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His to Take

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)(129)
Author: Shayla Black

She wished she could reassure him or at least say good-bye and tell him that she didn’t blame him for the way things would likely end. She hoped he wouldn’t crawl deeper into his self-isolation if the worst happened. If he learned instead that life was short and love was worth sharing for as many days as he had on this earth, she could go peacefully. She’d be comforted by the idea that her death could bring him more life.

Tears sprang to her eyes, and she closed them. McKeevy was going to strip her of skin and bone, blood, heartbeat, and life. She refused to give him her dignity, too.

He didn’t seem to notice or care that she shut him out. Instead, he moved away and then returned. Bailey cracked one eye open. He held a pair of gardening shears, snapping them together in his meaty hands.

“Normally, I like to start by taking fingers off one at a time. They’re sensitive and people start thinking then about the loss of a normal life if they ever get free. I do the first one slow like, so they really feel it. I take my sweet time getting around to the second so they have plenty of time to dread it. They’re far more likely to cough up any information they’ve got then. But I’m going to bet you value your toes more.”

Bailey’s heart stopped as he slid down the length of her body with an evil grin and grabbed her left foot. “We’ll start with the little one and work our way up if you can’t tell me what you know.”

She could barely find her voice through her terror. “You have the research. I was five when he died. I don’t know anything more.”

“Are there any more copies of this disk anywhere?”

“I don’t think so. He didn’t give me another clue to follow or any other indication of a second hiding place. I know from the news that he gave one copy to Daniel Howe, who funded his research. Howe destroyed it. Viktor kept the other copy and you have it. That’s all I know.”

McKeevy ran a hand along the scraggly dusting of hair on his chin. “Who else knew about this copy of the research?”

“That we found it?” She shook her head. “You took it too quickly for us to inform anyone.”

“But that former fed you were bedding down with knows people. Who was he talking to before you found it? Who do you think he’s called since?”

Bailey refused to tell him the truth. She didn’t want to implicate Sean and put him or Callie at risk, in case he hadn’t made that connection. She was likely going to lose her toes—and her life—anyway, so what was the difference?

“I don’t know. A fed. He never used names. He didn’t trust me. I was just his hostage.”

“Yeah.” He scoffed. “One who put out a lot. I took the hotel room next to yours last night. I heard all that screaming.”

Horror screeched through her veins. He’d listened to them making love? Bailey didn’t know what to say exactly. “I . . .”

“Save the excuse. Muñoz seems to like you well enough. I’m not buying that you don’t know anything about who he’s talking to. I’ll give you one more shot. Tell me what his plans were once you found the disk. Who was he going to give it to? And before you lie again, remember that I can skip ahead and start removing organs while you’re still alive. That always makes for an agonizing, scream-filled death. I know which ones to remove first to make you beg for the end. I’ve had lots of practice. So, what’s your answer?”

She bit her lip. The moment she opened her mouth and spit out her next lie, he was going to carve her up. “You have to understand. I met him when he drugged me and took me from my house in the middle of the night.”

“The fucker beat me there by a few hours. I had a plan, and he fucked it up. I knew then you had to be Tatiana Aslanov.”

“I don’t know anything. I’d hoped that sex would appease him.”

“You didn’t offer me any,” McKeevy snarled.

Bailey couldn’t tell him that psychos with stained teeth and body odor issues weren’t her thing. That wouldn’t end well for her. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to offer her body to McKeevy. It would only postpone her execution, not stay it. And for her short time left, she’d end up hating herself.

“He had sex with me unprotected. I don’t know if he has any diseases . . .” It was weak, but all she had.

He scoffed, then shook his head. “If we had more time, I’d demand a damn blow job, but I know he’s going to come for you. And he’s going to bring feds. Besides, I don’t want his leftovers. Start talking.”

“I swear that I don’t know anything. I can’t tell you information I don’t know. Please . . .” She hoped begging would appease him. He seemed like the sort who enjoyed preying on the weaker.
