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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He looked over at Zach. “Zach did the plane thing with me and then he pretended to be a lion and carried me all over, but he’s asleep now. Do you want to be a lion?”

“No, silly, it’s way too late to be a lion.”

After getting Ry tucked into his bed, I headed out into the living room and covered up Zach. As much as I missed seeing him, I knew he had to be tired to give up a night with sex. It wouldn’t have mattered if he was awake because, like almost every night, I felt someone climbing into bed and little arms wrapping around me. “You okay?”

“I got scared again, Charlie. I don’t want the monster to get me.”

I pushed the covers down so we wouldn’t sweat to death. “There are no monsters in here.”

“I love you, Charlie.”

I sat up watching my little brother sleep. He had brown hair and brown eyes and when he pouted, his little bottom lip would stick out. I hadn’t said those three words in such a long time, but I did love him. We were connected and, even though I wasn’t his parent, we were still blood and nobody could take that from us. In moments like this, it made me want to make this situation work. I wanted him to always have a home. As much as I hated the fact that I worked in a bar, I was learning that family comes first and making sacrifices was what had to be done.

Chapter 8


Tippy had picked me up two blocks away from the tavern, after passing the police cars. I was so pissed off about my father being involved and having something to do with Joker’s business that I almost didn’t want to get laid.


Once we got to his crib, the little brunette wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She unzipped my jacket and tugged it off of me, so she could run her hands up my t-shirt. “You have a nice body.”

I could hear Tippy and his girlfriend in the bedroom. She had a high pitched laugh and when we stopped hearing it, we knew they were in there f**king. I ran my hands through the girl’s hair. “So do you.”

She bit down on her lip as she pulled off her top. These girls were so easy. They were all the same. For some reason they all thought that after one night we’d somehow want to change and settle down. One good f**k could turn into a serious stalker if you didn’t play your cards right. Sleeping with some of these girls was like biting into the valentines chocolates and not knowing whether you had caramel or some strawberry gel that tasted like medicine. It was a chance that I took every single time I wanted to get my dick wet.

I’m not saying that I didn’t like their company sometimes, especially if I’d been on the road for a while. A woman’s touch kept me from stressing the hell out about what I was running from. It wasn’t just my life, it was the life.

Now, it seemed that I’d put myself right up into the mess again. It would be easy to just leave and walk away from it. After all, I came to see Joker and he had died. Nothing was keeping me, well, except for my guilty conscience. That poor chick had no idea what was going on. If someone didn’t help her fast, she was going to wake up to be homeless, especially if my father had his hands in the business.

My attention was brought back to what was going on in the present when the girl climbed up onto my lap and straddled me. I brought my hands around and grabbed both sides of her ass. “You sure you want this?” I always asked. Sure, I didn’t respect them and I wouldn’t ever call them or see them again, but I always asked if they were sure.

“I’ve been ready for this since you walked through that door, baby.” She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips, letting her tongue drag slowly as it pulled away from my top lip. She kept her eyes open, as if it were some means to seduce me more.

If these girls could only understand that them being easy wasn’t exactly the kind of turn on that guys like me were looking for. The truth was, I liked a girl that I had to try to get, not the kind that pulled down their pants and bent over. The chase turned me on and knowing that also told me that I would never be able to settle down with just one woman. Once I won the chase, I got bored and went looking for something new.

This chick would appease the moment and take care of my most recent hard on but, aside from that, I was already done with her.

Yeah, maybe that would make me an ass**le, but it wasn’t like I was giving them false hope. They knew what they were getting into before they started. I never sugar coated anything for a piece of ass. Girls like this were a dime a dozen and since this was my buddy’s house and not hers, I didn’t have to do shit.

Still, as she leaned in for another kiss, it was hard to resist the growing erection in my pants. One of the flaws of being a man was that if a half descent girl was straddling you, grinding her body against your dick, it was going to get hard.

She wasted no time, tugging at my shirt and pulling it over my head. I think when she saw all of my tattoos, she got even more turned on.

Through my years of traveling, I’d picked up some kind of tattoo addiction. I had almost two complete sleeves on my arms of famous landmarks and mascots. On one arm, I had the Baltimore Orioles logo and the Baltimore Raven’s logo. I had the Natty Bo guy and sexy girl drinking a Coke. My other arm was mainly tribal art of random designs I doodled when I got bored. They were surrounding all fifteen billiard balls that were randomly set going down my whole arm. It was, by far, my favorite piece.

This broad hadn’t gotten to my back. Across the top in tribal letters, it read, ‘It’s all about the Hustle’.

My parents were always against tattoos, so of course it was the first thing I did when I moved out.

As she continued tracing her finger down my arm, I played with a strand of her long brown hair. "So, what should I call you?"

She reached up, took off her top, and tossed it to the floor. "Just call me Jaye. It’s what my friends call me."

I reached up and cupped her tits in my hands. "So, we’re friends now?"

She grinded into my lap harder. "Something like that."

She leaned back and gave me more arm room to free her tits from her bra. I watched her watching me lean in and take a lick of one of her silver dollar ni**les. It became hard as I stroked my tongue over it a second time. When it was wet enough, I blew cold air over it, until it was as hard as it could get. She bit down on her lip and let out a little sound as I repeated the process on the other side. Her hands dug into my scalp as I continued to drag my teeth against her skin. I kissed up to her neck, finally getting close enough for her to lean into my kiss.

Jaye responded to my touch the way I knew she would. I was sure her little panties would be dripping by the time I was ready to f**k her. I reached around and patted her on the ass. "Hop down and take off your pants so we can get this party started."
