Read Books Novel

Morning, Noon & Night

"Nadine.. One of Kendall’s assistants came in. ‘! I have to talk to you about the bridge collection. I don’t think we have enough designs for Kendall could bear no more. ‘ me. I don’t feel well. I’m going home.’ Her assistant looked at her in amazement. ‘ we’re in the middle of .. ”m sorry …’ And Kendall was gone. When Kendall walked into her apartment, it was empty. Marc was working late. Kendall looked around at all the beautiful things in the room, and thought, They’ll never stop until they take everything. They’re going to bleed me dry.

Marc was right. I should have gone to the police that night. Now I’m a criminal. I’ve got to confess. Now, while I have the courage. She sat there, thinking about what this was going to do to her, to Marc, and to her family. There would be lurid headlines, and a trial, and probably prison. It would be. the end of her career. But I can’t go on like this, Kendall thought. rfl go crazy. Almost in a daze, she got up and walked into Marc’s den. She remembered that he kept his typewriter on a shelf in the closet. She took it down and put it on the desk. She rolled a sheet of paper into the platen and began to type. To Whom It May Concern: My name is Kendall She stopped. The letter E was broken.

Chapter Thirty

"Why? Marc? For God’s sake, why?’ Kendall’s voice was filled with anguish. ‘ was your fault."! I told you. It was an accident! I … "I’m not talking about the accident. I’m talking about you! The big successful wife who was too busy to find time for her husband.’ It was as though he had slapped her. ”s not true. I …" you ever thought about was yourself, Kendall. Everywhere we went, you were always the star. You let me tag along like a pet poodle."’s not fair!’ she said. ”t it? You go off to your fashion shows all over the world so you can get your picture in the papers, and I’m sitting here alone, waiting for you to return. Do you think I liked being "Mr. Kendall?" I wanted a wife. Don’t worry, my darling Kendall. I consoled myself with other women while you were gone.’ Her face was ashen. ‘ were real flesh-and-blood women, who had time for me. Not some damned made-up empty shell.’ "Stop it!’ Kendall cried. ‘ you told me about the accident, I saw a way to become free of you. Do you want to know some- thing, my dear? I enjoyed watching you squirm when you read those letters. It paid me back a little for all the humiliation I’ve gone through."’s enough! Pack your bags and get out of here. I never want to see you again!’ Marc grinned. ”s very little chance of that. By the way, do you still plan to go to the police?" out!" Kendall said. ‘!"’m leaving. I think I’D go back to Paris. And, darling, I won’t tell if you won’t. You’re safe.’ An hour later, he was gone. At nine o’clock in the morning, Kendall put in a call to Steve Sloane. ‘ morning, Mrs. Renaud. What can I do for YOUT ”m returning to Boston this afternoon,’ Kendall said. ‘ have a confession to make." She was seated across from Steve, looking pale and drawn. She sat there frozen, unable to begin. Steve prompted her. ‘ said you had a confession to make.". I … I killed someone.’ She began to cry.

"It was an accident, but … I ran away.’ Her face was a C, of anguish. ‘ ran away . and left her there: T Ake it easy,’ Steve said. ‘ at the beginning., She began to talk. Thirty minutes later, Steve looked out his window, thinking about what he had just heard. ‘ you want to go to the police?’. ‘. It was what I should have done in the first place. I … I don’t care what they ao’ to me anymore.’ Steve said thoughtfully,’Since you’re giving yourself up voluntarily and it was an accident, I think the court will be lenient.’ She was trying to control herself ‘ just want it over with." about your husbandt She looked up. ‘ about him?" is against the law. You have the number of the account in Switzerland where you sent the money he stole from you. All you have to do is press charges and -"!’ Her tone was fierce. ‘ don’t want anything more to do with him. Let him go on with his life. I want to get on with mine.’ Steve nodded. ‘ you say. I’m going to take you down to police headquarters. You. may have to spend the night in jail, but I’ll have you bailed out very quickly.’ Kendall smiled wanly. ‘ I can do something I’ve never done before.’ ”s thatt "Design a dress in stripes.’ That evening, when he got home, Steve told Julia what had happened. Julia was horrified. ‘ own husband was blackmailing her? That’s terrible.’ She studied him for a long moment. ‘ think it’s wonderful that you spend your life helping people in trouble.’ Steve looked at her and thought, rm the one m trouble. Steve Sloane was awakened by the aroma of fresh coffee and the smell of cooking bacon. He sat up in bed, startled. Had the housekeeper come in today? He had told her not to. Steve put on his robe and slippers, and hurried down to the kitchen. Julia was in there, preparing breakfast. She looked up as Steve entered. ‘ morning,’ she said cheerfully. ‘ do you like your eggst ‘ … scrambled.".

Scrambled eggs and bacon are my specialty. As a matter of fact, my one specialty. I told you, I’m a terrible cook.’ Steve smiled. ‘ don’t have to cook. If you wanted to, you could hire a few hundred chefs." I really going to get that much money, Stevet ”s right. Your share of the estate will be over a billion dollars.’ She found it difficult to swallow. ‘ billion. ? I don’t believe id"’s true."

"There’s not that much money in the world, Steve.", your father had most of what there was." … I don’t know what to say." may I say something?, ‘ course." eggs are burning."! Sorry.’ She quickly took them off the stove. ”ll make another batch."’t bother. The burned bacon will be enough., She laughed. ”m sorry." Steve walked over to the cabinet and took out a box of cereal. ‘ about a nice cold breakfast?",’ Julia said. He poured some cereal into a bowl for each of them, took the milk out of the refrigerator, and they sat down at the kitchen table. ”t you have someone to cook for yout Julia asked. ‘ mean, am I involved with anyonet She blushed. ‘ like that.’ . ‘. I was in a relationship for two years, but it didn’t work out."’m sorry." about yout Steve asked. 525 She thought of Henry Wesson. ‘ don’t think so. He looked at her, curious. ‘ aren’t sure?"’s difficult to explain. One of us wants to get married,’ she said tactfully, ‘ one of us doesn’t." see. When this is over, will you be going back to Kansas?’ – ‘ honestly don’t know. It seems so strange, being here. My mother talked to me so often about Boston. She was born here, and loved it. In a way, it’s like coming home. I wish I could have known my father.’ No, you don’t, Steve thought. ‘ you know him?". He dealt only with Simon Fitzgerald.’ They sat there talking for more than an hour, and there was an easy camaraderie between them. Steve filled Julia in on what had hippened earlier – the arrival of the stranger who called herself Julia Stanford, the empty. grave and Dmitri Kaminsky’s disappearance. ”s incredible!’ Julia said. ‘ could be behind thist ‘ don’t know, but I’m trying to find out,’ Steve assured her. ‘ the meantime, you’ll be safe here. Very safe.’ She smiled, and said, ‘ feel safe here. Thank you.’ He started to say something, then stopped.
