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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(37)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I rolled over and felt the naked skin of my sexy ass girlfriend. It was still weird saying that word, but it’s exactly what she was to me. Her skin was smooth and warm from being under the covers. Since she was on her back, I found one of her br**sts easily. I tugged down the covers so I could watch myself playing with her little nipple. She moaned in her sleep and tried to adjust, but I kept massaging her breast in my hand until the nipple was rock hard. I could feel the growing urge under the covers as I leaned down and took her nipple into my mouth. I loved the way it felt against my tongue.

I heard Charlie moan again, but this time one of her hands slide into my hair. I looked up at her and saw her opening her eyes.

Sure, she was still tired from staying up late to get a shower with me, but her body was wide awake already. I slid the other hand down between her legs and started rubbing her little clit. Her hips moved with my rhythm and she didn’t have to tell me to keep going, because I already knew where I wanted to be.

I licked Charlie’s nipple again and blew cool air over it.

The more my finger rubbed her nipple, the faster her hips were moving to keep up. Just knowing that her sweet pu**y was down there getting all hot for me was enough for me to slide down under the cover and position myself right between her legs.

I could still smell the body wash from where I had washed every inch of her just hours before.

I licked up her thighs before running my whole hand up and down her pu**y lips. She used one of her legs to kick the covers down so she could watch me.

I loved looking up at her and seeing her face react to the touch of my tongue. My fingers pinched her little lips together and I licked from the bottom to the top. When I reached her clit, I pushed harder, using my tongue to get that extra reaction from her. As I repeated the process, I let my tongue slip in between her folds, getting my first real taste of her sweet sex. My thumb was steady rubbing her little clit, while I continued to kiss every inch of her pu**y.

The more I licked, the more my dick was throbbing to be inside of her. When she finally started to tighten up, I knew she was coming. I crawled up and kissed all over her neck as I teased her entrance with my hard cock. She was still trembling as it brushed over her swelled bud, but I kept doing it to see her reaction. As my dick slid inside for the first time, I stilled myself for a second, because it felt so good, I was already feeling like I could explode. She was so tight and the pressure of entering her was always the most difficult.

For the past month we’d been through so many boxes of condoms, that we started using the pull out method. Yeah, it sucked ass for me, because after feeling what it was like to ride her bareback and fill her, it was the last thing I liked to do. Still, neither of us were in a position to be responsible for yet another child, so I really tried to be careful.

Charlie had started on the pill and we were almost to the point where we were safe from getting pregnant. Our pace matched as I continued to thrust my c**k into her wet pu**y. Charlie dug her nails into my ass, so I pumped her harder. I watched her closing her eyes and smiling. She was all against kissing without brushing her teeth, but I couldn’t come without feeling her tongue touching mine. I leaned down and violated her lips until her warm tongue brushed over mine. The pressure began to build up and just at the right moment I pulled out.

My hot release shot all over her stomach and br**sts. I thought she’d be pissed but she started laughing. “Looks like you’re going to have to wash me off again.”

“I will never complain about that job.” I kissed her one more time before pulling her into the bathroom with me.

Later, while Charlie was out dealing with Ryan, I decided to take the first step in contacting my parents. I’d no sooner dialed my parent’s business line, when I heard Charlie on the phone in the kitchen. She was crying, so I hung up from my call before anyone could answer. I rushed to her side, pulled her into the bedroom and sat down on the bed next to her until she hung up. "What’s the matter?"

She tossed her phone on the bed and looked up at me with tear filled eyes. "Not only have they still not been able to find the John guy, but I just found out that there is a fifty thousand dollar lien that’s been put on the property. It seems that my father failed to pay a loan he took out years ago. Apparently, the loan expired and now the loaning company is wanting the payment in full. I have thirty days to come up with the cash or I might lose everything. What the hell am I going to do Jammer? I don’t have that kind of money. I have no job experience and a little kid to support."

I felt sick knowing that the loan shark was my f**king father. I was going to have to tell Charlie the truth. There was no way around this any longer. "We’ll figure something out. Look, I know the timing is terrible, but I might know someone that can help us. Will you be okay for a couple hours?"

"Jammer, you don’t have to help me. This is my problem, not yours."

I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You must think I’m a real ass**le."

She looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Charlie, I’m not going to want to stop being a part of your life just because things go wrong. These past few weeks have been fanfuckingtastic. Let me help you."

"How are you going to help me? I mean, it isn’t like you have a job besides helping me out. Just face it, I’m going to lose the tavern." She buried her hands into her face again and started back up with her sobs.

I had to fix this. "I don’t expect you to trust me yet, but I need you to give me a few hours, Charlie. I will explain everything when I get back, I promise."

I kissed her head and walked out of the room. I felt like shit for leaving her to cry all alone, but this couldn’t wait any longer. I’d prolonged the inevitable for too long and now the ground was falling apart underneath of us. I’d already run from my father once, I wasn’t going to let him f**k with my life again.

The drive to my parents wasn’t long enough to wrap my mind around what I wanted to say. If my father’s schedule was anything like it was six years ago, he would already be out running doing business stuff. I pulled my car outside the gates of their private driveway and walked up to the voice box. I pressed the glowing button and waited to hear my mother’s voice.


Oh God, I’d missed her so much. "Mom, it’s John, can you open the gate?"

She didn’t say anything, but the gates started to open. I left the car parked where it was and walked down the long stone driveway. My parents’ home was more like a damn compound. They’d built it in the eighties and only added on to it. The front was all done in stone and three pillars supported a large front porch that hung over the whole front of the seven thousand square foot house.
