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“You’re so beautiful,” he said.

There was a knock on the door. Lash stuck his head around the door. Murphy made sure Tate was covered. The other man had grown up with Tate, but he wasn’t letting another man eyeball his woman.

“Tiny’s waiting for you. Leave her here,” Lash said.

Nodding his head, Murphy curled her around his pillow making sure he wouldn’t wake her. This was what he had to do in order to make Tate his woman. Grabbing his clothes, Murphy dressed while watching her sleep. She looked so beautiful, and he’d gladly get his ass kicked in order to be with her.

Kissing the top of her head, Murphy left the room. He passed several of his brothers on the way down. Holding his head high, he saw they were all looking at him with respect. Lash was waiting for him outside the backdoor. There was an open space where the men could let off some steam and shoot some hoops.

“Isn’t this a little dangerous?” Murphy asked.

“Perimeter has been checked. We’ve got some guys on the roof keeping a look out. Tiny doesn’t want to wait. He had a bad night, and you’ve got an ass whopping to answer to,” Lash said.

Looking back, he saw Angel twisting her hands together watching him. “If she wakes up keep her in here.”

Angel jerked her head in response.

Following Lash outside, he heard the door close. Tiny was stood in the middle of the yard. The older man wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Murphy saw the ink holding Tate’s and Patricia’s names.

“You should have known this was coming,” Tiny said.

“I knew, and I’m more than prepared to take what I deserve.” Pulling his cut from his shoulders, Murphy tugged his shirt from his shoulders. Tate’s name was clear to see across his abdomen.

Lash, Nash, Zero, and Killer were stood watching.

“You think you’re good enough for my daughter?” Tiny asked, circling his arms, getting ready for a fight.

“I’m the only person good enough for her, and you know it.” He went to stand a few feet away from him.

“No, you’re a piece of shit, Murphy. You didn’t even stay around and volunteered to get away at the first opportunity. Tate’s worth more than that.” Tiny stepped closer. He looked ready to kill.

Clicking his knuckles, Murphy stepped closer. “Everything I did was for Tate. They were all a danger to her and to her town. She has a right to walk around her town and feel safe.”

Tiny growled.

“You can fight me and I’m more than happy to take a beating, but I’m not going to walk away.”

He saw the first punch. Murphy took the hit that went square to his jaw.

“I love her,” Murphy said.

Another hit to his stomach.

Bending over, Murphy gasped for breath.

The other brothers watching the fight winced at the hit.

“You shouldn’t say shit like that,” Lash said.

“I love her, and I’m going to make her happy.” Murphy blocked the next hit and shoved Tiny back. “Listen to me.”

“No more talking.” Tiny charged him.

Murphy found a weak spot, lashing out and cutting three hits to Tiny’s ribs. The older man didn’t back away but kept coming for more. Blocking a few more hits, Murphy didn’t anticipate his legs being taken out from under him.

Landing on the floor with a thump, Murphy cried out as his whole bode was jolted. There was nothing for Tiny to grab onto. Kicking up, he pushed Tiny away giving him chance to get back to his feet.

“She’s my daughter. You should never have touched her.” Tiny yelled the words across the forecourt.

“I never wanted to love her. I did everything I could to stay away.” Murphy held his hands out toward Tiny. “It was too hard to fight her. She’s beautiful, smart, and tough as nails.”

“I know. She’s my daughter.” Tiny lost his temper charging at him. “No man should touch her.”

“Dad, stop it,” Tate said, yelling across the yard. It was too late, and Murphy went down. He tried to block the hits, but they were coming too fast.

Glancing toward Tate he saw Lash holding her back.

“Get f**king off me.”

“Tiny, get off that boy now!” Eva’s voice cut through the fight. Tiny paused and looked in the direction of where the voice came from.

“Leave him alone.” Tate ran toward him, going to her knees beside him. He wanted to be a man and tell her to back away. The sweet, tender look on her face was too hard to deny.

“Tate, back off,” Tiny said.

“You’ve made your point. He’s not to hurt me, and he’ll answer to you. Murphy gets it, and you need to back away.” Tate knelt beside him, protecting him.

He fell deeper in love with her for trying to protect him.

“He hurt you. I’m not going to let you throw your life away on this piece of scum.” She got to her feet and shoved Tiny away.

“He hurt me once. You’ve been hurting Eva repeatedly. You don’t deserve her. What are you going to do when her father comes to call? What if her father is a hard-nosed bastard just like you?” Tiny went to speak, but Tate held her hand up. “No, you’ve done enough. I don’t need you to defend my honor. I love him, and you’re not going to stand in the way of that.”

Murphy got to his feet putting Tate behind him. “I will never hurt her again.” Fuck, he ached all over. Tiny knew where to put his fists to make it count. Coughing, Murphy faced his leader. “I’ll take every hit, and I’ll do everything you need me to in order to win back your trust. I’m not going away.”

Before Tiny could say anything else, Butch called to them. “Nash, there’s a woman here asking for you.”

“Tell her to f**k off. I’ve got more pressing drama to deal with,” Nash said.

“She called you Edward and said her name was Sophia. Her face is badly bruised, and she’s hysterical.”

No one could stop him as Nash charged toward Butch. Murphy heard the commotion. Chaos ensued as Tiny’s name was called.

“Dad, give him your blessing,” Tate said.

Her father pointed his finger at Murphy’s chest. “You hurt her and I’ll f**king end you.”

Tiny ran toward the club.

“He really hurt you,” Tate said, pressing on his bruised sides.

“No, it was worth it. I’ve got you by my side.” Murphy pulled her against him, holding her close. He ached all over, but he got his woman at the end.
