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“I can’t move,” she said. Her voice shook.

Withdrawing from her body, he picked her up in his arms. He was too exhausted for a shower and dropped them both to the bed.

“Shouldn’t we wash first?” she asked.

“Tomorrow, we can worry about everything else tomorrow.” Murphy settled in beside her, rubbing her stomach as he got comfortable.

The silence stretched between them. “We’ve got to talk properly about what happened,” he said, broaching the subject that was still between them. She tensed in his arms, shutting him out.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” she said, obviously bluffing him.

“We both know that’s not the case. You can’t keep doing this to me, Tate.”

She rolled over, looking him in the eye. “I’ve just f**ked you twice, Murphy. Twice I let you inside my body when I promised myself I’d never let you near me. I’m not doing anything. Just back off with everything else, and don’t spoil tonight.” She turned away, settling down in the bed.

“Fine. I’ll let it drop for tonight, but tomorrow we’re talking about this, whether you like it or not.”

“Fine!” she said, getting the last word in.

Holding her close, Murphy listened to her even breathing and waited for her to fall asleep before he drifted into sleep himself.


Tate opened her eyes and stared at the wall opposite the bed. Murphy’s arm was banded around her waist making it difficult to move. Looking up at the clock she saw it was a little after six. She glanced behind her to see him deep in sleep. Her past experience with him let her know he was so deep in sleep he wouldn’t easily wake.

Wiggling out from under his arm, Tate made her way off the bed, replacing her frame with several pillows for him to hold. Without looking at him, she made her way into the bathroom. She did her business quickly and knew she didn’t have time to shower or anything else.

Her body was sticky from the sauce and cream last time. Pouting, she left the room and grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe being as careful as possible. When he didn’t make a sound she tip-toed out of the hotel room. At the same time she closed her door she heard two more doors closing.

Kelsey and Eva were coming out of two separate rooms. Her friend looked a little dazed while Eva appeared to be in the same condition as Tate. Had her father taken Eva last night?

Eva glanced up at her and then quickly averted her gaze. Well holy crap. All three women headed to the elevator at the same time. None spoke until the doors closed.

“I didn’t do anything with Killer. He sat up most of the night watching  p**n . He barely spoke to me,” Kelsey said, tucking some hair behind her ear.

“I f**ked Murphy,” Tate said, breaking through the small silence that had settled since Kelsey spoke. Eva glanced at her.

“Are you all right?” Eva asked.

“You slept with my father. It’s gross, disgusting, but I know you love him. Does it change things between the two of you?”

The older woman laughed. “Changes things? No, it only highlights to me that I need to move on. Tiny is never going to let me in his life. He’s got the ghost of your mother, no offence. I’m not going to stick around for the aftermath of everything. You’re a grown woman, Tate. It’s time for me to move out and move on.”

They were not the words she’d been hoping to hear.

“Dad’s hard, Eva. You know this. Give him time.”

“Time? Honey, Tiny is nothing like Murphy. I know you’ve got your problems with him, but they’re two different men. I bet your man didn’t tell you sleeping with you was a huge mistake and it was one he won’t be repeating,” Eva said, slamming her hand over her mouth seconds later.

“He said that?” Tate was shocked by her father. She knew he was a hard nut, but she also knew he had feelings for Eva. Her nanny was the only woman Tiny had gotten close to since her mother died, and he was always f**king it up.

“Yes. I’m serious, Tate. I’m done. This weekend has been the best and worst of my life. I’m moving out the moment we get back.”

“You can move in with me,” Tate said. She’d love the company.

“No. I’ve been looking into a place for some time. I don’t need your help to get on my feet.”

The elevator doors opened to reveal her uncle stood waiting.

“Eva,” Alex said.

“Fuck off.” She didn’t give Alex a chance to finish as Eva stormed away. “I’ll give you five minutes, Tate, and then we’re leaving.”

Kelsey followed Eva out of the building.

“Rough night?” Alex asked.

“It has been a rough couple of years.” Tate stared at her uncle wondering what he could want. She wasn’t interested in what he had to say, but seeing as he was her uncle, she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he said.

“Which part? Giving my dad rooms for the night or letting them spoil our weekend? The three of us were going to have a girly weekend, and it turned out a disaster. Tiny has f**ked everything up with Eva, and Kelsey, my one friend, probably won’t be talking to me for a long time.” Tate shook her head. “Look, I guess you’re a great guy because you’re my mother’s brother, but I don’t know you and to be honest, I don’t want to get to know you,” Tate said, meaning it.

“I’ve wanted to get to know you for a long time. The club—”

“Always comes first. I know. I’ve been living the club coming first all my life. There’s nothing new about it. Dad puts the club first. Murphy puts the club first, and as usual I get pushed aside. I know that may sound selfish to you, but living in the shadows of a brotherhood kind of sucks.” Tate brushed past him feeling guilty for hating something that had done good even mixed with all the bad. The Skulls was a brotherhood. They were a family, and Fort Wills was a better place for it. Blinking away the tears, Tate kept walking until Alex caught her arm.

She looked up at him, and then his arms were around her, hugging her.

“I love you, Tate. There’s always a place for you here. I’ll take care of you and look after you. You’ll want for nothing.”

Tate nodded and pulled away. She ran out toward the taxi waiting for them. Eva was sat in the front seat as Kelsey sat in the back.

“Did you change our plane tickets?” Tate asked. She wiped at the tears gathering in her eyes.
