picking her up, throwing her over his shoulder, taking her to the conservatory and making love to her among the orchids for the rest of the day. Needless to say, he learned very little in that class.

And then there was lunch. Miracle had made a friend, Lucy, that shared many of her artistic interests and wasn’t a mean and nasty person like so many of the girls Hardy knew. She didn’t want to completely abandon her by sharing lunch with Hardy, so Miracle still ate with Lucy and Hardy ate with his friends, like he always had.
