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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(70)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I looked up in time to see a large truck driving straight at me. I screamed and swerved back into my lane. The loud, angry honking of the truck filled my ears. I wanted to pull over. I wanted to catch my breath. I couldn’t. From out of nowhere, China landed on the hood of the car. I was paralyzed by the pure hatred in her blazing red eyes. This was evil.

The speeding of the car didn’t seem to affect China’s balance. She stalked forward, her claws digging into the metal of the hood as if it were butter. On impulse I slammed on the brakes, and she went sailing through the air. I didn’t look to see where she landed, but I hit the gas and sped forward, praying she was hurt. I prayed her legs were broken, and she couldn’t catch me. I prayed to be back in my room, safe in Sam’s arms.

It was too late when I saw her. She was low in the grass and charged, throwing her surprisingly lithe and strong body under the car and flipping it into the air. As the car careened off the road and rolled again and again, I had only one thought: I never got to tell Sam I loved him.

Pain is a funny thing. You know that you hurt. You know that your body isn’t working the way it should, but you can’t really feel it, you know? The pain is sometimes so intense that you’re numb. Maybe it’s your body and mind’s way of protecting itself. Maybe it’s your body’s way of dying.

“Hev, I’m here,” a faraway voice reached me. “I’m going to get you out of there.” I knew it was Sam. It was always Sam. My fierce protector. I tried to call out, to warn him about China, but no sound left my lips. I felt warmth and silk brush by me, and I longed to move closer to the sensation. But I was pinned, held prisoner, by what I didn’t know. Then, I was falling forward against the heat I so badly needed.

“I’m so sorry,” Sam whispered.

I reveled in the sound and smell of him. I was safe…there was something I needed to tell him. Something he needed to be warned about…“Sam.” We have to get away! She’s going to come back! Why wouldn’t the words come out?

“I’m here. You were in an accident. I’m going to get help.”

An accident? Panic stole through me. I concentrated hard for the feeling of metal along my wrist. “B-bracelet” I wanted it. I needed it to feel better.

“I’ll get you another.”

“N-no.” Pain filled me, and a cough burned my throat.

“Shhh. I’ll get it. Then we’re getting you to a hospital.”

I was so cold. Wasn’t it spring? Where was the sunshine – the warmth? I was so tired. Maybe I could just go to sleep. I tried to open my eyes, but they were just so heavy.

Then I heard his voice. He wanted me to look at him; his voice was filled with panic and pain. I wanted to take away his pain. It took me a few tries, but I finally opened my eyes. I wanted to see his beautiful whiskey-colored stare one last time.

“Heven, thank God.”

“Sam.” My mouth and throat felt weird.

“Hang on, baby. We’re going to the hospital right now.”

“Too late.”

“No,” he cried, but his voice was hoarse.

“I love you, Sam.” Peace filled me. I could let go with no regrets now.

“I love you,” he groaned.

A last moment of clarity jerked me. Fight! Stay with Sam! But it was no use. I was too weak, and I felt the last bit of my energy drain away.

I died the only way I would ever want to die: in the arms of my beloved.

Chapter Twenty-One


I glanced at the clock for the tenth time in the past ten minutes. My shift tonight felt endless. The gym was practically empty with only two people still here, finishing their workouts. All the cardio classes were over, and there were only a few people left in the pool. Usually, I liked this place. Usually, the sound of weights hitting together and the constant hum of the treadmills was a sound I didn’t mind. Not tonight. Tonight the sounds and people seemed to overwhelm me. My senses, already acute, hummed with every single sound in the place. It was maddening. My skin tingled and itched, and there was a fire in my veins.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.

Heven promised to stay in the house tonight. She promised to be careful. I shouldn’t be worrying about her. But I did. It wasn’t something that I could ever shut off. There was a constant voice in the back of my mind whispering, reminding me to stay alert. I already messed up once when I dropped my guard with Heven when her mother caught us kissing. Heven paid the price for that. Her mother said things to her that cut deep, things that would probably haunt her forever. I didn’t want that for her. I wanted better for her, so I would be better, which meant that I couldn’t drop my guard. I refused to let her pay for my mistakes.

I wished I didn’t have to work. Sometimes I felt like I was trapped here, and that I was going to miss the moment that Heven needed me most. A nagging thought accosted me like it always does when I get like this.

You don’t have to work. You can get the money you need to live without a job.

I shook the thoughts away, just like I always do. Sure, I had the strength, speed and even the perfect disguise to steal. I could probably be in and out of a place with a bag full of cash in mere minutes. But it was wrong. I walked a thin line everyday between sin and faith. The things I’ve done aren’t all good. But they were things that I had to do. And they were things that I felt sorry for. But stealing wasn’t something that I could justify to myself. What was the point of being with Heven if I couldn’t be the man she deserved?

I was behind the front desk when the door off to my right opened, and someone came in. I turned, annoyed because it was so close to closing. I did not expect to see whom I did.

“Riley. What are you doing here?” I said, not being able to keep the shock out of my voice. It was my roommate. The one who held me down while China beat me then stayed behind from a day of searching to make sure I would live.

He looked around the place for a moment before speaking. When he looked back at me he smirked at the Planet Fitness shirt I was wearing.

“I don’t have the patience for you tonight,” I snapped, keeping my voice low. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Riley sauntered over, his dark eyes narrowing on my face. “Watch it pup, I might change my mind and walk out before I say what I came to say.”

“Just tell me.” Even though I kept my face as controlled as I could, my insides were going crazy. Something had to be very wrong for Riley to be in here. Riley didn’t even like me. I don’t think he liked anyone.
