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Zero whistled, gaining their attention. “You two need to come inside.”

Heading in, Murphy wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

The instant they stepped inside he heard the hysterical woman speaking. Nash was stood in front of a woman with midnight black hair and blue eyes. One side of her face was badly bruised and her lip bleeding.

“T-t-t-they said to c-c-come here. T-t-t-they took her, Edward.”

“Who? Who did they take?” Nash asked.

“Kate. She’s gone. She was on drugs, and they killed her.” Sophia broke down. “My sister, they killed her.”

This was Kate’s sister, the woman Nash was in love with. She was nothing like how Murphy imagined her. Sophie was a full figured woman with large tits, small waist, and flared hips. She was the complete opposite of Kate. What the hell did Nash see in Kate?

Kate? Fuck, the sweet-butt was dead.

Nash wrapped his arms around her. “We’ll figure this out. I promise, Soph, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Kate was on drugs?” Tiny asked.

“What’s going on?” Tate asked, squeezing his arm.

“Nash has a thing for Kate’s sister. I’m guessing that’s the woman who he wants. She doesn’t look very good.”

He watched the other man wrap his arms around Sophia’s shoulders as she slumped toward him.

“I didn’t know she was using. I’d have gotten her off,” Sophia said.

“What about you? You’re the one with her at all times. Was she using?” Tiny turned toward Nash. If the other man knew Kate was using, the shit was going to hit the fan. Tiny didn’t allow the drugs in the family or the club.

“No, I would have reported it immediately.”

“She looks a little like Angel,” Tate said, drawing his attention back to her.

Murphy chuckled.

A large boom rang out, and dust filled the club.


Another bang rang out shaking the foundations of the club. Tate screamed as gunfire rang out.

“Get down.” Murphy pushed her to the floor, covering her head and body with his.

“What’s happening?”

Murphy saw the others doing the same. Tiny was on top of Eva, Lash on Angel. The women were all protected.

“Weapons, get your pieces,” Tiny said, yelling.”

The main wall of the building crumbled as a truck rammed into the wall. “Fuck,” Murphy said, pulling Tate out of the way. Men filled into the room. He didn’t recognize any of them.

Trying to get his woman out of the way, Murphy turned to grab a weapon from the wall. It was all it took as screaming ceased.

“Shut the f**k up,” a man said, yelling. A gun was fired up to the ceiling.

Turning around, Murphy froze. Someone he didn’t recognize had hold of Tate with a knife against her throat. There were no leather cuts or discernible marks.

“Murphy,” she said, squeezing the words out. The fear on her face would stay with him forever.

“So, you’re the one I’ve been looking for,” the man said, staring at him.

Looking around the chaos of the compound, Murphy saw they were all surrounded with men he didn’t recognize at all.

“What do you want?” he asked, settling his piece behind his back.

Staring at Tate, he tried to think, to focus.

“Jeff told me a lot about you. He said you were loyal, and I’ve been watching you for some time.”

“What’s your name?” Glancing to his left he saw Tiny collapsed on the floor, blood pooling around him.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He saw Killer, Time, and Whizz were moving around outside of the truck. The three men were not locked on by the shooters. What the f**k were they doing? Fuck, all The Skulls had a gun pointed at them, and someone he didn’t know wanted to talk to him.

“Call me Sal.”

The name rang a bell. “You’re Jeff’s supplier?” Murphy asked

“That’s right, man. Jeff promised me this town, and now it’s time to collect,” Sal said. “He told me all about The Skulls. You rule this town. Well, now it’s time to get the f**k out of here, and I’m giving you a fresh start.”

Tate’s lips wobbled, and tears fell from her eyes.

“What?” Murphy looked up at him.

“I’m going to let you chose. I’ve watched you, and I like you. Also, I like giving f**kers hard choices. So, here is the time for you to choose.”

His heart raced, staring at Tate.

“Your club or your woman. Pick which one lives.”


Tate sobbed at the ultimatum. This wasn’t fair. She couldn’t let him choose between her or the club.

“No, Murphy, pick the club,” she said.

“Shut it, bitch.” Sal pressed the knife tight against her throat.

Glancing to her left she saw her father in a pool of his own blood. Whimpering, Tate looked at the man she loved. She knew who he was going to choose, but it was the wrong one.

“No, you can’t do this. The club is everything. It’s not just me, Murphy, it’s the whole f**king town.” Tate screamed, trying to get him to realize the truth before him. This man was going to ruin everything The Skulls had built up.

“I promised you, Tate.”

“No, no promise. You pick the club. Not me. I get it. I understand it, but I was too f**king stubborn to tell you.”

She couldn’t believe after all this time she was begging to be second place. Gazing around the room she saw them all and knew they’d be destroyed if he picked her. She saw Lash and Angel, dead before her. Eva and Tiny, a wasted love that never got chance. No, she wouldn’t be responsible for what was going to happen.

Sal tightened his grip on her waist. It was uncomfortable as she stared at Murphy.

“You don’t want to do this,” she said.

“Pick, Murphy,” Sal said. “I’m going to own this town, and your club is going down.”

Staring into his eyes, Tate tried to convince him. “I love you, and I finally get what you did. I understand what you did, and you don’t need to do this. I was too f**king stubborn. Forgive me.” She was sobbing as she begged him.

“Your woman or the club, Murphy, pick.”

“I’m not letting you down again. I pick the future.” The gun Murphy had been holding behind his back was raised. One shot rang out. Tate felt a burning in her shoulder as the bullet went through her shoulder through to the man behind her.
