Read Books Novel

Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

"I came down to shoot pool and clear my head. It’s just something that I do." He grabbed the bottle right out of my hand and drank from it. "I was looking for this when I tripped over you."

He got comfortable beside me and drank some more. I couldn’t help myself. I had to know. "Did you and Elle have a good time?"

He laughed at my comment, which made me think he had. I wanted to cry. "What do you think?"

I grabbed that damn bottle right back out of his perverted hands. "Ugh, I don’t want to know. If it’s anything like she envisioned, it was epic."

He laughed at me again and grabbed back the bottle. I was shocked when he took my hand into his and pulled me up. "Come shoot a game with me."

I tried to stand still so he couldn’t pull me toward the billiards area. "I don’t want to play with you." Not in the way he thought anyway.

"Come on, Charlie, it’s just one game. One game."

When he handed me a stick I liked to have passed out. I was feeling dizzy and there was no way I could successfully hit my cue ball into the rack of balls without looking ridiculous. "I can’t break."

"Yes you can. Bend over and put your ass into it." Oh God, he just told me to bend over.

He was so sexy, standing there with that bottle that was making me feel so good, but not as good as he made me feel last night. I wanted to feel that way again, but he’d gone and slept with my friend.

I bent over and stuck out my ass as I tried to maneuver how I was supposed to hold the stick. He took another drink of the Jack before laughing and walking over toward me. His hands were gentle as they came up behind me. He took the tip of the stick and placed it in between my fingers, then put both of his hands over mine. I could feel his hard chest against my back and I tried to focus on that little white ball, but all I was really thinking about was the tingling that was starting between my legs.

"Just shoot nice and straight. Don’t worry about knocking them all around." His voice vibrated into my hair and I closed my eyes before taking the last stroke and shoving the stick forward to make contact with the cue ball. The balls scattered around the bottom of the table, but Jammer didn’t move away from me. Even when I stood up straight, he stood there with his body close to mine for a second. When he grabbed the stick out of my hands and started walking around the table, my little moment was over.

I watched him walking around and eyeing up the shots he wanted to take. He was so skilled and could make ridiculous shots from anywhere on the table.

I walked over and picked up the bottle of Jack to take another swig.

He was still stroking his stick, but talked as he focused on his shot. "You keep drinking from that bottle and I will have to carry you up to bed."

"Well, I wouldn’t want you doing that after you already had fun with my friend upstairs." It would probably make him mad, because it was none of my business, but, hey, alcohol makes you tell the truth and when I drank, I did a lot of truth telling.

He made his shot and walked around to take the next one. "Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, she was really doing her best to show you up. It was almost like you told her all about what we did last night. She kept asking if she was better the whole damn time."

My mouth dropped open and I swear I was fighting back the tears. Except, I hadn’t told Elle about me and Jammer, so there was no way she could have known. "I didn’t tell her anything."

He made another shot and walked over until he was face to face with me. "Why didn’t you tell her, Charlie? Was it because of Zach?"

Wait, how did he know about Zach? Did Elle tell him about our benefits arrangement? "It has nothing to do with Zach. Once she laid eyes on you, I knew you’d forget all about last night. Elle’s a pretty girl and she likes to have a good time. She’s right up your alley."

He smiled and leaned against the stick. "What are we playing for, Charlie?"

Was he really not going to talk about him and Elle? Did she even know he was down here hanging out with me? "I’m not wagering anything with you. You know I don’t know how to play."

"For every shot you make, I have to do whatever you want. For every ten balls I make, you have to do one thing for me. I think that’s a pretty fair spot. So, what do you say? You up for the challenge?"

At this point, I didn’t really care. The room was spinning and I was spending time with Jammer, which I was really enjoying. I didn’t want to admit it, since he’d just been with my friend. I should hate him but, for some reason, I just couldn’t. There was something about Jammer that made me want to be his friend, even if that’s all we ever were again. Since he was with Elle, there was no way in hell I would ever have sex with him again. I mean, that’s just nasty to me. I don’t share guys like that.

"Fine, I will play you, but nothing mean or harmful."

He smiled with those perfect white teeth of his. "It’s your shot. Take your time. Bend down and keep your legs spread apart." He got behind me again and aimed up the shot while I held the stick. I loved the way he smelled. "Focus on the ball and the angle it needs to go to make the shot. Stroke your stick until you know you’re comfortable and then make the ball."

He made it sound so easy. I took a couple breaths and tried to focus on the blurry looking ball. I giggled, but calmed myself to take the shot. The ball went into the pocket and I threw my stick in the air to celebrate. "Yes! I made it!"

He leaned his hands on the table. "Congratulations, now what would you like me to do?"

"Is this like truth or dare?"

He shrugged. "I guess it can be."

I leaned over the table to face him. "Truth or dare?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Since I am confidant you will be making more shots, I pick truth."

There was only one question that my drunk ass wanted to know. "Was she better than me?"

He laughed, like he knew what I was going to ask. "Seriously, that’s your question?"

I put my hands on my hips. "I don’t care if you hurt my feelings, but I want to know. Just say it. You picked this game."

"You picked it and the answer is that I really don’t know."

"What kind of answer is that? Was I that forgettable that you couldn’t remember what we did last night? Oh, my God, “I am aren’t I?"

I was embarrassed. Nobody had ever said I was good, but they never said I was bad. What if I was horrible.

He was laughing at me again. "Charlie, I don’t know because I didn’t sleep with Elle. In fact, I didn’t even touch her that way and, if you really want to know, I couldn’t believe that you didn’t just tell her we were together. Do you really think I was the kind of guy to just sleep with your friend under your roof, a day after we were together?"
