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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(35)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Okay, are you sure this isn’t the alcohol?”

I kissed her again, this time leaving my lips against hers. “This has nothing to do with a bottle of Jack, Charlie. You’re so different; so f**king awesome. Try this with me. We won’t make promises or have false hopes, we’ll just be ourselves and see what happens.”

She ran her tongue over my bottom lip and then her own lip while she thought. “Stay with me.”

I was so happy; so overwhelmingly pleased that she was going to give me a chance to see what this was between us.

The only problem now was telling her the truth about who I was and finding out why my father was trying to sabotage her life. That in itself was enough betrayal to be the ultimate deal breaker and knowing that was what was keeping me from telling her. As of right now, she thought my name was Jammer Thompson. I needed to keep it that way until I figured out a way to tell her without losing her. For the first time, I was realizing that I might be having feelings for a woman and with that meant that losing the opportunity to explore things with her was more important than telling her the truth and losing the chance.

Chapter 21


Okay, so not only had I slept with Jammer, but this time we didn’t use protection. The responsible Charlie had left the building and was replaced with a careless one.

Aside from that huge mistake, Jammer had admitted to wanting me. When he asked me if I wanted to try to really be with him, I didn’t know what to say. I mean, of course I wanted to try, but Jammer wasn’t exactly a relationship type of guy. Still, I had nothing left to lose, so any time spent with him would make me happy, even if it were only temporary.

After our heated encounter on the pool table, Jammer and I headed upstairs.

We got to the door, before he turned me around and pushed me against it. His lips pressed against the base of my neck. "Charlie."

I bit down on my lip. "Yeah."

"Elle is asleep in my room. Let me sleep with you tonight?"

I liked how he asked me for permission, even when he knew how I would answer. "Yes…"

He grabbed my ass and held it in with his hand. "You’re so f**king sexy. I need you naked."

I opened the door and led him right into my room. Once inside, I started ripping my clothes back off. Jammer was already shirtless and his belt hung loosely in his pants. As I unbuttoned them they fell to the floor. He was already hard again and as soon as it was free, it pressed against my skin. "Let’s get a shower."

He reached for my hand and followed me into my bathroom. While the water was getting warm, he leaned me against the sink and slid his fingers deep inside of my pu**y. I put my ass up on the sink and spread my legs open for him. He leaned into kiss me as he kept forcing his fingers in and out of me. "Don’t you come, Charlie. Not yet!"

I wanted too though. I wanted to scream out his name and let the sensations overwhelm me like before. He removed his fingers and wiped them off on my inner thigh.

I followed him into the hot shower and felt his arms wrapping around me again. The water felt so good beating down over us. I was tired and the alcohol was starting to give me a headache. Jammer grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured some over my head, before using his fingers to work it into my hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed while he did, being that it felt so good. What he was doing was so intimate to me, this wasn’t someone that just wanted to bang, and this was someone who was taking care of me. I’d never had that before and although it was amazing, it also scared the shit out of me. For the longest time, it had been me against the world. Now, there was this guy that had come out of nowhere that I was crazy about. It was just days ago that I wanted to hate him. Without any more thought, I looked up into Jammer’s eyes. “Why are you doing this?”

He started rinsing my hair. “What? Washing your hair?”

I shook my head and wiped the water from my eyes. “No, why are you doing this with me? How am I different from any other girl you’ve been with? I just don’t understand. Where did you even come from?”

He smiled and seemed to be thinking about his answer. “I came back to town to see an old friend who helped me when nobody else would. Let’s just say that I never found my friend, but I found something else even better. I found you, Charlie. I don’t have a damn reason why I want you, I just know I do.” He cupped my face into his hands and pressed his lips softly into mine. “I like you, Charlie. I like when you get mad at me and have little temper tantrums. I like when you try to push me away, even when that isn’t what you really want. I like the way you look when you wake up in the morning, after not getting much sleep. Can’t I just want to know you without having a direct reason? So what if I met you by chance? I don’t give a shit how I met you. Now that we’re here, I want to know everything about you. Forgive me if I seem a little excited about it. I haven’t given two shits about someone other than myself my whole life. I haven’t even been here for a week and I already care what happens to you and that kid.”

I put my fingers over his mouth. “Okay, you can stop now. You’re actually starting to freak me out a little. I mean, I know we are jumping into things and neither of us has any knowledge of what a real relationship is like, but I like you too…a lot actually. I suppose that if you’re going to be here helping me anyway, we may as well see where this goes. You have to admit, we are doing things ass backwards, though.”

He started laughing and kissed my forehead. “Yeah, but it’s working so far.”

I kissed his lips and pulled away, looking at his wet tattooed chest. When I saw all of the Baltimore landmarks on his arm, I knew what question I wanted to know next. “So, how far do your parents live from here?”

He took a deep breath. “I guess like thirty minutes. Why do you want to know that?”

While rubbing soap all over his abs and chest, I looked up at him. “I guess I figured you’d want to visit. How long has it been since you’ve seen them?”

I could tell he did not want to be naked in the shower, talking about his parents. “I’m going to see them soon, Charlie. Now, turn your fine ass around, so I can wash your back.”

Just like that he changed the subject. I didn’t know the story behind his family issues and after the alcohol and the hot sex, it wasn’t the appropriate time to discuss it. Whether it was or wasn’t the biggest risk of my life was yet to be determined. For now, he was the one thing that made me feel alive and I wasn’t going to do anything to make him want to leave.
