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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(71)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“China is going after your girl tonight.”

My hands flexed on top the counter, gripping the edges until my knuckles turned white. “How do you know?”

“She was ranting and raving earlier. She said she doesn’t have any reason to keep you around anymore. She said she was going to start with the girl then come for you.”

I launched across the counter and grabbed him up by the front of his shirt. “If you’re lying to me right now I will kill you.”

Riley’s eyes narrowed on my face, and I felt the muscles beneath his skin shift – I didn’t care. One on one, I would tear him to shreds. I was so sick to death of everyone underestimating me, treating me like a kid because I was the youngest.

He reached between us, shoved my hand away and then reached up to smooth his shirt. “Believe what you want. I came to tell you and I did. Whatever you do with the information is up to you.”

With that he walked out the door.

Steve, one of the personal trainers came around the corner. “Hey, man.”

The door was swinging shut as I turned. “I have to go.” I said, trying to sound normal.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, concerned. His eyes drifted to the door that Riley just went through.

“That was a friend of mine. My girlfriend has been in an accident.” My heart was pumping, and my hands were beginning to shake. I had to get out of here.

“Oh, shit, man. I’m sorry. Go, I’ll cover for you…”

I didn’t even wait to hear the rest of what he said. I shot out of the door and was in my truck and speeding away towards the farm before I even took a breath. I grabbed my cell and noticed a missed call. I pulled up the voice mail and listened to her soft voice fill my ears.

“Shit!” I yelled and slammed on the brakes. She wasn’t at the farm. She was out driving…alone!

I made a sharp turn in the middle of the road and pressed the gas, thankful that she told me what road she was on. I broke every law possible on my way to find her. I pushed the truck way past its comfort zone, and I swerved around and passed people who were in my way.

I glanced down at the clock and wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Seven minutes. It had been seven minutes since I left work. I prayed that in those seven minutes Heven was not being killed. I prayed that China couldn’t find her. Maybe it would work in Heven’s favor that she wasn’t in her usual place.

When I barreled onto the road that Heven said she was on, I pulled to the side of the road. If China was here, it would be faster to catch her on foot. I would be able to use my senses and hopefully catch her scent to know where she was

I got out of the truck and ran across the street. There were trees along this side of the road, and I went into them, hoping the darkness and the trees would be enough concealment for me. I started running and my body shifted, changing into my other half. Tonight, I was grateful for this form. The speed and agility might come in handy.

I took in a deep breath and caught the scent that was distinctly China. I willed myself to move faster. I could hear the sounds of a speeding car, and I prayed that it was Heven. That she was getting herself to safety.

But then another sound filled my ears.

The hideous sound of grinding metal and crushing glass.

My steps faltered. NO! With a burst of speed I rounded a small turn in the road and looked through the trees. The sight ahead was my worst nightmare. I was too late.

Heven’s car was overturned and the sharp smell of gasoline filled the air. Glass littered the ground and the guard rail was ruined. China saw me racing their way, and she leaped at me, baring her teeth. I didn’t think – only reacted by leaping on her back and sinking my teeth into the soft, vulnerable flesh at the back of her neck.

Then I ripped it right out.

She made a blood-curdling howl and tried to buck me off, but I dug my claws in and held on. I managed to rip out two more chunks of her flesh before she managed to shake me off. I landed on my back and rolled, my jaws snapping out to grab her front leg. I chomped down hard and twisted, sick satisfaction flowing through me when I heard the bones snap and the tendons tear. China fell down, and I used that moment to rip at her ear. It came off, and I spit it right beside her where her head now lolled.

How do you feel now, seeing severed body parts that belong to you.

I was about to lunge again when the heavy smell of gasoline made it past my rage. Heven was inside that car, probably injured, and it could blow up at any moment.

I looked down at China, who was almost unconscious and then turned my back. I would finish her off once Heven was out of the car. When I knew she was safe.

I transformed back into my human form and ran up to the car, lying on my stomach to peer in the window. The car was lying upside down, but she was still inside, unmoving in the driver’s seat. From what I could see, the only reason she was still inside was because the seatbelt did its job and clasped her tightly against the seat. Blood covered the side of her face and her breathing was shallow. The scent of fear filled my nostrils. Anxiety filled my chest. I was scared. More scared than I had ever been before. But I had to keep it together. She needed me.

“Hev, I’m here,” I told her, praying she could hear me. “I’m going to get you out of there.”

The seatbelt made it impossible for me to just pull her out the smashed window, and I couldn’t reach the clasp. It was all too easy to rip the fabric free, and Heven’s body fell forward. I caught her, pulling her awkwardly through the window. I sat amidst the broken glass and gasoline cradling her limp body in my arms.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

She made no response. The injury to her head looked pretty bad. Aware the car was a ticking bomb, I moved farther away from the wreckage. She stirred in my embrace.

“Sssamm.” Her voice was slurred.

“I’m here. You were in an accident. I’m going to get help.”

“B-bracelet,” she whimpered. I could feel her body tense as if she wanted to get up.

I looked down at her wrist, hoping to see what she wanted. It wasn’t there. It must have fallen off during the crash. Damn that stupid clasp.

“I’ll get you another.”

“N-no.” Her body spasmed and she coughed.

“Shhh. I’ll get it, and then we’re getting you to a hospital.”

Cautiously I laid her down on the ground and went to the car. The bracelet was there, caught between some wreckage on the ground. I palmed it and ran back to her side.
