Read Books Novel


Healed (Scarred #2)(18)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Do you want to tell her you’re her brother?”

“I can do that?” I was surprised.

“Well, if you don’t plan on visiting her often, then I wouldn’t recommend it.” He looked at me curiously. “So I guess I’m asking is this going to be a one visit type of thing?”

“But she won’t be in the hospital much longer will she? If she’s in remission.”

“No, she’ll be going back to the orphanage. But you can still visit her then. Maybe even take her out for an afternoon.”

“Oh, I don’t know if I can do that.” I felt panicked. “I don’t know anything about little kids.”

“It’s not too hard.”

“But she’s a girl as well. I don’t know anything about little girls.” My hands clammed up and I stopped. “Maybe I shouldn’t visit her. Will you give her the Barbie instead?”

“Hey Bryce.” Luke put his hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be okay. I promise. Just come and meet her properly. You can decide what you’re comfortable with.”

“Okay.” I took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Luke pushed the door open and Shelby ran towards him as I just stood there like a statue. “Lukey.” I watched as he picked her up and swung her around. I saw her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. She smiled as she saw me and waved energetically.

“Hiya.” I waved back at her and plastered a big smile on my face.

“Hi, I member you from yesterday.” She walked over to me as Luke put her down and I put my hand out for her to shake.

“I thought I’d come and say hello.” I smiled, gently, and handed her the Barbie. “I bought this for you to play with.”

Shelby took the Barbie from me and held it in her hands like a sacred object. “For me?” She looked surprised and I nodded.

“Yes, for you.”

“Thank you.” She leaned over to give me a hug and I held her tightly.

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m Shelby.”

“I’m Bryce.”

“I like the name Bryce.” She giggled and I am reminded of Lexi. She had Lexi’s smile I thought to myself. That’s why she seems so familiar.

“And I like the name Shelby.”

“We both have blue eyes.” She pointed at me.

“Yes we do.” And I felt as if I’d been shot. She had my eyes. I looked into her face and I saw my reflection shining back at me through her sky blue irises. She had my eyes and she had Lexi’s smile. In a weird way, she could have been the image of what a kid of mine and Lexi’s would look like.

“Want to play top chef?”

“What’s that?”

“We pretend to cook stuff. Lukey, you be the judge.”

“Okay, Shelby.” He grinned at her. “I like your bandana today.” He pointed at the pink piece of fabric on her head and she twirled around.

“It’s ’cos I’m a princess,” she giggled.

“Princess Shelby is a fine name.” Luke teased her and she turned towards me.

“Do you like it Brycey?”

“I love it.” A warm feeling enveloped me and I bowed down in front of her. “I am at your service, Princess Shelby.”

“You can be King Brycey and you can be Prince Lukey.” She ran to the corner of her room and picked up a red teddy bear. “And this is going to be the wicked witch.” She threw him across the room and ran towards me. “Save me from the witch, King Brycey, save me from the witch.”

I laughed and grabbed her and held her in the air. “I have you safe Princess.”

“You saved me. You’re my King.” She giggled and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. I put her back down on the ground and Luke pointed at her with a mock stern look. “I thought we were playing top chef?”

“We can play that next time.” She giggled and took my hand. “Come and see my picture.” I walked with her to the bed and she picked up a piece of paper with a drawing.

“What’s this?” I smiled at her. “Are you a top artist as well?”

She nodded her head and smiled. “This is my new family. Now I’m all better, I can get a mom and a dad and a big dog.”

“Oh?” I tried to keep the smile on my face, but I felt like my insides were being torn to shreds.

“A family will want me now because I’m a princess and I’m all well.” She grinned and I saw that her front tooth was missing. I wanted to pull her into my arms and never let her go. A child that small shouldn’t be worried about things like families, I thought with a sigh. I looked at Luke and he gave me a half smile, I could see the stress and concern in his eyes as well.

“Anybody would be happy to have a princess like you as their daughter.” I stroked her head and she yawned.

“I’m just going to relax my eyes for a few seconds. Don’t go. I want to play still, okay?” She looked up at me with a hopeful expression, her bandana had slipped off and I saw the beginnings of hair growth on her scalp.

“Of course.”

“Good.” She lay back and held my hand. “Then after my quick rest we can play Superman.”

“Okay.” I watched as she drifted to sleep and I felt my heartbeat start to slow down.

“Come.” Luke ushered me towards the door. “Let’s go get a coffee.”

“But I promised her I’ll stay.” I frowned and don’t move.

“She’ll be asleep for a while. She’s exhausted from the excitement. We’ll come back.”

“Okay.” I frowned and followed him out the door. “Does she always get tired so quickly?”

“She’s getting better,” Luke grinned. “Sometimes she would fall asleep in midsentence.”

“Oh.” I was glad that I had missed out on witnessing her go through chemotherapy. I wasn’t sure if I would have been strong enough to keep her together. “So, what happens to her now…” My voice drifted off.

“Now your mom can’t adopt her?” Luke finished for me and I nodded. I studied his face and I could see why he was such an important person in Lexi’s life. He was a good guy. I didn’t feel jealous of him anymore. How could I? He was my little sister’s best friend. “Well, hopefully another family will adopt her.”

“Someone in Jonesville?”
