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Morning, Noon & Night

He looked at his watch. ”d better get dressed and get down to the office. I have a lot to do.’ Steve was meeting with Fitzgerald. ‘ progress yeff Fitzgerald asked. Steve shook his head. ”s all smoke.

Whoever planned this is a genius. I’m trying to trace Dmitri Kaminsky.

He flew from Corsica to-Paris to Australia. I spoke to the Sydney police. They were stunned to learn that Kaminsky is in their country.

There’s a circular out from Interpol, and they’re looking for him. I think Harry Stanford signed his own death warrant when he called here and said he wanted to change his will. Someone decided to stop him. The only witness to what happened on the yacht that night is Dmitri Kaminsky. When we find him, we’ll know a lot more.’, ‘ wonder if we should bring our police in on thist Fitzgerald suggested. Steve shook his head. ‘ we know is all circumstantial, Simon. The only crime we can prove is that someone dug up a body – and we don’t even know who did that." about the detective they hired, who verified the’woman’s fingerprints?" Timmons. I’ve left three messages for him. If I don’t hear back from him by six o’clock tonight, I’m going to fly to Chicago. I believe he’s deeply involved.’ ‘ do you suppose was meant to happen to the shires of the estate that the impostor was going to gett ‘ hunch is that whoever planned this had her sign her share over to them. The person probably used some dummy trusts to hide it. I’m convinced that we’re looking for a member of the family … I think we can eliminate Kendall as a suspect.’ He told Fitzgerald about the conversation he had had with her. ‘ she were behind this, she wouldn’t have come forth with a confession, not at this time, anyway. She would have waited until the estate was settled and she had the money. As far as her husband is concerned, I think we can eliminate Marc. He’s a small-time blackmailer. He isn’t capable of setting up anything like this." about the otherst – ‘ Stanford. I talked to a friend of mine with the Chicago Bar Association. My friend says everyone thinks very highly of Stanford. In fact, he’s just been appointed chief judge.

Another thing in his favor: Judge Stanford was the one who said that the first Julia who appeared was a fraud, and he was the one who insisted on a DNA test. I doubt he’d do something like this. Woody interests me. I’m pretty sure he’s on drugs, and that’s an expensive habit. I checked on his wife, Peggy. She isn’t smart enough to be behind this scheme. But there’s a rumor she has a brother who’s bad business. I’m going to look into it.’ Steve spoke to his secretary on the intercom. ‘ get me Lieutenant Michael Kennedy of the Boston police., A, few minutes later, she buzzed Steve. ‘ Kennedy is on line one.’ Steve picked up the phone. ‘. Thank you for taking my call. I’m Steve Sloane with Renquist, Renquist, & Fitzgerald. We’re trying to locate a relative in the matter of the Harry Stanford estate.". Sloane, I’d be glad to help if I can.", you please check with the New York City police to see if they have any files on Mrs. Woodrow Stanford’s brother. His name is Hoop Malkovich. He works in a bakery in the Bronx." problem. I’ll get back to you.".’ After lunch, Simon Fitzgerald stopped by Steve’s office. ”s the investigation going?’ he asked. ‘ slow to suit me. Whoever planned this covered his or her tracks pretty thoroughly." is Julia holding upt Steve smiled. ”s wonderful.’ There was something in the tone of his voice that made Simon Fitzgerald take a closer look at him. ”s a very attractive young lady." know,’ Steve said wistfully. ‘ know.’ An hour later, the call came in from Australia. ‘. Sloanet ‘. ‘ Inspector Mcphearson here from Sydney.", Chief Inspector." found your man.’ Steve felt his heart jump. ”s wonderful! I’d like to arrange immediate extradition to bring him …", I don’t think there’s any hurry. Dmitri Kaminsky is dead.’ Steve felt his heart sink.

’91hat?" found his body a little while ago. His fingers had been chopped off, and he had been. shot several times." Russian gangs have a quaint custom. First they chop off your fingers, then they let you bleed, and then they shoot you." see. Thank you, inspector! Dead end Steve sat there, staring at the wall. All his leads were disappearing.

He realized how heavily he had been counting on Dmitri Kaminsky’s testimony. Steve’s secretary interrupted his thoughts. ”s a Mr. Timmons for you on line three.’ Steve looked at his watch. It was 5:55 P.m. He picked up the telephone. ‘. Timmonst ‘ … I’m sorry I couldn’t return your calls earlier. I’ve been out of town for the past two days. What can I do for yout A lot, Steve thought. You can tell me how youfaked thosefingerprints. Steve chose his words carefully. ”m calling about Julia Stanford. When you were in Boston recently, you checked out her fingerprints and .. ‘. Sloane …" ”ve never been in Boston.’ Steve took a deep breath. ‘. Timmons, -according to the register at the Holiday Inn, you were here on .. ‘ has been using my name.’ Steve listened, stunned. It was the final dead end, the last lead. ‘ don’t suppose you have any idea who it is?, ‘, it’s very strange, Mr. Sloane. A woman claimed that I was in Boston and that I could identify her as Julia Stanford. I’d never seen her before in my life.’ Steve felt a surge of hope. ‘ you know who she 1st ‘. Her name is Posner. Margo Posner.’ Steve picked up a pen. ‘ can I reach hert ”s at the Reed Mental Health Facility in Chicago., ‘ a lot. I really appreciate this."’s keep in touch. I’d like to know what’s going on myself. I don’t like people going around impersonating me.".’ Steve replaced the receiver. Margo Posner. When Steve got home that evening, Julia was waiting to greet him. ‘ fixed dinner," she told him. ‘, I didn’t exactly fix it. Do you like Chinese foodt He smiled. ‘ it!". We have eight cartons of it.’ When Steve walked into the dining room, the’table was set with flowers and candles, "Is there any newst Julia asked. Steve said cautiously, ‘ may have gotten our first break. I have the name of a woman who seems to be involved in this. I’m flying to Chicago in the morning to talk with her.
