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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(26)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When I opened my eyes, I felt Jammer removing his thumb. He put it up to his mouth and sucked on it. “Let me f**k you, Charlie. Please let me f**k you.”

I nodded my head and let him spread my legs. He took his erection and slapped it against my tender sex. My body trembled each time, making me feel like I wanted to cry out again. If I thought I was wet before, well feeling him slide all around the outside of my lips, let me know that it was even worse now. “Do I need to dry off or something?”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me as the base of him sat perfectly against my entrance. “Hell no, I want it just the way it is. Tell me you want this.” He pushed just a little bit more.

I felt like pushing my hips up, so it slid it further. I wanted it so bad I could scream. It was right there and I wanted to feel it sliding deep inside of me, filling me with a rush of emotional bliss.

“Give it to me.”

He pushed one time and I felt myself being filled. At first, it still felt dry and he held it there, still, while he kissed me again. “You feel so tight, so good.” He sucked in more air and moved a little faster. I reciprocated his movements with my own hips. “Oh, f**k, baby slow down.”

If he was feeling half as good as I was then, I could understand why he wanted it to last. “I want to ride you.”

I figured he would flip us around while we were still tangled together, but he pulled out and flipped over beside me, pulling me right on top of him, and holding his c**k so I could slid back on. It went deeper this way and he must have felt it, too. We both moaned at the first couple movements. I didn’t expect to come again, but the feeling rushed over me so sudden that I almost lost my balance and passed out. His hands dug into my thighs as I tightened up and enjoyed the sensations that were rushing over me.

That had never happened to me during sex before. It excited me, making me grind even harder against him. I felt him grabbing my ass with one hand and squeezing my nipple with the other. I put my hands into my hair and let my br**sts bounce around for him to watch. He kept closing his eyes, probably trying his best to hold out his release but, after a while, his body tensed and his eyes closed. He held me still and jerked a few more times before finally relaxing. We were both covered in sweat, but I leaned down and kissed him anyway.

I literally fell off of him, onto the bed. We both lay there staring at the ceiling and trying to catch our breath.

It was amazing. Fucktastically amazing.

I was kind of hoping that this was all a dream and that, when I woke up, I wouldn’t have to feel all weird about what we’d done. How could I have been so irresponsible and slept with this guy?

He didn’t say anything else, so neither did I.

When I woke up alone in my bed the next morning, I thought it really had been a dream, until I realized I was naked.

Jammer wasn’t in my bed though. He’d gone back in his room to sleep.

The whole time I was in the shower, I was reliving every second of it.

I had to shake it off.

It was just a one-time crazy thing.

It was never going to happen again.

I wouldn’t let it.

Chapter 16


Yeah, waking up next to Charlie reminded me of just how great last night had been, but I also knew she was probably going to freak out. I didn’t know that much about women, except when they did something crazy they always had some excuse for it. To make things easier on both of us, I just decided to go back in my room, before she and the kid woke up.

I tried to go back to sleep, but just laid there getting hard again thinking about her. When I heard the shower running a few hours later, I knew she was awake. I went into the kitchen to make coffee before she came out and we had to speak. I had just finished stirring my cup when she walked out of the bedroom. I caught her giving me a quick glance, before looking at the coffee pot. “Morning.”

She continued to pour her coffee and avoid eye contact. “Last night was…”

“A mistake. I get it. It’s all good,” I interrupted.

She slid beside me without looking back. “Great……um, see you later then.” I watched her walk away, but didn’t answer. I thought she’d at least be nice to me. We talked about things last night. I told her things that I didn’t tell people.

She got Ryan ready and they left without saying anything else. I don’t know why it was weighing on me so much. I had my own motives for being there and having sex was definitely f**king everything up, including my priorities.

I sent Tippy a text asking him where the hell my bag was and watched some television. When he didn’t respond, I knew I had to talk to Charlie. I either had to borrow her vehicle, or ask if she had clothes from her father, which, in turn, would be mine that I found in the attic.

It was around lunchtime when I headed down the steps and into the bar. Charlie was talking to a few guys and writing down orders. I sat down at the bar, not making it obvious that I’d just come from upstairs.

She took forever getting to me, which was fine, since for the first time in my life, I had a loss for words. Last night was unexpected, but it was too damn good to forget about. Her shirt was too low cut and I caught myself thinking about those little ni**les that were hiding just underneath. “Did you want something?” She caught my attention right away.

“Yeah, uh, my friend hasn’t dropped off my shit and I can’t keep wearing the same clothes. I was wondering if I could use your car to go get it, or if you have a bag of your dad’s clothes or something?”

She walked away without answering, but came back with a set of keys. “Am I going to regret this?”

I snatched the keys. “I thought after last night, you wouldn’t ask me shit like that again.”

She leaned into our conversation, so nobody else could hear. “We said we weren’t going to talk about that.”

“I wasn’t talking about that part. Damn woman, chill!” I stood up from the bar. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“If you’re not, I will call the cops,” She threatened.

My body instinctively turned around. I pointed at her. “Wow, after we…after what happened, you’re going to threaten me? I think you shouldn’t make any more compulsive decisions. You obviously don’t know how to act afterwards. Don’t worry Charlie, I won’t talk about it. I like having the secret that I’ve seen every inch of your naked body.”

Her eyes got real big and I knew I hit a nerve. I just walked out after that. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her shitty attitude.
