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His to Take

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)(130)
Author: Shayla Black

He dragged the sharp edge of the gardening shears up her foot, drawing a thin line of blood. “Are you sure?”

It stung. Bailey sucked in a breath, trying to keep a lid on her panic. “I swear.”

“And you don’t know anything about Aslanov’s research, how to read his notes, what the formulas meant?”

“I was five.” She tried not to cry, but the terror was beginning to swallow her whole.

“We captured a few research subjects in South America. I’ve got one jailed in the mine below the compound. We need to understand your father’s notes to continue our tests. But if you can’t help me . . .”

McKeevy reached behind him and ditched the gardening shears for a scalpel off the wall. He set the sharp edge right against her breastbone and began to press. Bailey didn’t dare thrash for fear he’d cut her deeper. Instead, she whimpered, wishing she could go out with more grace. God, if she could just get one more opportunity to be uncuffed and fight back, she’d make the most of it.

Suddenly, someone banged on the door. “Joe!”

“I’m working the prisoner here.” He sounded annoyed, his scalpel hand shaking.

Blood pooled between her breasts.

“We’ve got a big fucking problem. Klein is gathering all the officers.”

“For fuck’s sake.” He slammed his implement on the table just above her head, then sneered down at her. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Then he turned and left. The second the door closed behind him, Bailey dragged in a sharp, ragged breath. Relief spilled through her, leaving her trembling. She knew this reprieve was only momentary, but she’d take it. She wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and mentally escape, but she had to keep her wits about her and find a way out of here.

She jerked her gaze all over the room and thrashed as hard as she could to see if there was any give in her bonds, but she was irrevocably tied down and had no means of escape.

As she reached that terrible conclusion, the door creaked open again. She craned her head around to see if McKeevy had come back to finish up her terrible death. Instead, a very young pregnant girl entered the room. Bailey figured she was probably sixteen and at least six months pregnant.

“Don’t ask questions. Just listen. Otter Klein, the leader of LOSS, just found out the feds have the compound surrounded and that they’ve obtained a search warrant from a judge. Otter, Joe, and the rest, they won’t go down without a fight.”

Bailey welcomed the news that help was on the way, but wondered why this girl was telling her—and if that help would come too late. Or was this girl setting a trap? Maybe, but Bailey didn’t see that she had much choice except to listen.

As she waited for more, she realized the girl was loosening the strap around her wrist as quietly as possible. Bailey began wiggling her hand to speed up the process, fighting to be free. Moments later, she pulled her left hand from the bindings and reached across her body to release the right. The girl moved to her ankles.

“Why are you helping me?” she asked.

Her rescuer turned sad blue eyes on her. “I ran away from home at fourteen after I got in a fight with my momma. Joe picked me up off the street, promising me a ride to a friend’s. Instead, he brought me here and raped me. This will be the second baby he’s put up in me, so I can’t go nowhere. I won’t leave my boy with him. But if you get out, will you tell my momma that I’m still alive? Here’s her name and address.” The girl teared up as she pressed a piece of paper into Bailey’s hand.

Her heart broke for the young woman who’d been so trapped and abused. Bailey couldn’t imagine just how hopeless she must feel. “What’s your name?”

“Destiny.” Her voice cracked.

“How old are you?”

“Just turned sixteen. Look, I’m going to get you out in the hall. At the end, there’s a table with flashlights. Take one and go to the stairs. All the men are holed up, trying to decide what to do about the feds coming. If you stick to the shadows, you should be able to make it out that door. Once you’re through, you’ll find a tunnel. Run straight ahead. Don’t veer off. And keep running. That leads to an open field just off the compound. Joe brought you in that way. The nearest town is a few miles south, but the feds will probably spot you before then.”

“Come with me,” Bailey said, grabbing her hands. “Get your son. We’ll do this together.”

“Can’t.” Destiny held back her tears. “The women are gathering to make survival packs in case we have to abandon the compound and hike into Canada. If I don’t turn up real soon, they’ll come looking for me, then no one will get away. I’m supposed to be rounding up the little kids now. The bigger kids are helping me.”
