Read Books Novel


“Yes, I did it from his room.”

“What about our clothes?” Kelsey said. “I didn’t even think about the clothes I was leaving behind.”

“Don’t worry about it. The guys will bring them back,” Eva said. “They’re good like that. Keeping everyone at arms’ length but seeming like sweet guys.”

None of them spoke as the driver cleared his throat. Talking club business in front of him wasn’t a good idea. Closing her mouth, Tate went to looking out of her window. Her thoughts were focused on the night she’d spent with Murphy.

She cursed her own foolishness as her pu**y tightened with each memory. One night was never going to be enough with him, and thinking it would was a big mistake on her part.

At the airport, Eva paid the driver, and they climbed out. When they were at the desk, Tate let Eva take charge. She noticed Eva’s hands were shaking, and she recognized the tell-tale signs of the other woman’s distress.

“We’re in different areas of the plane. Tate, you’re with Kelsey.”

“You did that on purpose,” Tate said, glaring at her.

Eva glanced up. “I want to be alone, Tate. This is nothing to do with you.”

“I’m here for you. He’s my father—”

“Exactly, he’s your father. I’m not going to come between you two. Last night I realized that no matter how much you wish and hope, your dreams don’t always come true.” Eva shrugged. “My heart was ripped out, but at least I know where I stand.”

She watched Eva walk away.

“Our plane is scheduled for take-off in thirty minutes,” Kelsey said.

Tate went through the motions of boarding a plane. Her insides were in knots, and she felt guilty every time she looked toward Eva. On the plane, Eva was not in sight. Taking her seat, she took the window seat so Kelsey didn’t have to look out of it.

“Thank you,” Kelsey said.

“No problems. You’ve got a fear of heights, and I’m fine with it.” Tate sat back, closing her eyes, trying to catch her breath.

Once they were in the sky, Tate finally relaxed.

“There’s a lot of history between you and Eva?” Kelsey asked.

“She used to be my nanny. I’m sure you’ve heard all the gossip. I’m twenty-four, and my father decided to get me a nanny five years older than me. It’s ridiculous.” Tate shook her head, feeling the beginnings of a headache.

“Or he’s really smart.”

Glancing over at her new friend, Tate frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well, he picked someone you wouldn’t think he was replacing your mother with or be too strict on you. He chose a woman who was near your age but responsible. I think your father was looking out for you in his choice.” Kelsey took a soda from the woman with the tray of food. Tate asked for some peanuts as well.

“Did I mention he’s been wanting Eva for a long time in his bed? You know, f**king and doing all kinds of nasty,” Tate said.

Kelsey winced. “I’m never going to get used to your language.”

“I’ve grew up with men always talking like that. It’s natural to me, and I don’t do it to be hard on you. It’s who I am.”

“I’m not complaining. My family is a little different. I’ve learned to accept them and their way of dealing with things. They have a cuss jar that you have to pay a fine. Also, they had a naughty step. I know, strange right, but they had one.” Kelsey laughed. “They’re good parents.”

“They sound like it.” Tate didn’t grow up with a cuss jar. Thinking back to her childhood, she remembered the barbeques her mother always organized for the guys. Tate used to be passed around the bikers, and they all treated her like a daughter. Lash and Nash, or Nigel and Edward, were always there as well.

She couldn’t argue with the way her father had brought her up.

“Anyway, maybe you should give your father the benefit of the doubt.”

“Yeah, I’m sure Tiny’s full of the affection and tender loving care.”

“Tiny? Is that your father’s name?” Kelsey asked.

“No,” Tate said, laughing. “His real name is Maximus Johnson.”

Kelsey joined in laughing with her. It was fun to get back to laughing again. It felt like a lifetime ago since she’d just let loose and laughed.

“So, what happened with you and the new guy?” Tate asked, cutting through the laughter as they were gaining attention.

“Nothing. He didn’t talk to me.” Kelsey fidgeted in her seat. “He stared at me a lot. It was weird.”

“Maybe he wanted to get his freak on with you.”

Her friend went bright red. “I doubt that. I’m not exactly biker material.”

Tate scoffed. “Honey, I’m not biker material, and yet I had my legs wrapped around a biker last night.”

“It’s different for you. You grew up with it. I’m not used to such attention. His gaze was dark, and it was like he was undressing me. I know, undressing the fat whale,” Kelsey said.

She glared at her friend. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re a beautiful woman, Kelsey, and never let anyone tell you differently.”

Tate gasped as she was transported back to when she was seventeen. Several of the girls in high school had been picking on her, calling her names and making jokes at her clothes. None of them ever spoke to her when Murphy was around. They still liked to invite her to parties, but they were never nice when they didn’t have to be. He was the one who kept them all quiet. In fact, she’d gotten a lot more invites to parties once she was seen around with him.

Unable to face any more jokes or name calling she’d hidden out at the back of the gym where no one went. She’d been sat with her knees up against her chest when Murphy found her.

He’d sat down beside and listened to everything she had to say. How had she forgotten the way he touched her face and brought her close to him?

“Listen to me, Tate, you’re a beautiful woman. Those girls are jealous because you’re the type of woman a man wants. When you’re older you’re going to meet the right man to settle down with while they’re being passed from man to man. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

She’d completely forgotten about that.

Chapter Seven

“Tate?” Murphy called her name a third time and knew she’d gone. Checking out the wardrobe he saw her clothes were still there along with Eva’s and Cherry’s. “Fuck!” Tiny was going to kill him.
