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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(25)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He told me that he wanted to kiss me and, truth be told, I wanted to kiss him too. Zach was a great friend of mine and, once in a while, we had benefits with our friendship. But, when we kissed, it was almost orchestrated. It never gave me that weak in the knees, heat between my legs kind of feeling. Standing close to Jammer tonight gave me those feelings and he didn’t even have to touch me to do it. It was both scary and turned me on.

I liked sex. I liked the way it made me feel and how relaxed I became afterwards but, for the past few months, I was too stressed to have the time or energy. When I did, it just never seemed to happen. Now I had this guy staying with me. He wasn’t going to be around long and he was drop dead sexy. He’d admitted that he was attracted to me and if I wanted something, I could have it.

My heart started beating fast as he said it and, admittedly, it was probably because I was sitting next to him picturing it.

After he made the comment about kissing me, the room fell quiet. I didn’t know how to reply. The right thing to do would have been to not ask him back into my room, but lately I just didn’t do the right thing. The bottom line was that I was an adult and I had needs, but I also had morals and sleeping with someone I barely knew made me feel uneasy. Since I always had to be in control, this was a problem.

“Are you still awake?” I asked.


This was it. He was in my room, in his underwear. He might not give me another chance. I threw off my covers and let my feet fall off the bed. I was shaking, but I climbed down and straddled myself over Jammer’s body. I think he was in shock because he didn’t move a muscle. “What are your parents like?”

Even in the dark room, I could see him giving me a confused look.

“I don’t kiss strangers, so, if you want to kiss me, I have to know you.”

He put his arms behind his head. “They got married at seventeen and are still married, as far as I know. My father was difficult and my mother did whatever he said.”

I leaned down and brushed my lips over Jammer’s, before sitting back up. “Why don’t you talk to them?”

“I had a falling out with my father. I didn’t want to be in business with him, so I split.”

As I leaned down to give him a quick peck, he freed one of his hands from behind his head and ran it into my hair. I kept my lips against his a few extra seconds before sitting back up. “Why aren’t you married?”

“Why aren’t you?” He grabbed the front of my shirt to pull me down, but I wouldn’t let him.

“You can’t answer a question with a question.”

He ran his finger down my tank top in between my br**sts. “No woman has ever made me want to stick around.”

Sure, I could have climbed off of him, but he was being honest with me, where other guys would just lie to get pu**y.

I swear, never in my life had I ever done anything like I was doing. I wasn’t drunk or doing some kind of mind altering drugs. I was completely sane. My fingers slid down the bottom of my tank-top and lifted it right over my head. Jammer said nothing as I leaned down and pressed my full lips over his. I felt his warm hands sliding up my back as our mouths opened and our tongues brushed. The tingling was back between my legs and the more we kissed, the stronger it got. Jammer’s hands slid down into my pajama pants and grabbed my bare ass. He started moving my body against his, until I could feel his erection against my hip. His kisses were perfect, using just enough tongue to make me never want to pull away. My body began reacting to him, even before my mind knew what was happening. I rocked back and forth on top of him, knowing damn well where this was going. He grabbed one of my hands and guided it inside of his briefs. I recognized the smooth skin of his hard penis and knew he wanted to feel it. God, he was so hard and I couldn’t help myself, I just began stroking him and kissing him even more.

Jammer sat us up and removed my hand as he led me to my bed. He kneeled down in front of me and kissed each of my br**sts, licking each of my ni**les before kissing his way down to my navel. I could feel the lingering saliva, giving me chills, but I was so hot in other places that it didn’t matter.

When his fingers reached the elastic to my pants, I lifted my hips and let him pull them off of me. I was lying there, stark ass naked in front of him, and I wasn’t pushing him away. No, I was pulling him on top of me. I wanted to feel the smooth skin of his hard cock, rubbing against my entrance.

I knew the drill; I had to get it wet, before it could slide in. I sunk down lower on the bed and licked up his shaft. I could hear him taking deep breaths as I placed it in my mouth. He grabbed my hair and pulled me off of it. “You can’t do that right now. I’ll come too fast.”

His hand rubbed over my sweet spot and I heard him moan. “Your little pu**y is so wet for me, Charlie. You want me don’t you?”

Did he say I was wet? This had never happened to me before. I’d always had to use lubricated condoms. Oh God, I needed a condom.

I bit his lip and pulled it away from his mouth before letting go and licking it. This wasn’t happening without protection, so I at least wanted to make out some more before he got all pissed, or begged me to blow him.

I was shocked when he stood up. He leaned down and kissed me one more time. “I’ll be right back. Please don’t change your mind in the next thirty seconds.”

While he ran into his room, I ran into the bathroom and rinsed with mouthwash. I wanted fresh breath for this. If it was going to only happen this one time, I needed it to be perfect.

Jammer came walking in and kicked off his briefs. I’d accidentally left the bathroom light on and it gave me enough to see everything that I’d been feeling. He ripped open the wrapper with his teeth and applied it before climbing back into bed.

He kissed my breast first and made his way to my lips. I teased him with my tongue, while he traced his finger down to my clit. He rubbed hard in a circular motion, with what felt like his thumb. I watched him lick his lips and he looked down and watched what he was doing. “Do you like that?”

“Yes,” I cried.

“I want to watch you come, Charlie. I want to see how good I make you feel.” His deep voice breathing into my ear, combined with his hard rubbing, sent me into a frenzy. This was the second time tonight that I’d screamed, but this time it was out of pleasure. My body tensed and my toes pointed. I grabbed Jammer’s shoulder and bit into it as the most beautiful feelings rushed through every single inch of my body.
