My Lord Immortality (Page 42)

My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)(42)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

"Perhaps it is irrational," she admitted in sad tones, "but I will not allow William to be harmed.

For his entire life he has been treated as an embarrassment, a mistake that his own family desired to hide away and forget. I am the only one who has ever fought to ensure that he is treated as a person of worth. I will not turn my back upon him now."

Something that might have been pain rippled over his elegant features, but his mouth remained set in a frustrated grimace.

"You are not thinking clearly, my dear."

There was an impatient rustle as Drake shifted closer to Amelia, filling the air with a stench of cold, relentless steel.

"On the contrary, Sebastian," he drawled. "She has at last come to her senses. Now let us be done with this. I will have the Medallion."

Reluctantly turning toward the ghastly intruder, Amelia forced herself to square her shoulders.

A frightening plan was beginning to form in her mind. Unfortunately, she was uncertain that she possessed the nerve to carry it through.

She had always considered herself a bold, courageous woman. A woman who faced life and all of its troubles without flinching. Only now did she truly grasp the realization that it was a simple matter to be bold when confronted with meaningless fears. What did the censure of society, or the disappointment of her parents, or even organizing her own household mean when compared to the thought of what must now be done?

Courage without sacrifice was effortless.

"No," she said firmly.

"What?" Drake snapped.

"Not until I can be with William and make sure that you keep your word that he will be allowed to leave."

An ugly frown twisted the too-perfect features. Just for a moment, she feared that his arrogant temper would overcome his desperation for the Medallion. Then, with an obvious effort, he gave a stiff nod of his head.

"Very well. Come."

Sebastian’s low groan echoed through the air. "Amelia, no. Do not do this."

She slowly moved closer to him, her eyes filled with remorse. "I am sorry, Sebastian."

His gaze anxiously swept over her, almost as if he were aware of her dark scheme.

"You speak of saving William, and yet you expect me to allow you to walk into danger."

"Enough," Drake snapped in annoyance. "I weary of waiting for what is mine. Either you join me, Miss Hadwell, or your brother dies."

"Forgive me." Keeping her gaze locked upon Sebastian, she covertly reached to slip the dagger from his fingers, tucking it into the sleeve of her gown before turning toward the impatient Drake. "I am ready."

Reaching out, the vampire grasped her arm and roughly hauled her against him. He was wise enough, however, to keep a wary gaze trained upon the furious Sebastian.

"Do not think to follow," he warned as he deliberately tightened his grip upon Amelia to a punishing level. "Unless yo’u wish to have this delicate flower crushed beyond recognition."

Visibly trembling, Sebastian clenched his hands at his side, the promise of dire retribution smoldering in his silver eyes.

"Drake, I will destroy you if you harm her."

The vampire merely laughed at the threat. "Soon I will possess the Medallion and you, along with all vampires, will be bowing to me."

Sebastian’s nose flared with loathing. "It will never be."

"Oh, yes. No one can stop me now." With a sharp jerk, Drake sent Amelia stumbling toward the door. "Prepare to bend your knee to me, Sebastian."

Feeling Sebastian’s gaze upon her, Amelia refused to glance backward as she was roughly hustled from the library. She could not afford to witness the disappointment she was certain to see in his eyes. Not now.

William, and perhaps the entire race of vampires, depended upon her to maintain her staunch resolve.

She could not falter.

Her stoic resolve, however, did not prevent the tears from clouding her vision, or the ice-cold fear that was lodged in the pit of her stomach. She had never been so terrified in her entire life.

Nor so heart-wrenchingly sad.

She had just discovered the man of her dreams. Now she would never, ever see him again.

Chapter Thirteen

The drive through London and into the dark countryside was interminable. Perched stiffly on the edge of the carriage seat, Amelia did her best to ignore the vampire who lounged directly opposite her. Not an easy task when his cold eyes remained locked upon her pale face and the smell of him filled the air.

Somehow she had hoped that once she made the decision to go with Drake, a numb acceptance would protect her. Absurdly, however, as the miles rattled past, the thick, pulsing fear only increased.

With every turn of the wheel she was being hauled ever further from Sebastian. She could physically feel the distance growing between them. Soon enough there would be no more than the faintest sense of him. She was forced to accept the knowledge that she was alone and at the mercy of a murderous, unfeeling monster.

In desperation she blocked out all thoughts of Sebastian. She should be considering William, she sternly reminded herself. The poor boy was no doubt hysterical by now. He was in a strange place with ruffians who had forced him from his bed, and who knew what else. He would be calling for her and unable to understand why she was not at his side.

Her heart gave a sharp twinge. If only she could save William, then all would be well. That would give her all the strength she needed.

She kept that thought foremost in her mind as they continued ever onward. And onward. She barely noticed the passing fields or the thickening woods about them. Not even when the carriage at last rolled to a halt.

Indeed, Amelia had barely assimilated the fact that the sickening sway had come to an end when Drake was thrusting her out of the door and up a twisting path.

"Move along," the vampire growled.

Struggling to regain her balance, she hurried forward, her fogged senses briefly discerning a crumbling cottage with a thatched roof. It was just as remote and desolate as Drake had warned; only the faint glow of candlelight that could be seen through one of the broken windows assured her that someone was inside.

Reaching the door, she was briefly halted as the vampire reached out to grasp her arm. Warily, she turned to study his tight features.

"What is it?"

He paused for a long moment before giving an annoyed shake of his head. "Nothing. Let us be done with this."

The bony hand reached out to shove the door open. Amelia did not wait to be pushed forward. Instead, she rushed into the cramped, dust-shrouded room with anxious haste.

It took but a moment to spot her brother huddled in a dark corner. With a soft cry, she moved to kneel beside him.