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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(14)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I watched her slide down off of me and leaned over as she removed her pants. She squeezed her legs together and waited for me to say something. I reached inside of my wallet and grabbed a rubber. She continued watching me unzip my pants and finally pull out my aching erection. "Lose the panties and get your ass up on this shit."

With her bra still hanging under her br**sts, she dropped those little thongs and climbed right onto me. I took my wrapped up erection and teased her entrance. Just like I had assumed, she was already lubricated and ready to roll. I started to enter her slowly, but with her being on top, she took control and let my whole girth slide deep inside of her. I grabbed onto her little waist and helped her to a good rhythm. She picked up the pace rapidly and after just a few minutes, I could tell I was ready to finish. Her pu**y felt too good to wait any longer, plus I wasn’t about to worry what she thought.

When she felt me tightening up on my grip of her waist, she slowed her movements. After one soft kiss, she got up. "Did it feel good, baby?"

I smiled and held up my thumb. "It’s all good."

Like always, I spent the rest of the night in the company of Jaye. It was a good thing it was so late, because it was easy to go to sleep.

I woke up in a strange bedroom, with a naked chick’s arm sprung across my chest. From the way the sun was blaring into the window, I knew it must be morning, or maybe even afternoon. I wasn’t very good about sticking to a schedule.

A little later, Tippy’s girlfriend made us all a big breakfast, which was nice for a change.

Jaye was already giving me that look like she wanted to ask if we could hang out again. Usually I’d just lie and tell the chick it would be cool. No reason to hurt their feelings, even if it’s how I really felt.

"So, how long you staying in town?" Tippy asked with a mouth full of food.

I took a drink before answering him. "I don’t know, man. I came here to see a friend and found out that he’s dead. There ain’t much more to do here now."

"I got this friend that wanted to do an eight ball match with him and another guy. They want to do two grand. What do you say? You want to make a few G’s before you roll out?"

I wasn’t interested until I knew the opponents. I wasn’t willing to take risks when it came to a grand out of my pocket. "What’s the spot?"

"Straight up, yo. They don’t want a spot. In fact this bitch said he and his friend can hang even with us. You believe that shit? There ain’t no f**king way that shit is going to happen."

"Are you talking some kind of partners shit? I’m not cool with relying on you to make your shots."

"Hell no, it ain’t partners. Him and the other dude want to play me separately, but I ain’t into staying up all night for two matches plus, the place they want to shoot doesn’t stay open late."

One of my rules was that I never played people in an arranged match if they were being particular about where to shoot. The table could have flaws and they could use those flaws to their advantage. "You dumb ass, the tables probably ain’t level."

"It’s McNally’s, dickhead. You know there is some serious gambling going on in the back of that place. You ever been there?"

McNally’s, my home for five years, was located about forty five minutes from where Tippy and I grew up. When I lived with Joker, he didn’t really announce to everyone that he had a roommate. From the very beginning of our friendship, I’d made it clear that I didn’t want my parents knowing where to find me. I just wondered now if that’s how Joker got involved with my father. If someone found out that the guy was helping me, he would have a vendetta against him. "Yeah, I been there. They have some killer tables."

"I know, dude. The guy that owned the place was on the pro tour for a few years. He made sticks out of an upstairs shop."

If he only knew how many sticks I made out of that upstairs shop. "Tell them I’ll play." I’d shot in hundreds of bars, but my most favorite was the tables where Joker had taught me to be the player I was today. Plus, it would be nice to make a quick grand before I rolled out of town.

"I’ll make some calls, bro. In the meantime you can just crash here. I already noticed you like the amenities."

I mouthed the words "fuck you" before finishing my meal.

While Tippy made the calls to set up the match, I knew there was only one thing that was going to be a problem about playing at Joker’s bar. His little walking attitude of a daughter would likely be there and that was a distraction that I didn’t need with money on the line.

I was going to have to go make friends with her and I had this feeling that it wasn’t going to be easy.

Chapter 9


I had just opened the doors when in walked a familiar face. Ever since I saw him chase those guys away, I had been wondering if I’d ever see him again. He approached the bar with a cocky grin on his face. "Look what the cat drug in."

"If I were you, I wouldn’t mention pu**y unless you’re offering some." My mouth dropped as I stared into his dark eyes.

"In your dreams." He must think I’m crazy to be amused at a comment like that.

"Yeah, I’d take that dream any night." He tapped both hands on the bar in some kind of beat.

"Are you here to drink at eleven in the morning, or did you just come here to piss me off?" I wanted his annoying ass to walk right back out of the door. For the second time, Zach had come to visit me and nothing had happened between us. My body was crying for some attention and the only thing I was getting was hideous pickup lines from a cocky stranger. My life couldn’t get worse.

He stuck out his hand. "I’m Jammer."

"What kind of name is that?" It sounded ridiculous.

"It’s the name you’ll be calling out the next time you’re holding a shower head between your legs and wishing it was my mouth."

I seriously stood there flabbergasted. What kind of ass**le would have the gull to speak to someone like he was talking to me? I had to keep my composure. If I let him think he was getting to me, he would keep at it. "I don’t need that when I have a boyfriend that does whatever I want."

He finally put his hand down when I didn’t shake it. "That’s too bad. I could have given you the hottest f**k of your life."

I pushed a menu across the table. "Order something or leave. Five minutes is too long to be dealing with a loser like you."

He looked down at the menu. "I’ll take a cheeseburger with everything on it."

I turned around to face the kitchen window. "Shaun, I need a cheeseburger with everything."
