Read Books Novel

Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(50)
Author: Jennifer Foor

"Why do you always do that? I love your morning hair. It’s all eighties hair band looking. It makes me want to crank up Bon Jovi and play the air guitar."

I cuddled back up into his arms and felt his erection pressing against my ass. "Seriously, I think you remain hard all of the time."

He ran his hands up my sides, giving me goose bumps until he reached my br**sts. "When you’re naked, I’m hard."

"I guess I better start wearing footed pajamas," I teased.

He drug his teeth over the center of my back. "I’d find the zipper, expose your br**sts and then get hard. Stop arguing with me. It makes my dick harder."

I started to giggle and turned my body back around to face him. "Can we just stay in bed all day?"

Jammer ran his hands through my long hair. "A much as I would like that, there is your brother that we have to feed and make sure he doesn’t climb out windows or watch  p**n ."

I buried my head in his chest and lightly slapped him. "Eww that is my little brother you’re talking about."

He started laughing. "Yeah, but he’s got to learn sometime. How do you think I learned?"

I put my hands over my ears so I couldn’t hear him continue to creep me out. I didn’t want to picture a little boy watching dirty movies and touching himself. I mean, I know it was going to be inevitable, but I didn’t want to think about it until my brother was at least a little bit older. "I’m not removing my hands until you promise not to talk about that anymore."

When I felt Jammer grab the covers and pull them over my back, I knew it was because my brother had walked into the bedroom. "Hey, buddy."

He climbed up on the bed and wedged himself between us. Being that neither of us were dressed, I kept the covers pulled tight under my arms. "Charlie, my belly hurts."

I reached up and touched his forehead and he was burning up. Jammer saw my concern and slid a pair of underwear under the covers. I kept Ry’s attention while he pulled them on and climbed out of the bed. He went right into the kitchen and grabbed the thermometer and Tylenol, then came back in and grabbed him so that I could get dressed.

I threw on a pair of Jammer’s sweats and a t-shirt and ran out to be with them.

He had Ryan on the counter with the thermometer in his mouth. When it beeped I pulled it out to see that his temperature was one hundred and four. Panic came over me when I thought about what to do next. "We need to call the doctor!"

Jammer handed me the phone and the magnet off the fridge with the number to my brother’s pediatrician. After freaking out to someone who was obviously just a medical receptionist, we had an appointment with the doctor. Jammer held a rag on my brother’s head while I managed to put some of my own clothes on, not that it mattered because as soon as I went to check on him, he projectile vomited all over the front of me. The smell filled my nostrils and I made a dash for the hall bathroom to vomit myself.

About ten minutes later, I came out of my room changed and found that Jammer had cleaned up the puke on the floor and was sitting on the couch with a bucket in one hand and my brother in his other arm. He looked up at me and started laughing. "Wow, I never saw you run so fast."

"Shut up! I have a weak stomach."

"Maybe you’re pregnant." He threw me a wink.

I was speechless. How could he even joke about something like that? "You aren’t funny!"

He rubbed my brother’s head. "Would you be happy if your sister had a baby?"

He was so lethargic, but nodded his head up and down anyway.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the car keys off the counter. Jammer ran into the bedroom and in the matter of time it took me to get a jacket on my brother, he was changed and had shoes on. "You ready?"

"You’re coming too?"

He grabbed the keys out of my hand and picked up Ryan. "Yeah, why wouldn’t I? Who’s going to help the kid when he starts to puke and you follow suit?"

I smiled and followed behind him. When we walked past the bar I grabbed a plastic bag, just in case he had to puke again.

The doctor visit turned out to make me look like a worry wart. Apparently my brother had a virus that was going around and it included a high grade fever. After his second dose of Tylenol, it was down and he was fine. The doctor ordered us to keep him on a liquid diet until we were sure that he could keep what he ate down.

Jammer offered to take turns with me so that we could open the bar and manage the lunch rush. Since Shaun was running the kitchen, it was easy for just one of us to be downstairs. I think Jammer liked it because every day he would watch the billiards competitions on television while he worked. If he was upstairs, he’d have to watch whatever my brother wanted. As much as Ryan wanted to play pool with Jammer, he didn’t exactly find watching an hour long pool event the same kind of exciting.

Jammer had taken the first round of working the bar and I hadn’t even planned on falling asleep, but was woken up to his kisses. "Charlie, wake up, sexy," he whispered.

I opened my eyes and looked over at the opposite end of the couch where my brother was still asleep.

Once we got into the bedroom he plopped down onto the bed. "It was busy as shit earlier. I think everyone in town came to get drunk on their lunch break."

"Maybe they just heard about the awesome bartender the new owner hired." I climbed on top of his back and kissed his ear.

He kept his face buried in the blankets. "You didn’t hire me. I hired myself."

I rolled my eyes. "How could I forget? I mean, you were the biggest ass**le I’d ever met."

"You act like you weren’t at all a total bitch." He leaned up on his elbow and flicked one of my ni**les.

"Ouch, don’t do that."

"Let’s have sex." He sat up and tugged at my shirt.

I pulled it back down. "Seriously, my brother is in the other room."

He let out a chuckle as he pulled my ass in his direction. "Just bend over."

I laughed as I pulled out of his arms and jumped off the bed. I pointed in his direction. "You need to buy a damn magazine or something."

He rolled over on his back and kept laughing. "Baby, they don’t work after being with you. Nothing compares."

I could feel the burning in my cheeks after he made the comment. I knew I made him horny, but I never thought it was like that. "I don’t know what to say to that."

"You don’t need words." He came up behind me and tugged down my pants. I tried to pull away, but I was giggling too hard.

"At least let me close the door, you freak."
