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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(24)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I didn’t let her argue with me over what I said to her. I closed my bedroom door and plopped down on my bed.

I’m not really sure what time it was, but I woke up to screaming and went flying out of my bedroom door with half of a pool stick in my hand. At first, nothing was out of the ordinary but, as the screaming continued, I realized it was coming from Charlie’s bedroom. My heart started racing as I feared that someone had broken in and was actually attacking her. The door was cracked open and I ran right in. At first, it took a second for my eyes to adjust, but Charlie was still lying in her bed. She was thrashing around and screaming while still asleep. I’d never heard someone have such a horrific nightmare before, so I rushed to her side. “Charlie…Charlie, wake up. It’s just a dream. Wake up.”

She shot up and looked around the room. Her chest was covered in sweat and she immediately began to sob. I sat down on the edge of her bed and pulled her into my arms. “Jesus Christ, woman, it was just a nightmare.”

She sobbed for a little longer and pulled her head away from my shoulder. “I’m so sorry I woke you up. I thought for sure they would have stopped by now.”

I grabbed her chin and pulled her to look at me. “You mean, you have these a lot?”

She shook her head. “I have them every night that I sleep by myself. If Ryan is with me, they aren’t as bad. You must think I’m crazy. First I’m a total bitch and now this.”

I laughed. “Yeah, actually I think you are the most interesting woman I’ve ever met. You’re different.”

She laid back on her pillow and covered her face. “This is so embarrassing. How loud was I?”

“I thought someone was killing you.”

She immediately started laughing. “Oh my God, I am so sorry.”

I reached down and grabbed the bottom shaft to the stick. “I came in with a weapon to kill the f**ker.”

She grabbed the stick and laughed some more. “Wow, this was your weapon of choice? You really are obsessed with the game.”

I patted her on her leg. “I’m glad you’re okay. I really would have f**ked somebody up. I know you don’t believe my intentions, but you and that kid don’t deserve what’s been happening. I better get back to bed. See you in the morning.”

She grabbed my hand. “Jammer wait. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but do you think you could just stay in here a little while longer? Just until I fall back asleep?”

I thought about what she was asking me for a second. “I’ll be right back.”

I was making a mistake, I knew I was, but I was going to do it anyway. This was her idea, not mine. I went into my room and grabbed my blanket and pillow. When I got back to her room, I laid my blanket down on the hardwood floor and climbed on top of it.

Charlie leaned over the bed and looked down at me. “What are you doing?”

“If you can’t sleep without someone in your room, then I can’t sleep because you will be waking me up with your screaming. This way we both sleep.”

“But the floor is hard as shit.”

I rolled over and looked up at her. “Are you asking me to sleep with you, Charlie. All you have to do is say the word and these boxer briefs will hit the floor.”

One of her pillows came down over my face. “Is everything about sex?”

“I don’t know. It’s fun and I enjoy it. What about you? Do you enjoy sex?” If she was going to ask me questions, then I could ask her the same.

She giggled like I had embarrassed her. “I guess. I mean… never mind.”

“No, enlighten me. I asked you a question. It’s only fair you answer me. I mean, I am half naked, laying on your floor, keeping you safe.” I waited a second and knew what she was doing. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, Charlie.”

“I wasn’t rolling my eyes,” she giggled.

“Yeah, right. Are you going to answer? Please don’t tell me you’re a virgin.”

She giggled some more. “No, I’m not a virgin.”

“How old were you when you lost yours?” I asked.

“You first.” She replied.

“Ten.” I lied.

“Oh my God, that is horrible. You were just a child. Did you even have hair down there?” This time I burst into laughter.

“I was just kidding. I was fifteen. She was a girl from my neighborhood. We went to school and church together. It happened one night when our parents were playing cards. It lasted about five seconds, in case that was your next question.”

She laughed again, but this time it was at my flaws. I liked hearing it.

Almost a minute went by before Charlie finally answered my question. “I was fourteen. It happened at one of my foster homes. There was this kid who was fifteen and in the middle of the night, he forced me. The next morning they found him stabbed but never found out what happened.”

I sat up and looked right at her. “You’re kidding right?”

She laughed again and I grabbed the pillow and threw it back at her. “You suck. I fell for that shit.”

“I was sixteen and my boyfriend was the same age. My foster family didn’t want me anymore and I knew I would be moving to another school. We had sex the night before I left town. He lit candles and held me all night long. After that night, I never let myself have another serious relationship, because I didn’t want to feel the pain of losing anyone else.”

The room got quiet and I knew that she’d just told me something that was important to her. “That sucks, but at least he’s alive. I’d hate to think I was trying to get into your pants and find out you killed a dude for sleeping with you.”

“So, you are admitting you want to sleep with me?”

Damn, did I admit that out loud?

“Maybe. I ain’t going to lie, you’re sexy as hell. You think your attitude will keep me away, but it attracts me more. I’m fine if it never happens, but you just say the word if you want it to. I’d be all over that shit.”

She laid back down on her pillow. “Wow, thanks, I think?”

“For the record, I did just want a kiss tonight.”

Chapter 15


I couldn’t believe this guy was in my room and, not only that, I was telling him things I’d never told anyone else. Was I that desperate for a friend?

It sucked that the dreams were still happening and now Jammer knew about them. I hated feeling fragile to anyone, especially a guy.
