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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(51)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He held onto my hips and walked me over to the door, with my pants down around my ankles. As soon as I clicked the lock, he stepped on my pants and removed them from my feet. With one of his hands, his pushed me over so that I could touch my feet. I felt his fingers sliding down my ass until he reached my pu**y from behind. I kept my body completely bent over by grabbing the back of my knees. It must have spread my ass more, because I heard him moan as he took a hand and rubbed it all over both of my cheeks. "This is the best f**king ass on the planet."

The blood was rushing to my head, but when I felt him slide inside of me, I forgot all about being uncomfortable. I grabbed the wall as he pushed his length all the way inside of me. In my mind, I pictured it going in and out of me and the sensations were already building up.

"God, I love f**king you. Tell me you like it." He kept up his pace as he waited for me to reply.

I felt his hand reach up my shirt and grab at my breast right before I attempted to answer him. "I love it. I love how you make me feel."

"Oh yeah, baby, I know you do."

Sure, he was cocky, but it’s what made me so hot for him. I loved when he talked dirty and wanted quickies at random times of the day. It made my heart beat fast and my mind fill with satisfaction. This handsome man that was grinding his hard erection deep inside of me was as crazy about me as I was him. He kept going faster until I felt him grab my hips and turn me around against the wall. "I need to look at you."

"Take me to the bed and do whatever you want with me." He picked me up and carried me over to the bed, where he laid me down and climbed over top of me. I felt him penetrating me again and it was at that moment where my release came. It overwhelmed me, sending me into a euphoric moment that I didn’t want to come down from. His kisses covered my neck as he grinded his body into mine. I moved my hips to match his rhythm and when he started going faster, I knew he was about to release. Jammer buried his head into my neck and sucked hard on my skin as he jerked just a few more times before letting his body collapse over mine.

The extra weight of him was shifted off of me as he rolled me over top of him. He kissed the base of my head. "I really love you."

I giggled. "I really love you too."

He placed little kisses on and around my lips. "No, you don’t get it. For the first time in my life, I know what I want. Finding you was the best f**king thing to happen to me. I just want you to be happy too. What if you lose this place, Charlie? Hypothetically, if being without me could save the tavern, what would you choose?"

I wondered if this was some kind of emotional conversation that sometimes happened after intercourse. "Why would you even ask me that?"

"Never mind, it doesn’t even matter."

I wanted to know what he meant, but I looked over at the clock and realized it was after ten at night. "Oh my God, I slept that long?"

He smiled and pulled me closer to him. "We were slow, so I just closed up early. I figured you could use the night off."

"What would I do without you?"

"I guess you’d be sex deprived and overworked." His sarcasm was on overdrive.

"Seriously, you don’t know how much I appreciate you, Jammer. Without you, I would be so lost."

It was true. We were such a great team. If I ever lost him, I don’t know what I would do.

"Why don’t you go back to sleep. I’m going to go watch some television and check on the kid."

He kissed me and headed out into the living room. As funny as he was trying to be, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that there was something bothering him; something that he didn’t want me to know.

Chapter 30


When Charlie never came downstairs to switch with me, I knew she must have been sleeping or dealing with Ryan, so I just worked the rest of the night myself. We weren’t busy anyway, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Granted, my desperate attempt to be with Charlie was out of guilt I was feeling about being able to save her from losing the tavern. At first, I wanted to tell her, but out of my own selfishness I just couldn’t deal with the thought of giving her up. I guess in many circumstances people sacrificed what they loved for their loved one’s happiness every day. Still, every single time I looked at Charlie, I knew it was the only way out of this situation.

As painful as it was, I focused on a plan and knew what I was going to do. I would have to suck up the pain and pretend that it wasn’t bothering me. Every single touch, every single kiss, kept making me fall more in love with her.

Leaving Charlie was going to rip out my heart.

While she slept, I started writing her a note. I tossed the first twenty in the trash bin, before finally taking a few deep breaths and regaining my composure. Just writing down the words goodbye seemed impossible. I contemplated asking her to wait for me until my father kicked the bucket, but it was seemingly obvious that he would probably outlive the both of us for spite.

It was inevitable that my time with Charlie was limited. I wanted to savor every single second, but at the same time, it made it harder to walk away.

With her brother being sick, I had made a few calls and begged Shaun to take on more hours when I left. Telling him was like sealing the deal of my leaving, since he and I didn’t always see eye to eye. I knew he would be dying to spill the secret to Charlie, before I was able to actually leave.

I guess my decision was made the second that I knew I had no other choice. Seeing that billiard commercial gave me the idea. Since I watched billiards on television while I worked, they always listed the upcoming events. I knew when it was held every year, but since I had been living the lifestyle I was living, it was easy to just not acknowledge it. Still, when I heard how much the winner would receive, it changed everything. I knew my father would not settle until Charlie lost everything. No matter how I tried to play it out in my head, she was always the one to suffer. The plan I had concocted in my head would initially be painful, but Charlie would come out with her tavern, and if I won, she would get to have a future with me, if she still wanted it.

Yes, it was painful and nerve wracking, and when I thought about losing her, it would be difficult to see through. I’d meant to do it when I closed up for the night, but I couldn’t say goodbye without touching her and holding her again. For the first time in my adult life, I wanted to cry. In such a short time, Charlie had become everything to me. The actual chances of me winning a billiards competition were so slim, but it was a risk I would have to take.

Since I’d only come with a small amount of things, it was easy to pack up without her noticing. If I left something it would just be a reminder to her, so I really did try to collect all of my belongings.
