Read Books Novel

Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(33)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I shook my head. I was a little confused. "Wait. Did you just say that you didn’t sleep with Elle?"

"It wasn’t for her lack of trying. We got upstairs and she started undressing. I told her I was going to get us some beers and came down here, but as you can see, I had no intentions of going back up there."

"But, she’s so pretty and she likes you."

He took a few steps toward me and pointed to my next shot on the table. "Take your shot, Charlie."

This was kind of like the question game I played with him last night. I bent over and concentrated. This time he didn’t lean over me, but I made the shot anyway. "Truth or dare?"


"Why did you sleep with me?"

He leaned into my hair. "Because I wanted to," he whispered. He brushed his hand across my cheek. "Because I think you are so sexy when you fight with me and play hard to get. So, why did you sleep with me?"

I started to answer, but poked my finger into his chest. "Hey, it’s still my turn. You don’t get to ask questions." I think my heart was pattering so fast after hearing that he hadn’t slept with Elle. This was my chance to actually tell him that I liked him. I didn’t want another day of stepping on eggshells around him. I was drunk enough to take the rejection when it came, but I at least had to clear my conscience. Jammer moved out of the way so I could take my shot. "Shit!" I missed completely.

He grabbed the stick and winked at me as he leaned over and shot one handed. One ball went in, then two, then five all the way until he hit the eight ball in. "That’s eight. Two more and I get to take a turn."

I rolled my eyes and racked the balls up for him to break. Of course, he broke and made three balls. He sat the stick down on the next table and grabbed me by my shirt. I could hardly keep my body from swaying. He was leaning on the table and had pulled me between his legs. "Truth or dare, Charlie?" He traced his fingers around my forearms.

"Dare." I bit down on my lip and waited for him to ask me to do something crazy.

"I dare you to kiss me, like you did last night."

A smile formed across my face even though his was dead serious. "That’s your dare?"

"It’s that or you can take off all of your clothes and get up on that pool table on your knees all bent over for me."

My eyes got really big until he started to laugh and shake his head. "You should see your face right now."

I smacked his chest. "Well, that is what I pictured you asking me."

"So choose then. Do you want to be face down ass up, or give me that little thing that I really enjoy?"

He put his face close to mine and I could feel his breath when he talked. I think he just said he enjoyed kissing me. Was this really happening, or was I drunk and passed out somewhere having the equivalent of a wet dream?

"It’s a hard decision. Both seem equally repulsive," I joked. "I guess I will go for the kiss, because I’m just too drunk to take off my own clothes."

His hand went into my hair and he pulled my face into his. I think my eyes closed even before we made contact. His lips were exactly as I remember them and as soon as I felt his tongue mingling with mine, I lost all sense of self control. My hands went up his shirt, until he pulled it the rest of the way off. Jammer spun me around and sat me up on the table. I pulled away and looked right at him. "Zach isn’t my boyfriend. I don’t even have one."

A half smile formed in the corner of his lip, right before his mouth found mine again.

Chapter 20


I don’t know what it was about Charlie that had me in such frenzy, but I couldn’t get enough of this girl. I’d spent the last twenty four hours trying to figure out how to forget about her and in a few short moments I was back to having these overwhelming feelings like I needed to touch her and do a lot more than that. Maybe it was because she was so broken or that she was such a challenge for me. It didn’t even matter; I wanted Charlie and I was about to have her again.

So, it could have been the alcohol that gave us that extra push, but as I continue to press my lips over Charlie’s, it was exactly what I needed.

I’d lifted her up on the pool table and slowly her legs wrapped around my waist. She’d removed my shirt and having her warm hands touching my skin was making my dick even harder. Charlie’s kisses were desperate and as they intensified, I was no longer wondering if this was going to be another mistake. From my perspective, she wanted this just as much as I did.

My fingers traced the line to the bottom of her shirt, while her magic tongue played with mine.

I pulled away and put my forehead against hers. “This has to come off.” She removed her hands from my back and raised them in the air, to allow me to pull her shirt over her head. Her little pink bra was the only thing standing between me and those supple tits. Charlie leaned back and unhooked the bra herself, while intently looking me right in the eye. I felt like a damn little kid, reaching up and cupping them in my hands, like it was the first time I’d ever touched a tit.

Charlie had the best kind of body. She had curves, but was a small girl. Her tits were huge for her proportion and she had an ass that I just wanted to bend over every time I saw it. I let my hands slide from her tits to her tiny waist. I loved the way her smooth skin felt when my hands brushed over it.

I grabbed one of her legs and pulled it up to sit on my shoulder, as my hands traced from her foot and then all the way up her thigh. Her mouth was open just enough for me to need to kiss it. I left her leg on my shoulder and leaned in until I found her lips. She was so flexible and it let me know just how I wanted to f**k her.

I pulled away from her sweet lips and slid my wet lips over hers one more time before backing away. She was laying back on the pool table and the shorts she had changed into had to go. I needed her naked and I wanted it to happen immediately.

While grabbing both of her legs and moving them to either side of me, I unbuttoned her fancy little shorts and tugged them off of her. She must have removed her shoes behind the bar, since she wasn’t wearing any.

I don’t know why, but since I hadn’t been able to see very well last night, it was different seeing Charlie lit up under the pool table light. I pictured her wearing plain white bikini underwear, but the little yellow lace thong was a big welcomed surprise. She held her arms out hoping for me to kiss her again, but I stayed standing over her, taking in her body like it was a buried treasure. I traced my fingertip around her navel and along her panty line. I could tell she was ticklish from the way she moved as my fingers made contact with certain parts of her skin.
