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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(36)
Author: Jennifer Foor

For the next twenty or so minutes, we washed our bodies and made out. His kisses made me weak in the knees and almost always lead to sex.

When I got out of the shower, there was only one place I wanted to be. My bed!

I climbed out and handed Jammer a towel, while I wrapped one around myself. I walked out into my bedroom first to a very sad Elle walking in my room. I looked behind me and Jammer hadn’t come out of the bathroom. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain this to her. She’d tried to sleep with him hours ago and now he was naked in my room.

“Charlie, I didn’t know you weren’t dressed. I guess you don’t know where Jammer went.”

I just stood there, with my back to the bathroom door. Thankfully, before I could come up with something to say, she started talking again.

“I don’t get it. I was having fun and we took some shots. I totally thought we were going to hook up. I mean, I took my shirt off and I was clearly in his room. Then all of the sudden he says he was going to get us beers. I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up he was gone and I still had all my clothes below the waist on.”

“I…” Speechless, that’s what I was. Sure, she had a boyfriend at home and a slew of guys at her beck and call. She didn’t need Jammer, but since I’d lied about liking him myself, it wasn’t as easy to be honest.

A deep voice from behind me stopped me from talking. “I think I can explain.”

Elle looked from me then back to Jammer. It didn’t take a genius to know that we’d just showered together. “Oh my God.” She stood up and started walking out of the room.

I ran after her, grabbing her hand just before she reached the door. “I know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong. I should have told you when you got here that we were together, but I was just too scared. I didn’t want anyone to know. Honestly, I thought it was just a one-time thing, but when you and Jammer went upstairs together, I got so jealous and realized it was more.” I stopped there, noticing that what I was saying was making Jammer smile.

“Elle, I didn’t sleep with you because I’d already been with Charlie and in all honesty, I wanted to be with her again. She and I are…well, we’re trying to figure things out. I apologize for leading you on.”

She pointed at me and then Jammer. “So you two are like…a couple?”

I couldn’t help smile. Just hearing someone say that out loud was nice. I turned and glanced at Jammer, who winked back at me. “Yeah, Charlie and I are figuring that out.”

She repeated herself. “You and him?”

Okay, was it that hard to believe that I could get the hot guy? I mean, I wasn’t ugly. I was just attitude challenged. I felt his hands on my shoulders and then his chest pressed against my back. He lips rubbed against my ear. “Get rid of your friend so I can f**k you again, Charlie. My dick is throbbing, just knowing you’re naked underneath that towel.”

He thought his dick was throbbing. My pu**y was on fire just hearing him whispering in my ear. He could have told me that my breath smelled like dog shit and I would have been turned on. The way he got me all hot was unreal. I needed to keep a rag between my legs if I wanted to be in public with this guy.

Elle was still waiting for me to reply and before I turned around and pounced on this guy, I needed her to vacate my room. “Elle, please don’t be mad at me.”

“You little slut,” She joked. “I’m not mad. I am so proud of you. Don’t let me get in the way of your little f**kathon. I’ll see you both in the morning.”

Oh thank God!

She walked out of the room and Jammer smacked me hard on the ass. “Drop the towel.”

I dropped the towel and climbed on all fours on my bed, leaving my ass stuck right up in the air. He followed behind me, quicker than I expected. His hands rubbed up and down both of my ass cheeks. “Is this what you wanted?”

He leaned over and cupped my breast into one of his hands, before pulling away completely. His body sprung off the bed and I turned around to see what was happening. “What?”

“Jesus, Charlie. We almost did it again. We almost started f**king with no protection.” He ran his hands through his still wet hair. “What the f**k is wrong with me. I have never once forgot to wear one and two times tonight it’s slipped my mind.”

I sat down on the edge of the bed and couldn’t help but giggle. “You really never forgot before?”

“No!” He knelt down in front of me, still fully erect. “I swear, I have never not used protection. Obviously, I’ve never been this attracted to someone before.”

I laid back on my bed and laughed more. “We suck at this!”

“It’s a terrible sign when our first night together I’m left with blue balls,” he teased.

I leaned up on my elbow. “They don’t really turn blue,” I teased, while dragging the back of my hand between his legs.

“You’re making it worse.”

I leaned down and kissed his nipple. “I know a way, I can make it better.”

While kissing my way down between his legs, I knew exactly what to do. I was no good at being a girlfriend, but I knew how to please a man. If all I ever did was please Jammer, at least he could walk away and know I was good at something.

“Oh shit, Charlie.” My lips surrounded his hard c**k and slowly slid down his girth.

I didn’t know how long he’d be able to stand my attitude and the fact that I was raising a child. It made me feel sad. I hadn’t pictured being in a relationship. In fact, I’d given up on hoping for one. Then, out of nowhere this guy shows up and here we were, trying to figure out why each of us were so crazy about each other.

Maybe it was finally a reward for the shitty life I was handed. Maybe someone in heaven was looking out for me, feeling sorry for me. Whatever the case, I felt happier than I could ever remember feeling. I loved my little brother. I had great friends, a roof over my head and now a super sexy boyfriend, whom I was in the middle of pleasing.

This was my happy, though possibly temporary, it was still f**king awesome.

Chapter 22


For the next few weeks Charlie and I spent most of our time together. Unfortunately, it made all of my secrets weigh heavy on me. The more I was around her, the more I wanted to make this relationship thing work. Even the kid was growing on me and I saw so much of his dad in him.

The bar was closed on Sundays and Mondays, so after spending all of Sunday hanging out around the apartment, I knew I needed to arrange a meeting with my mother. At the least, I needed to know what my father was up to.
