Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton

If it were up to Hardy, he’d spend every waking minute with Miracle, but she was doing it out of consideration for her friend, a big-hearted gesture and one of the things he loved most about her, so he didn’t complain. He just watched her from afar, pretending to be interested in what his friends were doing and saying. But he wasn’t. Not in the least.

Today, he watched Miracle and Lucy make their way into the sunshine, like they most often did. Lucy’s wild mass of tight blonde curls were held away from her forehead by a bright purple scarf that almost perfectly matched Miracle’s frilly shirt. That was as much attention as he paid the other girl. As always, his focus was riveted on Miracle no matter where he was or who else was around. It was a thousand wonders he hadn’t started flunking out. Lucky for him, homework was one of the excuses he’d been using to spend time with Miracle. It seemed Miracle saved him from failing just as she’d saved him from…himself.

“Earth to Bradford!” Robert called.

“Huh?” Hardy worked to tear his eyes from Miracle.

“Man, you need therapy! That chick’s done something to your brain.”

Hardy frowned. “No, she hasn’t,” he defended, but he thought Robert might be right. Miracle was all he ever thought about. “What were you saying?” Hardy directed the conversation back to Robert, but he felt the ache of the frown he still wore. Was it really that abnormal, the way he felt about her?

“I was asking if you were in for some pre-game margaritas at Los Pollos Ranchero. My cousin got a job as a bar back there and he can sneak some tequila into our ‘virgin’ drinks. After that, we’re going to the beach. What do you say, dude? You in?”

“Nah. I’ve got other plans.”

Robert grinned devilishly. “Plans to what? Give Miracle a ride on—”

“Don’t do that, man,” Hardy warned. He knew it was just good-natured teasing, but it rankled when anyone disrespected Miracle, even if it was one of his buddies.

“Do what? Out you? Like we don’t know you’re after that. Come on!”

“Don’t be such a douche. It’s not like that. Just drop it.”

“Oh, now I see,” Robert teased. “She won’t give it up. That’s why you’re so obsessed. You’ve never had a girl say no to you before.”

“Robert, I’m serious. Watch it.”

“Too many cold showers will do that to you, man,” Robert foolishly continued. “They mess with your head. You just need to get into her panties and—”

Hardy was lunging for Robert when Nate stepped between them. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” he said quickly, putting his arms out. One hand was on Hardy’s chest and the other was pointing at Robert. “You got a death wish, Robert? Just leave him alone, dick. You’re just jealous you’ve never had sex you didn’t have to pay for.”

The people around them broke into playfully insulting comments and teasing laughter, easing the tension that had built between Hardy and Robert. Robert took the joking good-naturedly, although his face was still suspiciously red. Hardy backed off, grateful his best friend had stepped in before Hardy really lost it. He’d have to watch that in the future.

He knew Miracle had gotten into his heart. Now, he had no doubt she’d gotten into his head as well.

After lunch, Hardy made haste in getting to his car to await Miracle. When he saw her emerge from the double doors, waving goodbye to Lucy as she split off to the left, he straightened from where he’d been leaning against the passenger side door. Miracle looked up and smiled brightly as soon as her eyes met his. Hardy’s stomach flipped over.

The closer she got, the more relaxed he felt, as if she brought with her a peace that he felt nowhere else in the world. He wondered if she felt it, too. He was pretty sure he got his answer when, rather than stopping, she walked right up to him, threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

“The days are far too long. Think I’d fit in your pocket?” she asked lightly when she leaned back to look into his eyes. The green orbs sparkled playfully and Hardy felt his heart turn to mush right inside his chest.

“Today was only a half day.”


“I wish you could. I’d never go anywhere without you.”

Miracle giggled and rubbed her nose against his before stepping out of his arms. “So, where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Hardy said, opening the door for her.

First, Hardy drove to the mall. He parked near the main entrance and left the car running, telling Miracle to wait there for him. He wouldn’t tell her where he was going and there were at least thirty stores inside, so she had no clue. He returned several minutes later carrying a generic plastic bag that held something heavy. Miracle couldn’t tell by the size and shape what it was, only that it was fairly compact and weighty.

Hardy laid it gently in the floorboard behind his seat and then slid in behind the wheel and backed out of his spot.

“Where are we going now?” Miracle asked.

“You’ll see,” Hardy replied, smiling enigmatically.

Miracle was already grinning by the time Hardy pulled into the lot outside the park. He knew it was one of her favorite places; he hoped today would make it special as well.

“Come on,” Hardy said, climbing out and retrieving the bag from behind his seat. He met Miracle at the front of the car and took her hand in his.

Hardy led her past the main park area and through a small patch of oak trees to a knoll that overlooked the collection of gazebos scattered across one corner of the park. They climbed to the top and Hardy stopped.

He looked out over the landscape as if searching for something particular. Then he took Miracle by the shoulders and guided her to a specific spot.

“Stand riiiiiiiight here,” he said.

Hardy positioned her facing a clump of pines on the other side of the knoll rather than the gazebos. Although Miracle found it odd, she said nothing.

Miracle heard the plastic bag rustle just before Hardy hung something around her neck. When she looked down, she realized it was her camera.

She gasped in delight. “It’s fixed!”

“Good as new, he said.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she gushed, turning to wrap her arms around Hardy’s neck in an exuberant hug.

“You’re welcome,” he said, brushing his lips against the side of her neck and feeling his body warm with desire. “I know it’s been a while, but lending you my camera has always been a good excuse to see you,” he admitted. “Why don’t you get it out? There’s film in it and there might be something you want to take a picture of.”
